If you want to contribute to this Library of knowledge please create proper PR (Pull request) with description what you are adding following these set of rules:
If you want to contribute to this Library of knowledge please create proper PR (Pull request) with description what you are adding following these set of rules:
* Clear description of PR
* Clear description of PR (What tool, why, stars, maturity and topic)
* Keep it simple
* Keep it simple
* Fact over feelings or personal opinions
* Fact over feelings or personal opinions
* Add source and follow the Library style
* Add source and follow the Library style
* Avoid duplicits - one tool, one topic
* Try to make bigger updates then on tool link
* Currently Open-source only
* Add only active projects
_Note:_ Currently this is early version of the library. I recommend PR after first official release.
_Note:_ Currently this is early version of the library. I recommend PR after first official release.