package grammar // a golang port of import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "regexp" "sort" "strings" ) var ( SPACE_RULE = `" "?` PRIMITIVE_RULES = map[string]string{ "boolean": `("true" | "false") space`, "number": `[0-9]+ space`, // TODO complete "integer": `[0-9]+ space`, // TODO complete "string": `"\"" [ \t!#-\[\]-~]* "\"" space`, // TODO complete "null": `"null" space`, } INVALID_RULE_CHARS_RE = regexp.MustCompile(`[^a-zA-Z0-9-]+`) GRAMMAR_LITERAL_ESCAPE_RE = regexp.MustCompile(`[\r\n"]`) GRAMMAR_LITERAL_ESCAPES = map[string]string{ "\r": `\r`, "\n": `\n`, `"`: `\"`, } ) type JSONSchemaConverter struct { propOrder map[string]int rules map[string]string } func NewJSONSchemaConverter(propOrder string) *JSONSchemaConverter { propOrderSlice := strings.Split(propOrder, ",") propOrderMap := make(map[string]int) for idx, name := range propOrderSlice { propOrderMap[name] = idx } rules := make(map[string]string) rules["space"] = SPACE_RULE return &JSONSchemaConverter{ propOrder: propOrderMap, rules: rules, } } func (sc *JSONSchemaConverter) formatLiteral(literal interface{}) string { escaped := GRAMMAR_LITERAL_ESCAPE_RE.ReplaceAllStringFunc(jsonString(literal), func(match string) string { return GRAMMAR_LITERAL_ESCAPES[match] }) return fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, escaped) } func (sc *JSONSchemaConverter) addRule(name, rule string) string { escName := INVALID_RULE_CHARS_RE.ReplaceAllString(name, "-") key := escName if existingRule, ok := sc.rules[escName]; ok && existingRule != rule { i := 0 for { key = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", escName, i) if _, ok := sc.rules[key]; !ok { break } i++ } } sc.rules[key] = rule return key } func (sc *JSONSchemaConverter) formatGrammar() string { var lines []string for name, rule := range sc.rules { lines = append(lines, fmt.Sprintf("%s ::= %s", name, rule)) } return strings.Join(lines, "\n") } func (sc *JSONSchemaConverter) visit(schema map[string]interface{}, name string, rootSchema map[string]interface{}) string { st, existType := schema["type"] var schemaType string if existType { schemaType = st.(string) } ruleName := name if name == "" { ruleName = "root" } _, oneOfExists := schema["oneOf"] _, anyOfExists := schema["anyOf"] if oneOfExists || anyOfExists { var alternatives []string oneOfSchemas, oneOfExists := schema["oneOf"].([]interface{}) anyOfSchemas, anyOfExists := schema["anyOf"].([]interface{}) if oneOfExists { for i, altSchema := range oneOfSchemas { alternative := sc.visit(altSchema.(map[string]interface{}), fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", ruleName, i), rootSchema) alternatives = append(alternatives, alternative) } } else if anyOfExists { for i, altSchema := range anyOfSchemas { alternative := sc.visit(altSchema.(map[string]interface{}), fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d", ruleName, i), rootSchema) alternatives = append(alternatives, alternative) } } rule := strings.Join(alternatives, " | ") return sc.addRule(ruleName, rule) } else if ref, exists := schema["$ref"].(string); exists { referencedSchema := sc.resolveReference(ref, rootSchema) return sc.visit(referencedSchema, name, rootSchema) } else if constVal, exists := schema["const"]; exists { return sc.addRule(ruleName, sc.formatLiteral(constVal)) } else if enumVals, exists := schema["enum"].([]interface{}); exists { var enumRules []string for _, enumVal := range enumVals { enumRule := sc.formatLiteral(enumVal) enumRules = append(enumRules, enumRule) } rule := strings.Join(enumRules, " | ") return sc.addRule(ruleName, rule) } else if properties, exists := schema["properties"].(map[string]interface{}); schemaType == "object" && exists { propOrder := sc.propOrder var propPairs []struct { propName string propSchema map[string]interface{} } for propName, propSchema := range properties { propPairs = append(propPairs, struct { propName string propSchema map[string]interface{} }{propName: propName, propSchema: propSchema.(map[string]interface{})}) } sort.Slice(propPairs, func(i, j int) bool { iOrder := propOrder[propPairs[i].propName] jOrder := propOrder[propPairs[j].propName] if iOrder != 0 && jOrder != 0 { return iOrder < jOrder } return propPairs[i].propName < propPairs[j].propName }) var rule strings.Builder rule.WriteString(`"{" space`) for i, propPair := range propPairs { propName := propPair.propName propSchema := propPair.propSchema propRuleName := sc.visit(propSchema, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", ruleName, propName), rootSchema) if i > 0 { rule.WriteString(` "," space`) } rule.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` %s space ":" space %s`, sc.formatLiteral(propName), propRuleName)) } rule.WriteString(` "}" space`) return sc.addRule(ruleName, rule.String()) } else if items, exists := schema["items"].(map[string]interface{}); schemaType == "array" && exists { itemRuleName := sc.visit(items, fmt.Sprintf("%s-item", ruleName), rootSchema) rule := fmt.Sprintf(`"[" space (%s ("," space %s)*)? "]" space`, itemRuleName, itemRuleName) return sc.addRule(ruleName, rule) } else { primitiveRule, exists := PRIMITIVE_RULES[schemaType] if !exists { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Unrecognized schema: %v", schema)) } return sc.addRule(schemaType, primitiveRule) } } func (sc *JSONSchemaConverter) resolveReference(ref string, rootSchema map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} { if !strings.HasPrefix(ref, "#/$defs/") { panic(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid reference format: %s", ref)) } defKey := strings.TrimPrefix(ref, "#/$defs/") definitions, exists := rootSchema["$defs"].(map[string]interface{}) if !exists { fmt.Println(rootSchema) panic("No definitions found in the schema") } def, exists := definitions[defKey].(map[string]interface{}) if !exists { fmt.Println(definitions) panic(fmt.Sprintf("Definition not found: %s", defKey)) } return def } func (sc *JSONSchemaConverter) Grammar(schema map[string]interface{}) string { sc.visit(schema, "", schema) return sc.formatGrammar() } func (sc *JSONSchemaConverter) GrammarFromBytes(b []byte) string { var schema map[string]interface{} _ = json.Unmarshal(b, &schema) return sc.Grammar(schema) } func jsonString(v interface{}) string { b, _ := json.Marshal(v) return string(b) } type FunctionName struct { Const string `json:"const"` } type Properties struct { Function FunctionName `json:"function"` Arguments Argument `json:"arguments"` } type Argument struct { Type string `json:"type"` Properties map[string]interface{} `json:"properties"` } type Item struct { Type string `json:"type"` Properties Properties `json:"properties"` } type JSONFunctionStructure struct { OneOf []Item `json:"oneOf,omitempty"` AnyOf []Item `json:"anyOf,omitempty"` Defs map[string]interface{} `json:"$defs,omitempty"` } func (j JSONFunctionStructure) Grammar(propOrder string) string { dat, _ := json.Marshal(j) return NewJSONSchemaConverter(propOrder).GrammarFromBytes(dat) }