--- name: 'build container images' on: push: branches: - master tags: - '*' jobs: docker: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Release space from worker run: | echo "Listing top largest packages" pkgs=$(dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\t${Status}\n' | awk '$NF == "installed"{print $1 "\t" $2}' | sort -nr) head -n 30 <<< "${pkgs}" echo df -h echo sudo apt-get remove -y '^llvm-.*|^libllvm.*' || true sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove android-sdk-platform-tools || true sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove android-sdk-platform-tools || true sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/android sudo apt-get remove -y '^dotnet-.*|^aspnetcore-.*' || true sudo rm -rf /usr/share/dotnet sudo apt-get remove -y '^mono-.*' || true sudo apt-get remove -y '^ghc-.*' || true sudo apt-get remove -y '.*jdk.*|.*jre.*' || true sudo apt-get remove -y 'php.*' || true sudo apt-get remove -y hhvm powershell firefox monodoc-manual msbuild || true sudo apt-get remove -y '^google-.*' || true sudo apt-get remove -y azure-cli || true sudo apt-get remove -y '^mongo.*-.*|^postgresql-.*|^mysql-.*|^mssql-.*' || true sudo apt-get remove -y '^gfortran-.*' || true sudo apt-get autoremove -y sudo apt-get clean echo echo "Listing top largest packages" pkgs=$(dpkg-query -Wf '${Installed-Size}\t${Package}\t${Status}\n' | awk '$NF == "installed"{print $1 "\t" $2}' | sort -nr) head -n 30 <<< "${pkgs}" echo sudo rm -rfv build || true df -h - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 - name: Prepare id: prep run: | DOCKER_IMAGE=quay.io/go-skynet/llama-cli VERSION=latest SHORTREF=${GITHUB_SHA::8} # If this is git tag, use the tag name as a docker tag if [[ $GITHUB_REF == refs/tags/* ]]; then VERSION=${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/} fi TAGS="${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${VERSION},${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${SHORTREF}" # If the VERSION looks like a version number, assume that # this is the most recent version of the image and also # tag it 'latest'. if [[ $VERSION =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then TAGS="$TAGS,${DOCKER_IMAGE}:latest" fi # Set output parameters. echo ::set-output name=tags::${TAGS} echo ::set-output name=docker_image::${DOCKER_IMAGE} echo ::set-output name=image::${DOCKER_IMAGE}:${VERSION} - name: Set up QEMU uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@master with: platforms: all - name: Set up Docker Buildx id: buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@master - name: Login to DockerHub if: github.event_name != 'pull_request' uses: docker/login-action@v2 with: registry: quay.io username: ${{ secrets.QUAY_USERNAME }} password: ${{ secrets.QUAY_PASSWORD }} - uses: earthly/actions/setup-earthly@v1 - name: Build run: | earthly --push +image-all --IMAGE=${{ steps.prep.outputs.image }}