GOCMD=go GOTEST=$(GOCMD) test GOVET=$(GOCMD) vet BINARY_NAME=local-ai # renovate: datasource=github-tags depName=go-skynet/go-llama.cpp GOLLAMA_VERSION?=llama.cpp-0b2da20 # renovate: datasource=git-refs packageNameTemplate=https://github.com/go-skynet/go-gpt4all-j.cpp currentValueTemplate=master depNameTemplate=go-gpt4all-j.cpp GOGPT4ALLJ_VERSION?=1f7bff57f66cb7062e40d0ac3abd2217815e5109 # renovate: datasource=git-refs packageNameTemplate=https://github.com/go-skynet/go-gpt2.cpp currentValueTemplate=master depNameTemplate=go-gpt2.cpp GOGPT2_VERSION?=245a5bfe6708ab80dc5c733dcdbfbe3cfd2acdaa GREEN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 2) YELLOW := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 3) WHITE := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 7) CYAN := $(shell tput -Txterm setaf 6) RESET := $(shell tput -Txterm sgr0) C_INCLUDE_PATH=$(shell pwd)/go-llama:$(shell pwd)/go-gpt4all-j:$(shell pwd)/go-gpt2 LIBRARY_PATH=$(shell pwd)/go-llama:$(shell pwd)/go-gpt4all-j:$(shell pwd)/go-gpt2 # Use this if you want to set the default behavior ifndef BUILD_TYPE BUILD_TYPE:=default endif ifeq ($(BUILD_TYPE), "generic") GENERIC_PREFIX:=generic- else GENERIC_PREFIX:= endif .PHONY: all test build vendor all: help ## Build: build: prepare ## Build the project $(info ${GREEN}I local-ai build info:${RESET}) $(info ${GREEN}I BUILD_TYPE: ${YELLOW}$(BUILD_TYPE)${RESET}) C_INCLUDE_PATH=${C_INCLUDE_PATH} LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBRARY_PATH} $(GOCMD) build -o $(BINARY_NAME) ./ generic-build: ## Build the project using generic BUILD_TYPE="generic" $(MAKE) build ## GPT4ALL-J go-gpt4all-j: git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/go-skynet/go-gpt4all-j.cpp go-gpt4all-j cd go-gpt4all-j && git checkout -b build $(GOGPT4ALLJ_VERSION) # This is hackish, but needed as both go-llama and go-gpt4allj have their own version of ggml.. @find ./go-gpt4all-j -type f -name "*.c" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/ggml_/ggml_gptj_/g' {} + @find ./go-gpt4all-j -type f -name "*.cpp" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/ggml_/ggml_gptj_/g' {} + @find ./go-gpt4all-j -type f -name "*.h" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/ggml_/ggml_gptj_/g' {} + @find ./go-gpt4all-j -type f -name "*.cpp" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/gpt_/gptj_/g' {} + @find ./go-gpt4all-j -type f -name "*.h" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/gpt_/gptj_/g' {} + @find ./go-gpt4all-j -type f -name "*.cpp" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/json_/json_gptj_/g' {} + @find ./go-gpt4all-j -type f -name "*.cpp" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/void replace/void json_gptj_replace/g' {} + @find ./go-gpt4all-j -type f -name "*.cpp" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/::replace/::json_gptj_replace/g' {} + go-gpt4all-j/libgptj.a: go-gpt4all-j $(MAKE) -C go-gpt4all-j $(GENERIC_PREFIX)libgptj.a # CEREBRAS GPT go-gpt2: git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/go-skynet/go-gpt2.cpp go-gpt2 cd go-gpt2 && git checkout -b build $(GOGPT2_VERSION) # This is hackish, but needed as both go-llama and go-gpt4allj have their own version of ggml.. @find ./go-gpt2 -type f -name "*.c" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/ggml_/ggml_gpt2_/g' {} + @find ./go-gpt2 -type f -name "*.cpp" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/ggml_/ggml_gpt2_/g' {} + @find ./go-gpt2 -type f -name "*.h" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/ggml_/ggml_gpt2_/g' {} + @find ./go-gpt2 -type f -name "*.cpp" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/gpt_/gpt2_/g' {} + @find ./go-gpt2 -type f -name "*.h" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/gpt_/gpt2_/g' {} + @find ./go-gpt2 -type f -name "*.cpp" -exec sed -i'' -e 's/json_/json_gpt2_/g' {} + go-gpt2/libgpt2.a: go-gpt2 $(MAKE) -C go-gpt2 $(GENERIC_PREFIX)libgpt2.a go-llama: git clone -b $(GOLLAMA_VERSION) --recurse-submodules https://github.com/go-skynet/go-llama.cpp go-llama go-llama/libbinding.a: go-llama $(MAKE) -C go-llama $(GENERIC_PREFIX)libbinding.a replace: $(GOCMD) mod edit -replace github.com/go-skynet/go-llama.cpp=$(shell pwd)/go-llama $(GOCMD) mod edit -replace github.com/go-skynet/go-gpt4all-j.cpp=$(shell pwd)/go-gpt4all-j $(GOCMD) mod edit -replace github.com/go-skynet/go-gpt2.cpp=$(shell pwd)/go-gpt2 prepare: go-llama/libbinding.a go-gpt4all-j/libgptj.a go-gpt2/libgpt2.a replace clean: ## Remove build related file rm -fr ./go-llama rm -rf ./go-gpt4all-j rm -rf ./go-gpt2 rm -rf $(BINARY_NAME) ## Run: run: prepare C_INCLUDE_PATH=${C_INCLUDE_PATH} LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBRARY_PATH} $(GOCMD) run ./main.go test-models/testmodel: mkdir test-models wget https://huggingface.co/concedo/cerebras-111M-ggml/resolve/main/cerberas-111m-q4_0.bin -O test-models/testmodel cp tests/fixtures/* test-models test: prepare test-models/testmodel cp tests/fixtures/* test-models @C_INCLUDE_PATH=${C_INCLUDE_PATH} LIBRARY_PATH=${LIBRARY_PATH} CONFIG_FILE=$(abspath ./)/test-models/config.yaml MODELS_PATH=$(abspath ./)/test-models $(GOCMD) test -v -timeout 30m ./... ## Help: help: ## Show this help. @echo '' @echo 'Usage:' @echo ' ${YELLOW}make${RESET} ${GREEN}${RESET}' @echo '' @echo 'Targets:' @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} { \ if (/^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##.*$$/) {printf " ${YELLOW}%-20s${GREEN}%s${RESET}\n", $$1, $$2} \ else if (/^## .*$$/) {printf " ${CYAN}%s${RESET}\n", substr($$1,4)} \ }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)