Generally, installing from source (see section `Source Installation from Git`) leads to a better experience using Certbot and Let's Encrypt, especially if you're using an older OS release.
By default, this role configures a cron job to run under the provided user account at the given hour and minute, every day. The defaults run `certbot renew` (or `certbot-auto renew`) via cron every day at 03:30:00 by the user you use in your Ansible playbook. It's preferred that you set a custom user/hour/minute so the renewal is during a low-traffic period and done by a non-root user account.
**For a complete example**: see the fully functional test playbook in [molecule/default/playbook-standalone-nginx-aws.yml](molecule/default/playbook-standalone-nginx-aws.yml).
The email address used to agree to Let's Encrypt's TOS and subscribe to cert-related notifications. This should be customized and set to an email address that you or your organization regularly monitors.
A list of domains (and other data) for which certs should be generated. You can add an `email` key to any list item to override the `certbot_admin_email`. When using the `webroot` creation method, a `webroot` item has to be provided, specifying which directory to use for the authentication. Make sure your webserver correctly delivers contents from this directory.
The `certbot_create_command` defines the command used to generate the cert.
#### Standalone Certificate Generation
- nginx
Services that should be stopped while `certbot` runs it's own standalone server on ports 80 and 443. If you're running Apache, set this to `apache2` (Ubuntu), or `httpd` (RHEL), or if you have Nginx on port 443 and something else on port 80 (e.g. Varnish, a Java app, or something else), add it to the list so it is stopped when the certificate is generated.
These services will only be stopped the first time a new cert is generated.
Beginning in December 2020, the Certbot maintainers decided to recommend installing Certbot from Snap rather than maintain scripts like `certbot-auto`.
Setting `certbot_install_method: snap` configures this role to install Certbot via Snap.
This install method is currently experimental and may or may not work across all Linux distributions.
Script content for the deploy hook called by certbot after successfully obtaining the certificate
When using the `webroot` creation method, a `webroot` item has to be provided for every `certbot_certs` item, specifying which directory to use for the authentication. Also, make sure your webserver correctly delivers contents from this directory.
You can install Certbot from it's Git source repository if desired with `certbot_install_method: source`. This might be useful in several cases, but especially when older distributions don't have Certbot packages available (e.g. CentOS <7,Ubuntu<16.10andDebian<8).
Certbot Git repository options. If installing from source, the configured `certbot_repo` is cloned, respecting the `certbot_version` setting. If `certbot_keep_updated` is set to `yes`, the repository is updated every time this role runs.
Let's Encrypt supports [generating wildcard certificates](, but the process for generating and using them is slightly more involved. See comments in [this pull request]( for an example of how to use this role to maintain wildcard certs.
Michael Porter also has a walkthrough of [Creating A Let’s Encrypt Wildcard Cert With Ansible](, specifically with Cloudflare.
You can manually create certificates using the `certbot` (or `certbot-auto`) script (use `letsencrypt` on Ubuntu 16.04, or use `/opt/certbot/certbot-auto` if installing from source/Git. Here are some example commands to configure certificates with Certbot:
If you want to fully automate the process of adding a new certificate, but don't want to use this role's built in functionality, you can do so using the command line options to register, accept the terms of service, and then generate a cert using the standalone server:
5. Update your webserver's virtualhost TLS configuration to point at the new certificate (`fullchain.pem`) and private key (`privkey.pem`) Certbot just generated for the domain you passed in the `certbot` command.