Developer Environment with Vagrant, Docker and Ansible
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Developer Environment with Vagrant, Docker and Ansible

What does this provide

Spin up linux development environments quickly that offers the following:

  • run shell commands (installing dependencies as an example)
  • use the docker provisioner if you want to make use of docker containers in your environment
  • use the ansible provisioner if you want to make use of ansible playbooks to prepare your environment
  • remote development on vscode

I have included a example of the shell, docker and ansible provisioner.


Clone the repo and change to the directory:

git clone
cd dev-environment-vagrant

Install vagrant by following their installation documentation, then boot the environment using:

vagrant up

In this example we are using 3 provisioners for demonstration:

  • shell provisioner (runs shell commands on provisioning)
  • docker provisioner (runs a docker container on provisioning)
  • ansible provisioner (runs a ansible playbook on provisioning)

Once the vm is booted, we can get the status:

vagrant status

We can ssh directly to the vm, using:

vagrant ssh

If we want to use VSCode for remote development, you can install the Remote-SSH extension if you don't have it already, then you can view the ssh config of your vm using:

vagrant ssh-config

To make things easier, we can then append the ssh config to your ~/.ssh/config file, then we can ssh to our vm using:

ssh sektor

Or use VSCode for Remote Development, to see the instructions and screenshots, see the VSCode Readme.

When making changes to your provisioner or ansible playbooks, then you can simply run:

vagrant provision

To destroy your environment:

vagrant destroy

Project Structure

The procject structure:

├── Vagrantfile
└── ansible
    ├── inventory
    ├── playbook-no-roles.yml
    ├── playbook.yml
    └── roles
        └── website
            ├── defaults
            │   └── main.yml
            ├── files
            │   └── styles.css
            ├── handlers
            │   └── main.yml
            ├── meta
            │   └── main.yml
            ├── tasks
            │   ├── configuration.yml
            │   ├── main.yml
            │   └── setup-ubuntu.yml
            ├── templates
            │   ├── app.conf.j2
            │   ├── index.html.j2
            │   └── nginx.conf.j2
            ├── tests
            │   ├── inventory
            │   └── test.yml
            └── vars
                └── main.yml

11 directories, 20 files

Example Applications

The deployed docker container can be accessed on:

The deployed website via ansible can be accessed on:


Changing the shell provisioner is done on line 19-22:

  config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
    apt update
    apt install curl git cmake vim -y

Changing the docker provisioner is done on line 24-27:

  config.vm.provision "docker" do |d| "linux-dash", image: "imightbebob/linux-dash:x86",
      args: "-p 8080:8080 -v '/:/rootfs:ro' -v '/sys:/host/sys:ro' -v '/proc:/host/proc:ro' -v '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock' --privileged"

Changing the ansible provisioner is done on line 30-36:

  config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
    ansible.compatibility_mode = "2.0"
    ansible.playbook = "ansible/playbook.yml"
    ansible.inventory_path = "ansible/inventory"
    ansible.become = true

The ansible/playbook.yml references a role, which can be found in ansible/roles/ and the tasks being actioned is within the tasks directory ansible/roles/website/tasks/main.yml.

For a simple playbook without roles, you can reference ansible/playbook-no-roles.yml
