Le framework HUGO utilisé pour créer son CV en 2 minutes https://cv.gregandev.fr
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

230 lines
6.5 KiB

10 months ago
# Page settings
baseurl = "/"
languageCode = ['fr-fr', 'en-us']
title = "Grégory Lebreton"
theme = "hugo-orbit-theme"
# Do not build files for websites. Need them? Set to false
disableRSS = true
disableSitemap = true
disable404 = true
3 years ago
10 months ago
# Meta
description = "Hugo Responsive Resume/CV Theme for Developers"
author = "Pavel Kanyshev"
# Theme styles
# The original template comes with 6 colour schemes. You may choose styles below.
# "styles.css", "styles-2.css", "styles-3.css", "styles-4.css", "styles-5.css", "styles-6.css"
# are available. Also the source LESS files are included so
# it’s quick and easy to change the styling and colour scheme.
styles = "styles.css"
# Sidebar sections
# Profile section
name = "Grégory Lebreton"
tagline = "Ingénieur Devops"
10 months ago
avatar = "profile.png"
# Contact section
enable = true
class = "email"
icon = "fa-envelope"
url = "mailto: yourname@email.com"
title = "greg.lebreton@hotmail.com"
10 months ago
# [[params.contact.list]]
# class = "phone"
# icon = "fa-phone"
# url = "tel:+1234567890"
# title = "+1234567890"
class = "website"
icon = "fa-globe"
url = "//www.gregandev.fr"
title = "www.gregandev.fr"
10 months ago
class = "linkedin"
icon = "fa-linkedin"
url = "//linkedin.com/in/johndoe"
title = "linkedin.com/in/johndoe"
class = "github"
icon = "fa-git"
url = "//git.gregandev.fr/gregandev"
title = "git.gregandev.fr"
# [[params.contact.list]]
# class = "twitter"
# icon = "fa-twitter"
# url = "//twitter.com/username"
# title = "@twittername"
# Education section
enable = true
title = "Diplômes"
degree = "Spécialisation Devops"
college = "GT'm Ingéniérie"
dates = "Jan 2019 - Juil 2019"
10 months ago
degree = "Concepteur développeur informatiques"
college = "AFPA - Paris XII"
dates = "Jan 2017 - Jan 2018"
10 months ago
# Languages section
enable = true
title = "Langues"
language = "Français"
level = "Maternelle"
language = "Anglais"
level = "Courant"
language = "Allemand"
level = "Professionel"
# Interests section
enable = true
title = "Interests"
interest = "Cinema"
10 months ago
interest = "Skateboard"
interest = "Family"
10 months ago
# Main body sections
# You may use markdown in summary, details and intro fields. But don't overdose, it's resume!:)
# Summary section
enable = true
icon = "fa-user"
title = "Profile"
summary = "**Autodidacte** de formation, j'évolue avec les dernières technologies open sources afin de déployer de la manière la plus rapide et optimiée possible"
10 months ago
# Experiences section
enable = true
icon = "fa-briefcase"
title = "Experiences"
position = "Admin Système / Formateur Devops"
dates = "Mar 2021 - Present"
company = "Le Garage Numérique, Paris"
details = "**Describe your role here** ."
10 months ago
position = "Developpeur PHP Fullstack"
dates = "Dec 2017"
company = "Leading Frog, Magny-Le-Hongres"
details = "**Describe your role here** ."
10 months ago
# Projects section
enable = true
icon = "fa-archive"
title = "Projects"
intro = "**You can list your side projects or open source libraries in this section.** Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum et ligula in nunc bibendum fringilla a eu lectus"
title = "Garage AI"
10 months ago
url = "https://github.com/aerohub/hugrid"
tagline = "Grid theme for Hugo. It's a kind of boilerplate to perform anyone or anything quickly. Portfolio, collection, bookmarks, contacts and so on"
title = "HUGO Portfolio CI/CD"
10 months ago
url = "https://github.com/aerohub/hugo-faq-theme"
tagline = "Simple FAQ Theme for Hugo. You may use this theme for building very simple FAQs or note lists."
title = "Quiz Python Django"
10 months ago
url = "https://github.com/aerohub/hugo-identity-theme"
tagline = "Little profile/card-style template for Hugo."
title = "Orbit"
url = "https://github.com/aerohub/hugo-orbit-theme"
tagline = "Hugo Resume/CV Theme for Developers."
# Skills section
enable = true
icon = "fa-rocket"
title = "Skills & Proficiency"
skill = "Docker"
level = "98%"
skill = "Kubernetes"
level = "95%"
skill = "Python & Django"
level = "75%"
skill = "HTML5 & CSS"
level = "80%"
skill = "Ansible"
level = "75%"
skill = "Java"
level = "70%"
# Footer section
# The original template is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
# Please keep the original attribution link when using for your own project.
# If you'd like to use the template without the attribution,
# you can check out other license options via template author's website: themes.3rdwavemedia.com
# As for Hugo port you may rewrite the "Ported for..." line with setting your name below.
copyright = "Grégory Lebreton"
# contentDir = "content/english"
# title = "Portfolio"
languageName = "English"
weight = 1
# contentDir = "content/francais"
# title = "Portfolio"
languageName = "French"
weight = 2