Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
3.3 KiB

CURR_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
[ -d "$CURR_DIR" ] || { echo "FATAL: no current dir (maybe running in zsh?)"; exit 1; }
# shellcheck source=./
source "$CURR_DIR/"
### Step Setup ###
# Redirect all stdout/stderr output to logfile
LOG_FILE="$TEST_OUTPUT_DIR/$( basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" ).log"
exec >${LOG_FILE} 2>&1
export LOG_FILE
# use a kubeconfig file specific to this test
KUBECONFIG="$KUBECONFIG_ROOT/$( basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" ).yaml"
### Step Setup ###
: "${EXTRA_FLAG:=""}"
: "${EXTRA_TITLE:=""}"
if [[ -n "$K3S_IMAGE" ]]; then
EXTRA_FLAG="--image rancher/k3s:$K3S_IMAGE"
highlight "[START] Config With Override $EXTRA_TITLE"
info "Creating cluster $clustername..."
$EXE cluster create "$clustername" --registry-create "newreg.localhost" --config "$CURR_DIR/assets/config_test_simple.yaml" --servers 4 -v /tmp/test:/tmp/test@loadbalancer --env "x=y@agent:1" $EXTRA_FLAG || failed "could not create cluster $clustername $EXTRA_TITLE"
info "Sleeping for 5 seconds to give the cluster enough time to get ready..."
sleep 5
# 1. check initial access to the cluster
info "Checking that we have access to the cluster..."
check_clusters "$clustername" || failed "error checking cluster"
info "Checking that we have 6 nodes online..."
check_multi_node "$clustername" 6 || failed "failed to verify number of nodes"
# 2. check some config settings
## Environment Variables
info "Ensuring that environment variables are present in the node containers as set in the config and overrides"
exec_in_node "k3d-$clustername-server-0" "env" | grep -q "bar=baz" || failed "Expected env var 'bar=baz' is not present in node k3d-$clustername-server-0"
exec_in_node "k3d-$clustername-agent-1" "env" | grep -q "x=y" || failed "Expected env var 'x=y' is not present in node k3d-$clustername-agent-1"
## Container Labels
info "Ensuring that container labels have been set as stated in the config"
docker_assert_container_label "k3d-$clustername-server-0" "foo=bar" || failed "Expected label 'foo=bar' not present on container/node k3d-$clustername-server-0"
## K3s Node Labels
info "Ensuring that k3s node labels have been set as stated in the config"
k3s_assert_node_label "k3d-$clustername-server-0" "foo=bar" || failed "Expected label 'foo=bar' not present on node k3d-$clustername-server-0"
## Registry Node
info "Ensuring, that we DO NOT have a registry node present"
$EXE node list "k3d-$clustername-registry" && failed "Expected k3d-$clustername-registry to NOT be present"
## merged registries.yaml
info "Ensuring, that the registries.yaml file contains both registries"
exec_in_node "k3d-$clustername-server-0" "cat /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml" | grep -qi "" || failed "Expected '' to be in the /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml"
exec_in_node "k3d-$clustername-server-0" "cat /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml" | grep -qi "k3d-$clustername-registry" && failed "Expected 'k3d-$clustername-registry' to NOT be in the /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml"
# Cleanup
info "Deleting cluster $clustername..."
$EXE cluster delete "$clustername" || failed "could not delete the cluster $clustername"
highlight "[DONE] ConfigTest $EXTRA_TITLE"
exit 0