Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker
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4 years ago
# Changelog
3 years ago
## v5.0.0
This release contains a whole lot of new features, breaking changes as well as smaller fixes and improvements.
The changelog shown here is likely not complete but gives a broad overview over the changes.
For more details, please check the v5 milestone (<>) or even the commit history.
The docs have been updated, so you should also find the information you need there.
**Info**: <> is now versioned, so you can checkout different versions of the documentation by using the dropdown menu in the page title bar!
### Breaking Changes
- new syntax for nodefilters
- dropped the usage of square brackets `[]` for indexing, as it caused problems with some shells trying to interpret them
- new syntax: `@identifier[:index][:opt]` (see <>)
- example for a port-mapping: `--port 8080:80@server:0:proxy`
- identifier = `server`, index = `0`, opt = `proxy`
- `opt` is an extra optional argument used for different purposes depending on the flag
- currently, only the `--port` flag has `opt`s, namely `proxy` and `direct` (see other breaking change)
- port-mapping now go via the loadbalancer (serverlb) by default
- the `--port` flag has the `proxy` opt (see new nodefilter syntax above) set by default
- to leverage the old behavior of direct port-mappings, use the `direct` opt on the port flag
- the nodefilter `loadbalancer` will now do the same as `servers:*;agents:*` (proxied via the loadbalancer)
- flag `--registries-create` transformed from bool flag to string flag: let's you define the name and port-binding of the newly created registry, e.g. `--registry-create myregistry.localhost:5001`
3 years ago
### Fixes
- cleaned up and properly sorted the sanitization of existing resources used to create new nodes (#638)
### Features & Enhancements
- new command: `k3d node edit` to edit existing nodes (#615)
- currently only allows `k3d node edit NODE --port-add HOSTPORT:CONTAINERPORT` for the serverlb/loadbalancer to add new ports
- pkg: new `NodeEdit` function
- new (hidden) command: `k3d debug` with some options for debugging k3d resources (#638)
- e.g. `k3d debug loadbalancer get-config` to get the current loadbalancer configuration
- loadbalancer / k3d-proxy (#638)
- updated fork of `confd` to make usage of the file backend including a file watcher for auto-reloads
- this also checks the config before applying it, so the lb doesn't crash on a faulty config
- updating the loadbalancer writes the new config file and also checks if everything's going fine afterwards
- some settings of the loadbalancer can now be configured using `--lb-config-override`, see docs at <>
3 years ago
- helper images can now be set explicitly via environment variables: `K3D_IMAGE_LOADBALANCER` & `K3D_IMAGE_TOOLS` (#638)
- concurrently add new nodes to an existing cluster (remove some dumb code) (#640)
- `--wait` is now the default for `k3d node create`
- normalized flag usage for k3s and runtime (#598, @ejose19)
- rename `k3d cluster create --label` to `k3d cluster create --runtime-label` (as it's labelling the node on runtime level, e.g. docker)
- config option moved to `options.runtime.labels`
- add `k3d cluster create --k3s-node-label` to add Kubernetes node labels via k3s flag (#584, @developer-guy, @ejose, @dentrax)
- new config option `options.k3s.nodeLabels`
- the same for `k3d node create`
- improved config file handling (#605)
- new version `v1alpha3`
- warning when using outdated version
- validation dynamically based on provided config apiVersion
- new default for `k3d config init`
- new command `k3d config migrate INPUT [OUTPUT]` to migrate config files between versions
- currently supported migration `v1alpha2` -> `v1alpha3`
- pkg: new `Config` interface type to support new generic `FromViper` config file parsing
- changed flags `--k3s-server-arg` & `--k3s-agent-arg` into `--k3s-arg` with nodefilter support (#605)
- new config path `options.k3s.extraArgs`
- config file: environment variables (`$VAR`, `${VAR}` will be expanded unconditionally) (#643)
- docker context support (#601, @developer-guy & #674)
- New attempt in fixing DNS when using custom nameservers, e.g. on a company VPN: currently experimental, enable using the environment variable `K3D_FIX_DNS=1`
3 years ago
### Misc
- tests/e2e: timeouts everywhere to avoid killing DroneCI (#638)
- logs: really final output when creating/deleting nodes (so far, we were not outputting a final success message and the process was still doing stuff) (#640)
- tests/e2e: add tests for v1alpha2 to v1alpha3 migration
- docs: use v1alpha3 config version
- docs: update general appearance and cleanup
3 years ago
## v4.4.8
## Enhancements
- Improved DroneCI Pipeline for Multiarch Images and SemVer Tags (#712)
- **Important**: New images will not have the `v` prefix in the tag anymore!
- but now real releases will use the "hierarchical" SemVer tags, so you could e.g. subscribe to rancher/k3d-proxy:4 to get v4.x.x images for the proxy container
## Fixes
- clusterCreate: do not override hostIP if hostPort is missing (#693, @lukaszo)
- imageImport: import all listed images, not only the first one (#701, @mszostok)
- clusterCreate: when memory constraints are set, only pull the image used for checking the edac folder, if it's not present on the machine
- fix: update k3d-tools dependencies and use API Version Negotiation, so it still works with older versions of the Docker Engine (#679)
### Misc
- install script: add darwin/arm64 support (#676, @colelawrence)
- docs: fix go install command (#677, @Rots)
- docs: add project overview (<>) (#680)
## v4.4.7
### Features / Enhancements
- new flag: `k3d image import --keep-tools` to not delete the tools node container after importing the image(s) (#672)
- improve image name handling when importing images (#653, @cimnine)
- normalize image names internally, e.g. strip prefixes that docker adds, but that break the process
- see <> for more info
### Fixes
- Use default gateway, when bridge network doesn't have it (#666, @kuritka)
- Start an existing, but not running tools node to re-use it when importing an image (#672)
### Misc
- deps: switching back to upstream viper including the StringArray fix
- docs: reference to "nolar/setup-k3d-k3s" step for GitHub Actions (#668, @nolar)
- docs: updated and simplified CUDA guide (#662, @vainkop) (#669)
## v4.4.6
### Fixes
- fix an issue where the cluster creation would stall waiting for the `starting worker processes` log message from the loadbalancer/serverlb
- this was likely caused by a rounding issue when asking docker to get the container logs starting at a specific timestamp
- we now drop subsecond precision for this to avoid the rounding issue, which was confirmed to work
- see issues #592 & #621
### Misc
- to debug the issue mentioned above, we introduced a new environment variable `K3D_LOG_NODE_WAIT_LOGS`, which can be set to a list of node roles (e.g. `K3D_LOG_NODE_WAIT_LOGS=loadbalancer,agent`) to output the container logs that k3d inspects
3 years ago
## v4.4.5
### Fixes
- overall: use the getDockerClient helper function everywhere to e.g. support docker via ssh everywhere
- nodeCreate: do not copy meminfo/edac volume mounts from existing nodes, to avoid conflicts with generated mounts
- kubeconfig: fix file handling on windows (#626 + #628, @dragonflylee)
### Misc
- docs: add [FAQ entry]( on nf_conntrack_max: permission denied issue from kube-proxy (#607)
- docs: cleanup, fix formatting, etc.
- license: update to include 2021 in time range
- docs: link to AutoK3s (#614, @JacieChao)
- tests/e2e: update the list of tested k3s versions
## v4.4.4
### Enhancements
- nodes created via `k3d node create` now inherit the registry config from existing nodes (if there is any) (#597)
- the cgroupv2 hotfix (custom entrypoint script) is now enabled by default (#603)
- disable by setting the environment variable `K3D_FIX_CGROUPV2=false`
### Fixes
- fix using networks without IPAM config (e.g. `host`)
### Misc
- docs: edit links on now point to the correct branch (`main`)
- docs: new FAQ entry on spurious PID entries when using shared mounts (#609, @leelavg)
## v4.4.3
### Highlights
- cgroupv2 support: to properly work on cgroupv2 systems, k3s has to move all the processes from the root cgroup to a new /init cgroup and enable subtree_control
- this is going to be included in the k3s agent code directly (<>)
- for now we're overriding the container entrypoint with a script that does this (#579, compare <>)
- thanks a lot for all the input and support @AkihiroSuda
- **Usage**: set the environment variable `K3D_FIX_CGROUPV2` to a `true` value before/when creating a cluster with k3d
- e.g. `export K3D_FIX_CGROUPV2=1`
### Fixes
- fix: docker volume not mountable due to validation failure
- was not able to mount named volume on windows as we're checking for `:` meant for drive-letters and k3d separators
### Misc
- fix create command's flags typo (#568, @Jason-ZW)
## v4.4.2
### Fixes
- k3d-proxy: rename udp upstreams to avoid collisions/duplicates (#564)
### Features
- add *hidden* command `k3d runtime-info` used for debugging (#553)
- this comes with some additions on package/runtime level
- add *experimental* `--subnet` flag to get some k3d IPAM to ensure that server nodes keep static IPs across restarts (#560)
### Misc
- docs: fix typo (#556, @gcalmettes)
- docs: fix typo (#561, @alechartung)
- ci/drone: pre-release on `-dev.X` tags
- ci/drone: always build no matter the branch name (just not release)
- docs: add automatic command tree generation via cobra (#562)
- makefile: use `go env gopath` as install target for tools (as per #445)
- JSONSchema: add some examples and defaults (now also available via <> in your IDE)
## v4.4.1
### Fixes
- use viper fork that contains a fix to make cobra's `StringArray` flags work properly
- this fixes the issue, that flag values containing commas got split (because we had to use `StringSlice` type flags)
- this is to be changed back to upstream viper as soon as <> (or a similar fix) got merged
4 years ago
## v4.4.0
### Features / Enhancements
- Support for Memory Limits using e.g. `--servers-memory 1g` or `--agents-memory 1.5g` (#494, @konradmalik)
- enabled by providing fake `meminfo` files
### Fixes
- fix absolute paths in volume mounts on Windows (#510, @markrexwinkel)
### Documentation
- clarify registry names in docs and help text
- add usage section about config file (#534)
- add FAQ entry on certificate error when running behind corporate proxy
- add MacPorts install instructions (#539, @herbygillot)
- Heal Shruggie: Replace amputated arm (#540, @claycooper)
4 years ago
## v4.3.0
### Features / Enhancements
- Use Go 1.16
- update dependencies, including kubernetes, docker, containerd and more
- add `darwin/arm64` (Apple Silicon, M1) build target (#530)
- use the new `//go:embed` feature to directly embed the jsonschema in the binary (#529)
- Add a status column to `k3d registry list` output (#496, @ebr)
- Allow non-prefixed (i.e. without `k3d-` prefix) user input when fetching resources (e.g. `k3d node get mycluster-server-0` would return successfully)
### Fixes
- Allow absolute paths for volumes on Windows (#510, @markrexwinkel)
- fix nil-pointer exception in case of non-existent IPAM network config
- Properly handle combinations of host/hostIP in kubeAPI settings reflected in the kubeconfig (#500, @fabricev)
### Misc
- docs: fix typo in stop command help text (#513, @searsaw)
- ci/ghaction: AUR (pre-)release now on Ubuntu 20.04 and latest archlinux image
- REMOVE incomplete and unused `containerd` runtime from codebase, as it was causing issues to build for windows and hasn't made any progress in quite some time now
4 years ago
## v4.2.0
### Features / Enhancements
- add processing step for cluster config, to configure it e.g. for hostnetwork mode (#477, @konradmalik)
- allow proxying UDP ports via the load balancer (#488, @k0da)
### Fixes
- fix usage of `DOCKER_HOST` env var for Kubeconfig server ref (trim port)
- fix error when trying to attach the same node (e.g. registry) to the same network twice (#486, @kuritka)
- fix Kube-API settings in configg file got overwritten (#490, @dtomasi)
### Misc
- add `k3d.version` label to created resources
- add Pull-Request template
- docs: add hint on minimal requirements for multi-server clusters (#481, @Filius-Patris)
## v4.1.1
### Fixes
- fix: `--k3s-server-arg` and `--k3s-agent-arg` didn't work (Viper StringArray incompatibility) (#482)
## v4.1.0
4 years ago
### Highlights
4 years ago
#### :scroll: Configuration Enhancements
4 years ago
- :snake: use [viper]( for configuration management
- takes over the job of properly fetching and merging config options from
- CLI arguments/flags
- environment variables
- config file
- this also fixes some issues with using the config file (like cobra defaults overriding config file values)
4 years ago
- :heavy_check_mark: add JSON-Schema validation for the `Simple` config file schema
- :new: config version `` (some naming changes)
- `exposeAPI` -> `kubeAPI`
- `options.k3d.noRollback` -> `options.k3d.disableRollback`
- `options.k3d.prepDisableHostIPInjection` -> `options.k3d.disableHostIPInjection`
4 years ago
#### :computer: Docker over SSH
- Support Docker over SSH (#324, @ekristen & @inercia)
### Features & Enhancements
4 years ago
- add root flag `--timestamps` to enable timestamped logs
- improved multi-server cluster support (#467)
- log a warning, if one tries to create a cluster with only 2 nodes (no majority possible, no fault tolerance)
- revamped cluster start procedure: init-node, sorted servers, agents, helpers
- different log messages per role and start-place (that we wait for to consider a node to be ready)
- module: `NodeStartOpts` now accept a `ReadyLogMessage` and `NodeState` now takes a `Started` timestamp string
4 years ago
### Fixes
- do not ignore `--no-hostip` flag and don't inject hostip if `--network=host` (#471, @konradmalik)
- fix: `--no-lb` ignored
- fix: print error cause when serverlb fails to start
4 years ago
### Misc
- tests/e2e: add config override test
4 years ago
- tests/e2e: add multi server start-stop cycle test
- tests/e2e: improved logs with stage and test details.
- builds&tests: use Docker 20.10 and BuildKit everywhere
4 years ago
- :memo: docs: add <> (GitHub Action) as a related project (#476, @kuritka)
4 years ago
### Tested with
- E2E Tests ran with k3s versions
- v1.17.17-k3s1 (see Known Issues below)
- v1.18.15-k3s1 (see Known Issues below)
- v1.19.7-k3s1
- v1.20.2-k3s1
### Known Issues
- automatic multi-server cluster restarts tend to fail with k3s versions v1.17.x & v1.18.x and probably earlier versions (using dqlite)
4 years ago
- Using Viper brings us lots of nice features, but also one problem:
- We had to switch StringArray flags to StringSlice flags, which
- allow to use multiple flag values comma-separated in a single flag, but also
- split flag values that contain a comma into separate parts (and we cannot handle issues that arise due to this)
- so if you rely on commas in your flag values (e.g. for `--env X=a,b,c`), please consider filing an issue or supporting <> and <>
- `--env X=a,b,c` would be treated the same as `--env X=a`, `--env b`, `--env c`
4 years ago
## v4.0.0
### Breaking Changes
#### Module
**If you're using k3d as a Go module, please have a look into the code to see all the changes!**
- We're open for chats via Slack or GitHub discussions
- Module is now on `` due to lots of breaking changes
- `pkg/cluster` is now `pkg/client`
- `ClusterCreate` and `NodeCreate` don't start the entities (containers) anymore
- `ClusterRun` and `NodeRun` orchestrate the new Create and Start functionality
- `NodeDelete`/`ClusterDelete` now take an additional `NodeDeleteOpts`/`ClusterDeleteOpts` struct to toggle specific steps
- NodeSpec now features a list of networks (required for registries)
4 years ago
- New config flow: CLIConfig (SimpleConfig) -> ClusterConfig -> Cluster + Opts
#### CLI
- Some flags changed to also use `noun-action` syntax
- e.g. `--switch-context --update-default-kubeconfig` -> `--kubeconfig-switch-context --kubeconfig-update-default`
- this eases grouping and visibility
### Changes
#### Features
- **Registry Support**
4 years ago
- k3d-managed registry like we had it in k3d v1.x
- Option 1: default settings, paired with cluster creation
- `k3d cluster create --registry-create` -> New registry for that cluster
- `k3d cluster create --registry-use` -> Re-use existing registry
- Option 2: customized, managed stand-alone
- `k3d registry [create/start/stop/delete]`
- Check the documentation, help text and tutorials for more details
- Communicate managed registry using the LocalRegistryHostingV1 spec from [KEP-1755](
- interesting especially for tools that reload images, like Tilt or Skaffold
4 years ago
- **Config File Support**
4 years ago
- Put all your CLI-Arguments/Flags into a more readable config file and re-use it everywhere (keep it in your repo)
- Note: this is not always a 1:1 matching in naming/syntax/semantics
- `k3d cluster create --config myconfig.yaml`
kind: Simple
name: mycluster
servers: 3
agents: 2
- port: 8080:80
- loadbalancer
- Check out our test cases in [pkg/config/test_assets/](./pkg/config/test_assets/) for more config file examples
- **Note**: The config file format (& feature) might still be a little rough around the edges and it's prone to change quickly until we hit a stable release of the config
4 years ago
- [WIP] Support for Lifecycle Hooks
- Run any executable at specific stages during the cluster and node lifecycles
- e.g. we modify the `registries.yaml` in the `preStart` stage of nodes
- Guides will follow
- Print container creation time (#431, @inercia)
- add output formats for `cluster ls` and `node ls` (#439, @inercia)
#### Fixes
- import image: avoid nil pointer exception in specific cases
- cluster delete: properly handle node and network (#437)
- --port: fix bnil-pointer exception when exposing port on non-existent loadbalancer
- completion/zsh: source completion file
4 years ago
#### Misc
- Now building with Go 1.15
- same for the k3d-tools code
- updated dependencies (including Docker v20.10)
- tests/e2e: add `E2E_INCLUDE` and rename `E2E_SKIP` to `E2E_EXCLUDE`
- tests/e2e: allow overriding the Helper Image Tag via `E2E_HELPER_IMAGE_TAG`
- docs: spell checking (#434, @jsoref)
- docs: add Chocolatey install option (#443, @erwinkersten)