Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package mg
import (
// Fn represents a function that can be run with mg.Deps. Package, Name, and ID must combine to
// uniquely identify a function, while ensuring the "same" function has identical values. These are
// used as a map key to find and run (or not run) the function.
type Fn interface {
// Name should return the fully qualified name of the function. Usually
// it's best to use runtime.FuncForPC(reflect.ValueOf(f).Pointer()).Name().
Name() string
// ID should be an additional uniqueness qualifier in case the name is insufficiently unique.
// This can be the case for functions that take arguments (mg.F json-encodes an array of the
// args).
ID() string
// Run should run the function.
Run(ctx context.Context) error
// F takes a function that is compatible as a mage target, and any args that need to be passed to
// it, and wraps it in an mg.Fn that mg.Deps can run. Args must be passed in the same order as they
// are declared by the function. Note that you do not need to and should not pass a context.Context
// to F, even if the target takes a context. Compatible args are int, bool, string, and
// time.Duration.
func F(target interface{}, args ...interface{}) Fn {
hasContext, isNamespace, err := checkF(target, args)
if err != nil {
id, err := json.Marshal(args)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("can't convert args into a mage-compatible id for mg.Deps: %s", err))
return fn{
name: funcName(target),
id: string(id),
f: func(ctx context.Context) error {
v := reflect.ValueOf(target)
count := len(args)
if hasContext {
if isNamespace {
vargs := make([]reflect.Value, count)
x := 0
if isNamespace {
vargs[0] = reflect.ValueOf(struct{}{})
if hasContext {
vargs[x] = reflect.ValueOf(ctx)
for y := range args {
vargs[x+y] = reflect.ValueOf(args[y])
ret := v.Call(vargs)
if len(ret) > 0 {
// we only allow functions with a single error return, so this should be safe.
if ret[0].IsNil() {
return nil
return ret[0].Interface().(error)
return nil
type fn struct {
name string
id string
f func(ctx context.Context) error
// Name returns the fully qualified name of the function.
func (f fn) Name() string {
// ID returns a hash of the argument values passed in
func (f fn) ID() string {
// Run runs the function.
func (f fn) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
return f.f(ctx)
func checkF(target interface{}, args []interface{}) (hasContext, isNamespace bool, _ error) {
t := reflect.TypeOf(target)
if t == nil || t.Kind() != reflect.Func {
return false, false, fmt.Errorf("non-function passed to mg.F: %T. The mg.F function accepts function names, such as mg.F(TargetA, \"arg1\", \"arg2\")", target)
if t.NumOut() > 1 {
return false, false, fmt.Errorf("target has too many return values, must be zero or just an error: %T", target)
if t.NumOut() == 1 && t.Out(0) != errType {
return false, false, fmt.Errorf("target's return value is not an error")
// more inputs than slots is an error if not variadic
if len(args) > t.NumIn() && !t.IsVariadic() {
return false, false, fmt.Errorf("too many arguments for target, got %d for %T", len(args), target)
if t.NumIn() == 0 {
return false, false, nil
x := 0
inputs := t.NumIn()
if t.In(0).AssignableTo(emptyType) {
// nameSpace func
isNamespace = true
// callers must leave off the namespace value
if t.NumIn() > x && t.In(x) == ctxType {
// callers must leave off the context
// let the upper function know it should pass us a context.
hasContext = true
// skip checking the first argument in the below loop if it's a context, since first arg is
// special.
if t.IsVariadic() {
if len(args) < inputs-1 {
return false, false, fmt.Errorf("too few arguments for target, got %d for %T", len(args), target)
} else if len(args) != inputs {
return false, false, fmt.Errorf("wrong number of arguments for target, got %d for %T", len(args), target)
for _, arg := range args {
argT := t.In(x)
if t.IsVariadic() && x == t.NumIn()-1 {
// For the variadic argument, use the slice element type.
argT = argT.Elem()
if !argTypes[argT] {
return false, false, fmt.Errorf("argument %d (%s), is not a supported argument type", x, argT)
passedT := reflect.TypeOf(arg)
if argT != passedT {
return false, false, fmt.Errorf("argument %d expected to be %s, but is %s", x, argT, passedT)
if x < t.NumIn()-1 {
return hasContext, isNamespace, nil
// Here we define the types that are supported as arguments/returns
var (
ctxType = reflect.TypeOf(func(context.Context) {}).In(0)
errType = reflect.TypeOf(func() error { return nil }).Out(0)
emptyType = reflect.TypeOf(struct{}{})
intType = reflect.TypeOf(int(0))
stringType = reflect.TypeOf(string(""))
boolType = reflect.TypeOf(bool(false))
durType = reflect.TypeOf(time.Second)
// don't put ctx in here, this is for non-context types
argTypes = map[reflect.Type]bool{
intType: true,
boolType: true,
stringType: true,
durType: true,