// Package deep provides function deep.Equal which is like reflect.DeepEqual but // returns a list of differences. This is helpful when comparing complex types // like structures and maps. package deep import ( "errors" "fmt" "log" "reflect" "strings" ) var ( // FloatPrecision is the number of decimal places to round float values // to when comparing. FloatPrecision = 10 // MaxDiff specifies the maximum number of differences to return. MaxDiff = 10 // MaxDepth specifies the maximum levels of a struct to recurse into, // if greater than zero. If zero, there is no limit. MaxDepth = 0 // LogErrors causes errors to be logged to STDERR when true. LogErrors = false // CompareUnexportedFields causes unexported struct fields, like s in // T{s int}, to be compared when true. CompareUnexportedFields = false // NilSlicesAreEmpty causes a nil slice to be equal to an empty slice. NilSlicesAreEmpty = false // NilMapsAreEmpty causes a nil map to be equal to an empty map. NilMapsAreEmpty = false ) var ( // ErrMaxRecursion is logged when MaxDepth is reached. ErrMaxRecursion = errors.New("recursed to MaxDepth") // ErrTypeMismatch is logged when Equal passed two different types of values. ErrTypeMismatch = errors.New("variables are different reflect.Type") // ErrNotHandled is logged when a primitive Go kind is not handled. ErrNotHandled = errors.New("cannot compare the reflect.Kind") ) type cmp struct { diff []string buff []string floatFormat string } var errorType = reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem() // Equal compares variables a and b, recursing into their structure up to // MaxDepth levels deep (if greater than zero), and returns a list of differences, // or nil if there are none. Some differences may not be found if an error is // also returned. // // If a type has an Equal method, like time.Equal, it is called to check for // equality. // // When comparing a struct, if a field has the tag `deep:"-"` then it will be // ignored. func Equal(a, b interface{}) []string { aVal := reflect.ValueOf(a) bVal := reflect.ValueOf(b) c := &cmp{ diff: []string{}, buff: []string{}, floatFormat: fmt.Sprintf("%%.%df", FloatPrecision), } if a == nil && b == nil { return nil } else if a == nil && b != nil { c.saveDiff("", b) } else if a != nil && b == nil { c.saveDiff(a, "") } if len(c.diff) > 0 { return c.diff } c.equals(aVal, bVal, 0) if len(c.diff) > 0 { return c.diff // diffs } return nil // no diffs } func (c *cmp) equals(a, b reflect.Value, level int) { if MaxDepth > 0 && level > MaxDepth { logError(ErrMaxRecursion) return } // Check if one value is nil, e.g. T{x: *X} and T.x is nil if !a.IsValid() || !b.IsValid() { if a.IsValid() && !b.IsValid() { c.saveDiff(a.Type(), "") } else if !a.IsValid() && b.IsValid() { c.saveDiff("", b.Type()) } return } // If different types, they can't be equal aType := a.Type() bType := b.Type() if aType != bType { // Built-in types don't have a name, so don't report [3]int != [2]int as " != " if aType.Name() == "" || aType.Name() != bType.Name() { c.saveDiff(aType, bType) } else { // Type names can be the same, e.g. pkg/v1.Error and pkg/v2.Error // are both exported as pkg, so unless we include the full pkg path // the diff will be "pkg.Error != pkg.Error" // https://github.com/go-test/deep/issues/39 aFullType := aType.PkgPath() + "." + aType.Name() bFullType := bType.PkgPath() + "." + bType.Name() c.saveDiff(aFullType, bFullType) } logError(ErrTypeMismatch) return } // Primitive https://golang.org/pkg/reflect/#Kind aKind := a.Kind() bKind := b.Kind() // Do a and b have underlying elements? Yes if they're ptr or interface. aElem := aKind == reflect.Ptr || aKind == reflect.Interface bElem := bKind == reflect.Ptr || bKind == reflect.Interface // If both types implement the error interface, compare the error strings. // This must be done before dereferencing because the interface is on a // pointer receiver. Re https://github.com/go-test/deep/issues/31, a/b might // be primitive kinds; see TestErrorPrimitiveKind. if aType.Implements(errorType) && bType.Implements(errorType) { if (!aElem || !a.IsNil()) && (!bElem || !b.IsNil()) { aString := a.MethodByName("Error").Call(nil)[0].String() bString := b.MethodByName("Error").Call(nil)[0].String() if aString != bString { c.saveDiff(aString, bString) return } } } // Dereference pointers and interface{} if aElem || bElem { if aElem { a = a.Elem() } if bElem { b = b.Elem() } c.equals(a, b, level+1) return } switch aKind { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Iterable kinds ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case reflect.Struct: /* The variables are structs like: type T struct { FirstName string LastName string } Type = .T, Kind = reflect.Struct Iterate through the fields (FirstName, LastName), recurse into their values. */ // Types with an Equal() method, like time.Time, only if struct field // is exported (CanInterface) if eqFunc := a.MethodByName("Equal"); eqFunc.IsValid() && eqFunc.CanInterface() { // Handle https://github.com/go-test/deep/issues/15: // Don't call T.Equal if the method is from an embedded struct, like: // type Foo struct { time.Time } // First, we'll encounter Equal(Ttime, time.Time) but if we pass b // as the 2nd arg we'll panic: "Call using pkg.Foo as type time.Time" // As far as I can tell, there's no way to see that the method is from // time.Time not Foo. So we check the type of the 1st (0) arg and skip // unless it's b type. Later, we'll encounter the time.Time anonymous/ // embedded field and then we'll have Equal(time.Time, time.Time). funcType := eqFunc.Type() if funcType.NumIn() == 1 && funcType.In(0) == bType { retVals := eqFunc.Call([]reflect.Value{b}) if !retVals[0].Bool() { c.saveDiff(a, b) } return } } for i := 0; i < a.NumField(); i++ { if aType.Field(i).PkgPath != "" && !CompareUnexportedFields { continue // skip unexported field, e.g. s in type T struct {s string} } if aType.Field(i).Tag.Get("deep") == "-" { continue // field wants to be ignored } c.push(aType.Field(i).Name) // push field name to buff // Get the Value for each field, e.g. FirstName has Type = string, // Kind = reflect.String. af := a.Field(i) bf := b.Field(i) // Recurse to compare the field values c.equals(af, bf, level+1) c.pop() // pop field name from buff if len(c.diff) >= MaxDiff { break } } case reflect.Map: /* The variables are maps like: map[string]int{ "foo": 1, "bar": 2, } Type = map[string]int, Kind = reflect.Map Or: type T map[string]int{} Type = .T, Kind = reflect.Map Iterate through the map keys (foo, bar), recurse into their values. */ if a.IsNil() || b.IsNil() { if NilMapsAreEmpty { if a.IsNil() && b.Len() != 0 { c.saveDiff("", b) return } else if a.Len() != 0 && b.IsNil() { c.saveDiff(a, "") return } } else { if a.IsNil() && !b.IsNil() { c.saveDiff("", b) } else if !a.IsNil() && b.IsNil() { c.saveDiff(a, "") } } return } if a.Pointer() == b.Pointer() { return } for _, key := range a.MapKeys() { c.push(fmt.Sprintf("map[%v]", key)) aVal := a.MapIndex(key) bVal := b.MapIndex(key) if bVal.IsValid() { c.equals(aVal, bVal, level+1) } else { c.saveDiff(aVal, "") } c.pop() if len(c.diff) >= MaxDiff { return } } for _, key := range b.MapKeys() { if aVal := a.MapIndex(key); aVal.IsValid() { continue } c.push(fmt.Sprintf("map[%v]", key)) c.saveDiff("", b.MapIndex(key)) c.pop() if len(c.diff) >= MaxDiff { return } } case reflect.Array: n := a.Len() for i := 0; i < n; i++ { c.push(fmt.Sprintf("array[%d]", i)) c.equals(a.Index(i), b.Index(i), level+1) c.pop() if len(c.diff) >= MaxDiff { break } } case reflect.Slice: if NilSlicesAreEmpty { if a.IsNil() && b.Len() != 0 { c.saveDiff("", b) return } else if a.Len() != 0 && b.IsNil() { c.saveDiff(a, "") return } } else { if a.IsNil() && !b.IsNil() { c.saveDiff("", b) return } else if !a.IsNil() && b.IsNil() { c.saveDiff(a, "") return } } aLen := a.Len() bLen := b.Len() if a.Pointer() == b.Pointer() && aLen == bLen { return } n := aLen if bLen > aLen { n = bLen } for i := 0; i < n; i++ { c.push(fmt.Sprintf("slice[%d]", i)) if i < aLen && i < bLen { c.equals(a.Index(i), b.Index(i), level+1) } else if i < aLen { c.saveDiff(a.Index(i), "") } else { c.saveDiff("", b.Index(i)) } c.pop() if len(c.diff) >= MaxDiff { break } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Primitive kinds ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: // Round floats to FloatPrecision decimal places to compare with // user-defined precision. As is commonly know, floats have "imprecision" // such that 0.1 becomes 0.100000001490116119384765625. This cannot // be avoided; it can only be handled. Issue 30 suggested that floats // be compared using an epsilon: equal = |a-b| < epsilon. // In many cases the result is the same, but I think epsilon is a little // less clear for users to reason about. See issue 30 for details. aval := fmt.Sprintf(c.floatFormat, a.Float()) bval := fmt.Sprintf(c.floatFormat, b.Float()) if aval != bval { c.saveDiff(a.Float(), b.Float()) } case reflect.Bool: if a.Bool() != b.Bool() { c.saveDiff(a.Bool(), b.Bool()) } case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: if a.Int() != b.Int() { c.saveDiff(a.Int(), b.Int()) } case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: if a.Uint() != b.Uint() { c.saveDiff(a.Uint(), b.Uint()) } case reflect.String: if a.String() != b.String() { c.saveDiff(a.String(), b.String()) } default: logError(ErrNotHandled) } } func (c *cmp) push(name string) { c.buff = append(c.buff, name) } func (c *cmp) pop() { if len(c.buff) > 0 { c.buff = c.buff[0 : len(c.buff)-1] } } func (c *cmp) saveDiff(aval, bval interface{}) { if len(c.buff) > 0 { varName := strings.Join(c.buff, ".") c.diff = append(c.diff, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v != %v", varName, aval, bval)) } else { c.diff = append(c.diff, fmt.Sprintf("%v != %v", aval, bval)) } } func logError(err error) { if LogErrors { log.Println(err) } }