BASE:=base.tar.gz GO:=go GO_FLAGS:=-ldflags "-s -w" # strip Go binaries CGO_ENABLED:=0 GOMODVENDOR:= CFLAGS:=-O2 -Wall LDFLAGS:=-static -s # strip C binaries GO_FLAGS_EXTRA:= ifeq "$(GOMODVENDOR)" "1" GO_FLAGS_EXTRA += -mod=vendor endif GO_BUILD:=CGO_ENABLED=$(CGO_ENABLED) $(GO) build $(GO_FLAGS) $(GO_FLAGS_EXTRA) SRCROOT=$(dir $(abspath $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) # The link aliases for gcstools GCS_TOOLS=\ generichook .PHONY: all always rootfs test all: out/initrd.img out/rootfs.tar.gz clean: find -name '*.o' -print0 | xargs -0 -r rm rm -rf bin deps rootfs out test: cd $(SRCROOT) && go test -v ./internal/guest/... out/delta.tar.gz: bin/init bin/vsockexec bin/cmd/gcs bin/cmd/gcstools Makefile @mkdir -p out rm -rf rootfs mkdir -p rootfs/bin/ cp bin/init rootfs/ cp bin/vsockexec rootfs/bin/ cp bin/cmd/gcs rootfs/bin/ cp bin/cmd/gcstools rootfs/bin/ for tool in $(GCS_TOOLS); do ln -s gcstools rootfs/bin/$$tool; done git -C $(SRCROOT) rev-parse HEAD > rootfs/gcs.commit && \ git -C $(SRCROOT) rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD > rootfs/gcs.branch tar -zcf $@ -C rootfs . rm -rf rootfs out/rootfs.tar.gz: out/initrd.img rm -rf rootfs-conv mkdir rootfs-conv gunzip -c out/initrd.img | (cd rootfs-conv && cpio -imd) tar -zcf $@ -C rootfs-conv . rm -rf rootfs-conv out/initrd.img: $(BASE) out/delta.tar.gz $(SRCROOT)/hack/ $(SRCROOT)/hack/ "$(BASE)" out/delta.tar.gz > out/initrd.img.uncompressed gzip -c out/initrd.img.uncompressed > $@ rm out/initrd.img.uncompressed -include deps/cmd/gcs.gomake -include deps/cmd/gcstools.gomake # Implicit rule for includes that define Go targets. %.gomake: $(SRCROOT)/Makefile @mkdir -p $(dir $@) @/bin/echo $(@:deps/%.gomake=bin/%): $(SRCROOT)/hack/ > $ @/bin/echo -e '\t@mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) $(dir $@)' >> $ @/bin/echo -e '\t$$(GO_BUILD) -o $$ $$(SRCROOT)/$$(@:bin/%=%)' >> $ @/bin/echo -e '\tGO="$(GO)" $$(SRCROOT)/hack/ $$@ $$(SRCROOT)/$$(@:bin/%=%) $$(GO_FLAGS) $$(GO_FLAGS_EXTRA) > $(@:%.gomake=%.godeps).new' >> $ @/bin/echo -e '\tmv $(@:%.gomake=%.godeps).new $(@:%.gomake=%.godeps)' >> $ @/bin/echo -e '\tmv $$ $$@' >> $ @/bin/echo -e '-include $(@:%.gomake=%.godeps)' >> $ mv $ $@ VPATH=$(SRCROOT) bin/vsockexec: vsockexec/vsockexec.o vsockexec/vsock.o @mkdir -p bin $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ bin/init: init/init.o vsockexec/vsock.o @mkdir -p bin $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ %.o: %.c @mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<