apiVersion: k3d.io/v1alpha2 kind: Simple name: test servers: 3 agents: 2 kubeAPI: hostIP: "" hostPort: "6446" #image: rancher/k3s:latest volumes: - volume: /my/path:/some/path nodeFilters: - all ports: - port: 80:80 nodeFilters: - loadbalancer - port: nodeFilters: - loadbalancer env: - envVar: bar=baz,bob nodeFilters: - all labels: - label: foo=bar nodeFilters: - server[0] - loadbalancer registries: create: true use: [] config: | mirrors: "my.company.registry": endpoint: - http://my.company.registry:5000 options: k3d: wait: true timeout: "360s" # should be pretty high for multi-server clusters to allow for a proper startup routine disableLoadbalancer: false disableImageVolume: false k3s: extraServerArgs: - --tls-san= extraAgentArgs: [] kubeconfig: updateDefaultKubeconfig: true switchCurrentContext: true