SHELL := /bin/bash # Build targets TARGETS ?= darwin/amd64 linux/amd64 linux/386 linux/arm linux/arm64 windows/amd64 TARGET_OBJS ?= darwin-amd64.tar.gz darwin-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 linux-amd64.tar.gz linux-amd64.tar.gz.sha256 linux-386.tar.gz linux-386.tar.gz.sha256 linux-arm.tar.gz linux-arm.tar.gz.sha256 linux-arm64.tar.gz linux-arm64.tar.gz.sha256 # get git tag GIT_TAG := $(shell git describe --tags) ifeq ($(GIT_TAG),) GIT_TAG := $(shell git describe --always) endif # get latest k3s version K3S_TAG := $(shell curl --silent "" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/') ifeq ($(K3S_TAG),) $(warning K3S_TAG undefined: couldn't get latest k3s image tag!) $(warning Output of curl: $(shell curl --silent "")) $(error exiting) endif # Go options GO ?= go PKG := $(shell go mod vendor) TAGS := TESTS := . TESTFLAGS := LDFLAGS := -w -s -X${GIT_TAG} -X${K3S_TAG} GOFLAGS := BINDIR := $(CURDIR)/bin BINARIES := k3d # Go Package required PKG_GOX := PKG_GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION := v1.20.0 PKG_GOLANGCI_LINT :=${PKG_GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION} # configuration adjustments for golangci-lint GOLANGCI_LINT_DISABLED_LINTERS := "" # disabling typecheck, because it currently (06.09.2019) fails with Go 1.13 # Use Go Modules for everything export GO111MODULE=on # go source directories. # DIRS defines a single level directly, we only look at *.go in this directory. # REC_DIRS defines a source code tree. All go files are analyzed recursively. DIRS := . REC_DIRS := cmd # Rules for finding all go source files using 'DIRS' and 'REC_DIRS' GO_SRC := $(foreach dir,$(DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.go)) GO_SRC += $(foreach dir,$(REC_DIRS),$(shell find $(dir) -name "*.go")) # Rules for directory list as input for the golangci-lint program LINT_DIRS := $(DIRS) $(foreach dir,$(REC_DIRS),$(dir)/...) .PHONY: all build build-cross clean fmt check-fmt lint check extra-clean install-tools all: clean fmt check build build: CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GO) build -i $(GOFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -o '$(BINDIR)/$(BINARIES)' build-cross: LDFLAGS += -extldflags "-static" build-cross: CGO_ENABLED=0 gox -parallel=3 -output="_dist/$(BINARIES)-{{.OS}}-{{.Arch}}" -osarch='$(TARGETS)' $(GOFLAGS) $(if $(TAGS),-tags '$(TAGS)',) -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' clean: @rm -rf $(BINDIR) _dist/ extra-clean: clean $(GO) clean -i $(PKG_GOX) $(GO) clean -i $(PKG_GOLANGCI_LINT) # fmt will fix the golang source style in place. fmt: @gofmt -s -l -w $(GO_SRC) # check-fmt returns an error code if any source code contains format error. check-fmt: @test -z $(shell gofmt -s -l $(GO_SRC) | tee /dev/stderr) || echo "[WARN] Fix formatting issues with 'make fmt'" lint: @golangci-lint run -D $(GOLANGCI_LINT_DISABLED_LINTERS) $(LINT_DIRS) check: check-fmt lint # Check for required executables HAS_GOX := $(shell command -v gox 2> /dev/null) HAS_GOLANGCI := $(shell command -v golangci-lint 2> /dev/null) install-tools: ifndef HAS_GOX ($(GO) get $(PKG_GOX)) endif ifndef HAS_GOLANGCI (curl -sfL| sh -s -- -b ${GOPATH}/bin ${PKG_GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION}) endif