#!/bin/bash CURR_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" [ -d "$CURR_DIR" ] || { echo "FATAL: no current dir (maybe running in zsh?)"; exit 1; } # shellcheck source=./common.sh source "$CURR_DIR/common.sh" LOG_FILE="$TEST_OUTPUT_DIR/$( basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" ).log" exec >${LOG_FILE} 2>&1 : "${EXTRA_FLAG:=""}" : "${EXTRA_TITLE:=""}" if [[ -n "$K3S_IMAGE_TAG" ]]; then EXTRA_FLAG="--image rancher/k3s:$K3S_IMAGE_TAG" EXTRA_TITLE="(rancher/k3s:$K3S_IMAGE_TAG)" fi export CURRENT_STAGE="Test | lifecycle | $K3S_IMAGE_TAG" clustername="lifecycletest" highlight "[START] Lifecycletest $EXTRA_TITLE" info "Creating cluster $clustername..." $EXE cluster create "$clustername" --agents 1 --api-port 6443 --wait --timeout 360s $EXTRA_FLAG || failed "could not create cluster $clustername $EXTRA_TITLE" info "Sleeping for 5 seconds to give the cluster enough time to get ready..." sleep 10 # 1. check initial access to the cluster info "Checking that we have access to the cluster..." check_clusters "$clustername" || failed "error checking cluster" info "Checking that we have 2 nodes online..." check_multi_node "$clustername" 2 || failed "failed to verify number of nodes" # 2. stop the cluster info "Stopping cluster..." $EXE cluster stop "$clustername" info "Checking that cluster was stopped" check_clusters "$clustername" && failed "cluster was not stopped, since we still have access" # 3. start the cluster info "Starting cluster..." $EXE cluster start "$clustername" --wait --timeout 360s || failed "cluster didn't come back in time" info "Checking that we have access to the cluster..." check_clusters "$clustername" || failed "error checking cluster" kubectl delete pod -n kube-system -l k8s-app=kube-dns > /dev/null 2>&1 # delete coredns to force reload of config (reload plugin uses default 30s, which will make tests below fail) info "Checking that we have 2 nodes online..." check_multi_node "$clustername" 2 || failed "failed to verify number of nodes" # 4. adding another agent node info "Adding one agent node..." $EXE node create "extra-agent" --cluster "$clustername" --role "agent" --wait --timeout 360s || failed "failed to add agent node" info "Checking that we have 3 nodes available now..." check_multi_node "$clustername" 3 || failed "failed to verify number of nodes" # 4. load an image into the cluster info "Importing an image into the cluster..." docker pull alpine:latest > /dev/null docker tag alpine:latest alpine:local > /dev/null $EXE image import alpine:local -c $clustername || failed "could not import image in $clustername" # 5. use imported image info "Spawning a pod using the imported image..." kubectl run --image alpine:local testimage --command -- tail -f /dev/null info "Waiting for a bit for the pod to start..." sleep 5 wait_for_pod_running_by_name "testimage" wait_for_pod_running_by_label "k8s-app=kube-dns" "kube-system" sleep 5 # 6. test host.k3d.internal info "Checking DNS Lookup for host.k3d.internal..." kubectl describe cm coredns -n kube-system | grep "host.k3d.internal" > /dev/null 2>&1 || failed "Couldn't find host.k3d.internal in CoreDNS configmap" wait_for_pod_exec "testimage" "nslookup host.k3d.internal" 15 || failed "DNS Lookup for host.k3d.internal failed" # Cleanup info "Deleting cluster $clustername..." $EXE cluster delete "$clustername" || failed "could not delete the cluster $clustername" highlight "[DONE] Lifecycletest $EXTRA_TITLE" exit 0