{"version": 2, "width": 213, "height": 45, "timestamp": 1631908903, "env": {"SHELL": "bash", "TERM": "xterm-256color"}} [0.018381, "o", "\u001b[?2004h\u001b]0;ThisCouldBeYou: ~\u0007\u001b[01;32mThisCouldBeYou\u001b[00m:\u001b[01;34m~\u001b[00m$ "] [1.636481, "o", "k"] [1.702291, "o", "3"] [1.835268, "o", "d"] [2.024007, "o", " "] [2.111734, "o", "v"] [2.210891, "o", "e"] [2.343441, "o", "r"] [2.516933, "o", "s"] [2.583471, "o", "i"] [2.773563, "o", "o"] [2.927568, "o", "n"] [3.159219, "o", "\r\n\u001b[?2004l\r"] [3.179508, "o", "k3d version v5.0.0\r\nk3s version v1.21.4-k3s1 (default)\r\n"] [3.180754, "o", "\u001b[?2004h\u001b]0;ThisCouldBeYou: ~\u0007\u001b[01;32mThisCouldBeYou\u001b[00m:\u001b[01;34m~\u001b[00m$ "] [4.57973, "o", "k"] [4.656235, "o", "3"] [4.763252, "o", "d"] [4.865396, "o", " "] [4.986278, "o", "c"] [5.051494, "o", "l"] [5.238737, "o", "u"] [5.292747, "o", "s"] [5.381595, "o", "t"] [5.503508, "o", "e"] [5.578881, "o", "r"] [5.666704, "o", " "] [5.766742, "o", "c"] [5.962787, "o", "r"] [6.029469, "o", "e"] [6.061464, "o", "a"] [6.184275, "o", "t"] [6.281805, "o", "e"] [6.445508, "o", " "] [6.666863, "o", "-"] [7.20248, "o", "-"] [7.334019, "o", "a"] [7.490134, "o", "g"] [7.566087, "o", "e"] [7.631634, "o", "n"] [7.729597, "o", "t"] [7.897099, "o", "s"] [8.049496, "o", " "] [8.280178, "o", "3"] [8.499599, "o", " "] [8.631147, "o", "d"] [8.707104, "o", "e"] [8.773508, "o", "m"] [8.91407, "o", "o"] [9.113612, "o", "\r\n\u001b[?2004l\r"] [9.132118, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0000] Prep: Network \r\n"] [9.183203, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0000] Created network 'k3d-demo' \r\n"] [9.187229, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0000] Created volume 'k3d-demo-images' \r\n"] [10.187972, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0001] Creating node 'k3d-demo-server-0' \r\n"] [10.281058, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0001] Creating node 'k3d-demo-agent-0' \r\n"] [10.368708, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0001] Creating node 'k3d-demo-agent-1' \r\n"] [10.455282, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0001] Creating node 'k3d-demo-agent-2' \r\n"] [10.536337, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0001] Creating LoadBalancer 'k3d-demo-serverlb' \r\n"] [10.609539, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0001] Using the k3d-tools node to gather environment information \r\n"] [10.628592, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0001] Starting new tools node... \r\n"] [10.702678, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0001] Starting Node 'k3d-demo-tools' \r\n"] [11.394216, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0002] Deleted k3d-demo-tools \r\n"] [11.394427, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0002] Starting cluster 'demo' \r\n\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0002] Starting servers... \r\n"] [11.404635, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0002] Starting Node 'k3d-demo-server-0' \r\n"] [16.378372, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0007] Starting agents... \r\n"] [16.388922, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0007] Starting Node 'k3d-demo-agent-0' \r\n"] [16.389848, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0007] Starting Node 'k3d-demo-agent-1' \r\n"] [16.397254, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0007] Starting Node 'k3d-demo-agent-2' \r\n"] [31.590126, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0022] Starting helpers... \r\n"] [31.637947, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0022] Starting Node 'k3d-demo-serverlb' \r\n"] [38.185432, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0029] Trying to get IP of the docker host and inject it into the cluster as 'host.k3d.internal' for easy access \r\n"] [50.256861, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0041] Cluster 'demo' created successfully! \r\n\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0041] --kubeconfig-update-default=false --> sets --kubeconfig-switch-context=false \r\n"] [50.295453, "o", "\u001b[36mINFO\u001b[0m[0041] You can now use it like this: \r\nkubectl config use-context k3d-demo\r\nkubectl cluster-info\r\n"] [50.299281, "o", "\u001b[?2004h\u001b]0;ThisCouldBeYou: ~\u0007\u001b[01;32mThisCouldBeYou\u001b[00m:\u001b[01;34m~\u001b[00m$ "] [52.777117, "o", "k"] [52.873341, "o", "3"] [53.006105, "o", "d"] [53.147707, "o", " "] [53.245736, "o", "c"] [53.343772, "o", "l"] [53.551038, "o", "u"] [53.617941, "o", "s"] [53.724853, "o", "t"] [53.878933, "o", "e"] [53.956281, "o", "r"] [54.076303, "o", " "] [54.21845, "o", "l"] [54.339561, "o", "s"] [54.447647, "o", "\r\n\u001b[?2004l\r"] [54.47118, "o", "NAME SERVERS AGENTS LOADBALANCER\r\ndemo 1/1 3/3 true\r\n"] [54.472506, "o", "\u001b[?2004h"] [54.472562, "o", "\u001b]0;ThisCouldBeYou: ~\u0007\u001b[01;32mThisCouldBeYou\u001b[00m:\u001b[01;34m~\u001b[00m$ "] [54.838629, "o", "k"] [54.918551, "o", "3"] [55.015846, "o", "d"] [55.115834, "o", " "] [55.290514, "o", "n"] [55.378089, "o", "o"] [55.454292, "o", "d"] [55.508669, "o", "e"] [55.869687, "o", " "] [56.05605, "o", "l"] [56.176004, "o", "s"] [56.31685, "o", "\r\n\u001b[?2004l\r"] [56.341161, "o", "NAME ROLE CLUSTER STATUS\r\nk3d-demo-agent-0 agent demo running\r\nk3d-demo-agent-1 agent demo running\r\nk3d-demo-agent-2 agent demo running\r\nk3d-demo-server-0 server demo running\r\nk3d-demo-serverlb loadbalancer demo running\r\n"] [56.34231, "o", "\u001b[?2004h\u001b]0;ThisCouldBeYou: ~\u0007\u001b[01;32mThisCouldBeYou\u001b[00m:\u001b[01;34m~\u001b[00m$ "] [57.733293, "o", "k"] [57.932149, "o", "u"] [58.059135, "o", "b"] [58.137901, "o", "e"] [58.23908, "o", "c"] [58.418996, "o", "t"] [58.496899, "o", "l"] [58.687091, "o", " "] [58.740349, "o", "g"] [58.832322, "o", "e"] [58.955499, "o", "t"] [59.067944, "o", " "] [59.246223, "o", "n"] [59.344781, "o", "o"] [59.426918, "o", "d"] [59.493282, "o", "e"] [59.672248, "o", "s"] [59.772331, "o", "\r\n\u001b[?2004l\r"] [60.41166, "o", "NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION\r\nk3d-demo-agent-2 Ready 29s v1.21.4+k3s1\r\nk3d-demo-server-0 Ready control-plane,master 41s v1.21.4+k3s1\r\nk3d-demo-agent-0 Ready 31s v1.21.4+k3s1\r\nk3d-demo-agent-1 Ready 31s v1.21.4+k3s1\r\n"] [60.414302, "o", "\u001b[?2004h\u001b]0;ThisCouldBeYou: ~\u0007\u001b[01;32mThisCouldBeYou\u001b[00m:\u001b[01;34m~\u001b[00m$ "] [61.301105, "o", "k"] [61.534792, "o", "u"] [61.723192, "o", "b"] [61.800647, "o", "e"] [61.912191, "o", "c"] [62.111433, "o", "t"] [62.220654, "o", "l"] [62.400417, "o", " "] [62.434071, "o", "g"] [62.523052, "o", "e"] [62.634216, "o", "t"] [62.700412, "o", " "] [62.923073, "o", "p"] [63.120958, "o", "o"] [63.231192, "o", "d"] [63.287011, "o", "s"] [63.497854, "o", " "] [63.642017, "o", "-"] [63.896056, "o", "A"] [64.129633, "o", "\r\n\u001b[?2004l\r"] [64.180813, "o", "NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE\r\nkube-system coredns-7448499f4d-rrmh5 1/1 Running 0 34s\r\nkube-system metrics-server-86cbb8457f-6hkns 1/1 Running 0 34s\r\nkube-system local-path-provisioner-5ff76fc89d-ltzd4 1/1 Running 0 34s\r\nkube-system helm-install-traefik-crd-st9fm 0/1 Completed 0 34s\r\nkube-system traefik-97b44b794-lgljm 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 11s\r\nkube-system helm-install-traefik-6t7fr 0/1 Completed 1 "] [64.181, "o", "34s\r\nkube-system svclb-traefik-wztvf 2/2 Running 0 11s\r\nkube-system svclb-traefik-ksk54 2/2 Running 0 11s\r\nkube-system svclb-traefik-s286b 2/2 Running 0 11s\r\nkube-system svclb-traefik-ksbmz 2/2 Running 0 11s\r\n"] [64.182931, "o", "\u001b[?2004h\u001b]0;ThisCouldBeYou: ~\u0007\u001b[01;32mThisCouldBeYou\u001b[00m:\u001b[01;34m~\u001b[00m$ "] [66.050907, "o", "#"] [66.160953, "o", " "] [66.559434, "o", "P"] [66.768444, "o", "r"] [66.844975, "o", "o"] [67.022583, "o", "f"] [67.098851, "o", "i"] [67.286285, "o", "t"] [67.921864, "o", "."] [69.59588, "o", "\r\n\u001b[?2004l\r"] [69.596126, "o", "\u001b[?2004h\u001b]0;ThisCouldBeYou: ~\u0007\u001b[01;32mThisCouldBeYou\u001b[00m:\u001b[01;34m~\u001b[00m$ "] [70.123764, "o", "\u001b[?2004l\r\r\nexit\r\n"]