## k3d cluster edit [EXPERIMENTAL] Edit cluster(s). ### Synopsis [EXPERIMENTAL] Edit cluster(s). ``` k3d cluster edit CLUSTER [flags] ``` ### Options ``` -h, --help help for edit --port-add [HOST:][HOSTPORT:]CONTAINERPORT[/PROTOCOL][@NODEFILTER] [EXPERIMENTAL] Map ports from the node containers (via the serverlb) to the host (Format: [HOST:][HOSTPORT:]CONTAINERPORT[/PROTOCOL][@NODEFILTER]) - Example: `k3d node edit k3d-mycluster-serverlb --port-add 8080:80` ``` ### Options inherited from parent commands ``` --timestamps Enable Log timestamps --trace Enable super verbose output (trace logging) --verbose Enable verbose output (debug logging) ``` ### SEE ALSO * [k3d cluster](k3d_cluster.md) - Manage cluster(s)