#!/bin/bash CURR_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" [ -d "$CURR_DIR" ] || { echo "FATAL: no current dir (maybe running in zsh?)"; exit 1; } K3S_VERSIONS=("v1.17.12-k3s1" "v1.18.9-k3s1" "v1.19.2-rc2-k3s1" "v1.19.1-k3s1") FAILED_VERSIONS=() # shellcheck source=./common.sh source "$CURR_DIR/common.sh" for version in "${K3S_VERSIONS[@]}"; do info "Creating a cluster with k3s version $version ..." $EXE cluster create c1 --wait --timeout 60s --image "rancher/k3s:$version" || failed "could not create cluster with k3s version $version" info "Checking we have access to the cluster ..." check_clusters "c1" || failed "error checking cluster with k3s version $version" info "Deleting cluster ..." $EXE cluster delete c1 || failed "could not delete the cluster c1" K3S_IMAGE_TAG="$version" $CURR_DIR/test_multi_master.sh if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then FAILED_VERSIONS+=("$version") fi done if [[ ${#FAILED_VERSIONS[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then failed "Tests failed for k3s versions: ${FAILED_VERSIONS[*]}" else passed "Successfully verified all given k3s versions" exit 0 fi