Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1078 lines
37 KiB

Copyright © 2020-2023 The k3d Author(s)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package client
import (
dockerunits ""
copystruct ""
l ""
runtimeErrors ""
runtimeTypes ""
k3d ""
// NodeAddToCluster adds a node to an existing cluster
func NodeAddToCluster(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, node *k3d.Node, cluster *k3d.Cluster, createNodeOpts k3d.NodeCreateOpts) error {
if createNodeOpts.EnvironmentInfo == nil {
targetClusterName := cluster.Name
cluster, err := ClusterGet(ctx, runtime, cluster)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to find specified cluster '%s': %w", targetClusterName, err)
envInfo, err := GatherEnvironmentInfo(ctx, runtime, cluster)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error gathering cluster environment info required to properly create the node: %w", err)
createNodeOpts.EnvironmentInfo = envInfo
// networks: ensure that cluster network is on index 0
networks := []string{cluster.Network.Name}
if node.Networks != nil {
networks = append(networks, node.Networks...)
node.Networks = networks
// skeleton
if node.RuntimeLabels == nil {
node.RuntimeLabels = map[string]string{
k3d.LabelRole: string(node.Role),
node.Env = []string{}
// copy labels and env vars from a similar node in the selected cluster
var srcNode *k3d.Node
for _, existingNode := range cluster.Nodes {
if existingNode.Role == node.Role {
srcNode = existingNode
// if we didn't find a node with the same role in the cluster, just choose any other node
if srcNode == nil {
l.Log().Debugf("Didn't find node with role '%s' in cluster '%s'. Choosing any other node (and using defaults)...", node.Role, cluster.Name)
node.Cmd = k3d.DefaultRoleCmds[node.Role]
for _, existingNode := range cluster.Nodes {
if existingNode.Role == k3d.AgentRole || existingNode.Role == k3d.ServerRole { // only K3s nodes
srcNode = existingNode
// get node details
srcNode, err := NodeGet(ctx, runtime, srcNode)
if err != nil {
return err
* Sanitize Source Node
* -> remove fields that are not safe to copy as they break something down the stream
// sanitize fields that mismatch between roles
if srcNode.Role != node.Role {
l.Log().Debugf("Dropping some fields from source node because it's not of the same role (%s != %s)...", srcNode.Role, node.Role)
srcNode.Memory = "" // memory settings are scoped per role (--servers-memory/--agents-memory)
// TODO: I guess proper deduplication can be handled in a cleaner/better way or at the infofaker level at some point
for _, forbiddenMount := range util.DoNotCopyVolumeSuffices {
for i, mount := range srcNode.Volumes {
if strings.Contains(mount, forbiddenMount) {
l.Log().Tracef("Dropping volume mount %s from source node to avoid issues...", mount)
srcNode.Volumes = util.RemoveElementFromStringSlice(srcNode.Volumes, i)
// drop port mappings as we cannot use the same port mapping for a two nodes (port collisions)
srcNode.Ports = nat.PortMap{}
// we cannot have two servers as init servers
if node.Role == k3d.ServerRole {
for _, forbiddenCmd := range k3d.DoNotCopyServerFlags {
for i, cmd := range srcNode.Cmd {
// cut out the '--cluster-init' flag as this should only be done by the initializing server node
if cmd == forbiddenCmd {
l.Log().Tracef("Dropping '%s' from source node's cmd", forbiddenCmd)
srcNode.Cmd = append(srcNode.Cmd[:i], srcNode.Cmd[i+1:]...)
for i, arg := range node.Args {
// cut out the '--cluster-init' flag as this should only be done by the initializing server node
if arg == forbiddenCmd {
l.Log().Tracef("Dropping '%s' from source node's args", forbiddenCmd)
srcNode.Args = append(srcNode.Args[:i], srcNode.Args[i+1:]...)
l.Log().Debugf("Adding node %s to cluster %s based on existing (sanitized) node %s", node.Name, cluster.Name, srcNode.Name)
l.Log().Tracef("Sanitized Source Node: %+v\nNew Node: %+v", srcNode, node)
// fetch registry config
registryConfigBytes := []byte{}
registryConfigReader, err := runtime.ReadFromNode(ctx, k3d.DefaultRegistriesFilePath, srcNode)
if err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, runtimeErrors.ErrRuntimeFileNotFound) {
l.Log().Warnf("Failed to read registry config from node %s: %+v", node.Name, err)
} else {
defer registryConfigReader.Close()
var err error
registryConfigBytes, err = io.ReadAll(registryConfigReader)
if err != nil {
l.Log().Warnf("Failed to read registry config from node %s: %+v", node.Name, err)
registryConfigBytes = bytes.Trim(registryConfigBytes[512:], "\x00") // trim control characters, etc.
// merge node config of new node into existing node config
if err := mergo.MergeWithOverwrite(srcNode, *node); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to merge new node config into existing node config: %w", err)
node = srcNode
l.Log().Tracef("Resulting node %+v", node)
k3sURLEnvFound := false
k3sURLEnvIndex := -1
k3sTokenEnvFoundIndex := -1
for index, envVar := range node.Env {
if strings.HasPrefix(envVar, k3s.EnvClusterConnectURL) {
k3sURLEnvFound = true
k3sURLEnvIndex = index
if strings.HasPrefix(envVar, k3s.EnvClusterToken) {
k3sTokenEnvFoundIndex = index
if !k3sURLEnvFound || !checkK3SURLIsActive(cluster.Nodes, node.Env[k3sURLEnvIndex]) {
// Use LB if available as registration url for nodes
// otherwise fallback to server node
var registrationNode *k3d.Node
serverLBNodes := util.FilterNodesByRole(cluster.Nodes, k3d.LoadBalancerRole)
if len(serverLBNodes) > 0 {
registrationNode = serverLBNodes[0]
} else {
for _, existingNode := range cluster.Nodes {
if existingNode.Role == k3d.ServerRole {
registrationNode = existingNode
if !k3sURLEnvFound {
node.Env = append(node.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=https://%s:%s", k3s.EnvClusterConnectURL, registrationNode.Name, k3d.DefaultAPIPort))
} else {
if !checkK3SURLIsActive(cluster.Nodes, node.Env[k3sURLEnvIndex]) {
node.Env[k3sURLEnvIndex] = fmt.Sprintf("%s=https://%s:%s", k3s.EnvClusterConnectURL, registrationNode.Name, k3d.DefaultAPIPort)
if k3sTokenEnvFoundIndex != -1 && createNodeOpts.ClusterToken != "" {
l.Log().Debugln("Overriding copied cluster token with value from nodeCreateOpts...")
node.Env[k3sTokenEnvFoundIndex] = fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k3s.EnvClusterToken, createNodeOpts.ClusterToken)
node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelClusterToken] = createNodeOpts.ClusterToken
* Add Node Hook Actions (Lifecylce Hooks)
// Write registry config file if there is any
if len(registryConfigBytes) != 0 {
if createNodeOpts.NodeHooks == nil {
createNodeOpts.NodeHooks = []k3d.NodeHook{}
createNodeOpts.NodeHooks = append(createNodeOpts.NodeHooks,
Stage: k3d.LifecycleStagePreStart,
Action: actions.WriteFileAction{
Runtime: runtime,
Content: registryConfigBytes,
Dest: k3d.DefaultRegistriesFilePath,
Mode: 0644,
Description: "Write Registry Configuration",
if cluster.Network.Name != "host" {
// add host.k3d.internal to /etc/hosts
createNodeOpts.NodeHooks = append(createNodeOpts.NodeHooks,
Stage: k3d.LifecycleStagePostStart,
Action: actions.ExecAction{
Runtime: runtime,
Command: []string{
"sh", "-c",
fmt.Sprintf("echo '%s %s' >> /etc/hosts", createNodeOpts.EnvironmentInfo.HostGateway.String(), k3d.DefaultK3dInternalHostRecord),
Retries: 0,
Description: fmt.Sprintf("Inject /etc/hosts record for %s", k3d.DefaultK3dInternalHostRecord),
// clear status fields
node.State.Running = false
node.State.Status = ""
if err := NodeRun(ctx, runtime, node, createNodeOpts); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to run node '%s': %w", node.Name, err)
// if it's a server node, then update the loadbalancer configuration
if node.Role == k3d.ServerRole {
l.Log().Infoln("Updating loadbalancer config to include new server node(s)")
if err := UpdateLoadbalancerConfig(ctx, runtime, cluster); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, ErrLBConfigHostNotFound) {
return fmt.Errorf("error updating loadbalancer: %w", err)
// inject host.k3d.internal entry
return nil
func NodeAddToClusterRemote(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, node *k3d.Node, clusterRef string, createNodeOpts k3d.NodeCreateOpts) error {
// runtime labels
if node.RuntimeLabels == nil {
node.RuntimeLabels = map[string]string{}
node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelClusterName] = clusterRef
node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelClusterURL] = clusterRef
node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelClusterExternal] = "true"
node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelClusterToken] = createNodeOpts.ClusterToken
if node.Image == "" { // we don't set a default, because on local clusters the value is copied from existing nodes
node.Image = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", k3d.DefaultK3sImageRepo, version.K3sVersion)
if node.Env == nil {
node.Env = []string{}
node.Env = append(node.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k3s.EnvClusterConnectURL, clusterRef))
node.Env = append(node.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k3s.EnvClusterToken, createNodeOpts.ClusterToken))
if err := NodeRun(ctx, runtime, node, createNodeOpts); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to run node '%s': %w", node.Name, err)
return nil
// NodeAddToClusterMulti adds multiple nodes to a chosen cluster
func NodeAddToClusterMulti(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, nodes []*k3d.Node, cluster *k3d.Cluster, createNodeOpts k3d.NodeCreateOpts) error {
if createNodeOpts.Timeout > 0*time.Second {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, createNodeOpts.Timeout)
defer cancel()
targetClusterName := cluster.Name
cluster, err := ClusterGet(ctx, runtime, cluster)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to find specified cluster '%s': %w", targetClusterName, err)
createNodeOpts.EnvironmentInfo, err = GatherEnvironmentInfo(ctx, runtime, cluster)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error gathering cluster environment info required to properly create the node: %w", err)
nodeWaitGroup, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for _, node := range nodes {
currentNode := node
nodeWaitGroup.Go(func() error {
return NodeAddToCluster(ctx, runtime, currentNode, cluster, createNodeOpts)
if err := nodeWaitGroup.Wait(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to add one or more nodes: %w", err)
return nil
func NodeAddToClusterMultiRemote(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, nodes []*k3d.Node, clusterRef string, createNodeOpts k3d.NodeCreateOpts) error {
if createNodeOpts.Timeout > 0*time.Second {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, createNodeOpts.Timeout)
defer cancel()
nodeWaitGroup, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for _, node := range nodes {
currentNode := node
nodeWaitGroup.Go(func() error {
return NodeAddToClusterRemote(ctx, runtime, currentNode, clusterRef, createNodeOpts)
if err := nodeWaitGroup.Wait(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to add one or more nodes: %w", err)
return nil
// NodeCreateMulti creates a list of nodes
func NodeCreateMulti(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, nodes []*k3d.Node, createNodeOpts k3d.NodeCreateOpts) error { // TODO: pass `--atomic` flag, so we stop and return an error if any node creation fails?
if createNodeOpts.Timeout > 0*time.Second {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, createNodeOpts.Timeout)
defer cancel()
nodeWaitGroup, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
for _, node := range nodes {
if err := NodeCreate(ctx, runtime, node, k3d.NodeCreateOpts{}); err != nil {
if createNodeOpts.Wait {
currentNode := node
nodeWaitGroup.Go(func() error {
l.Log().Debugf("Starting to wait for node '%s'", currentNode.Name)
readyLogMessage := k3d.GetReadyLogMessage(currentNode, k3d.IntentNodeCreate)
if readyLogMessage != "" {
return NodeWaitForLogMessage(ctx, runtime, currentNode, readyLogMessage, time.Time{})
l.Log().Warnf("NodeCreateMulti: Set to wait for node %s to get ready, but there's no target log message defined", currentNode.Name)
return nil
if err := nodeWaitGroup.Wait(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create nodes: %w", err)
return nil
// NodeRun creates and starts a node
func NodeRun(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, node *k3d.Node, nodeCreateOpts k3d.NodeCreateOpts) error {
if err := NodeCreate(ctx, runtime, node, nodeCreateOpts); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create node '%s': %w", node.Name, err)
if err := NodeStart(ctx, runtime, node, &k3d.NodeStartOpts{
Wait: nodeCreateOpts.Wait,
Timeout: nodeCreateOpts.Timeout,
NodeHooks: nodeCreateOpts.NodeHooks,
EnvironmentInfo: nodeCreateOpts.EnvironmentInfo,
Intent: k3d.IntentNodeCreate,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to start node '%s': %w", node.Name, err)
return nil
// NodeStart starts an existing node
func NodeStart(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, node *k3d.Node, nodeStartOpts *k3d.NodeStartOpts) error {
// return early, if the node is already running
if node.State.Running {
l.Log().Infof("Node %s is already running", node.Name)
return nil
if err := enableFixes(ctx, runtime, node, nodeStartOpts); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to enable k3d fixes: %w", err)
startTime := time.Now()
l.Log().Debugf("Node %s Start Time: %+v", node.Name, startTime)
// execute lifecycle hook actions
for _, hook := range nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks {
if hook.Stage == k3d.LifecycleStagePreStart {
l.Log().Tracef("Node %s: Executing preStartAction '%s': %s", node.Name, hook.Action.Name(), hook.Action.Info())
if err := hook.Action.Run(ctx, node); err != nil {
l.Log().Errorf("Node %s: Failed executing preStartAction '%s': %s: %+v", node.Name, hook.Action.Name(), hook.Action.Info(), err) // TODO: should we error out on failed preStartAction?
// start the node
l.Log().Tracef("Starting node '%s'", node.Name)
if err := runtime.StartNode(ctx, node); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("runtime failed to start node '%s': %w", node.Name, err)
if node.State.Started != "" {
ts, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02T15:04:05.999999999Z", node.State.Started)
if err != nil {
l.Log().Debugf("Failed to parse '%s.State.Started' timestamp '%s', falling back to calculated time", node.Name, node.State.Started)
startTime = ts.Truncate(time.Second)
l.Log().Debugf("Truncated %s to %s", ts, startTime)
if nodeStartOpts.Wait {
if nodeStartOpts.ReadyLogMessage == "" {
nodeStartOpts.ReadyLogMessage = k3d.GetReadyLogMessage(node, nodeStartOpts.Intent)
if nodeStartOpts.ReadyLogMessage != "" {
l.Log().Debugf("Waiting for node %s to get ready (Log: '%s')", node.Name, nodeStartOpts.ReadyLogMessage)
if err := NodeWaitForLogMessage(ctx, runtime, node, nodeStartOpts.ReadyLogMessage, startTime); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Node %s failed to get ready: %+v", node.Name, err)
} else {
l.Log().Warnf("NodeStart: Set to wait for node %s to be ready, but there's no target log message defined", node.Name)
// execute lifecycle hook actions
for _, hook := range nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks {
if hook.Stage == k3d.LifecycleStagePostStart {
l.Log().Tracef("Node %s: Executing postStartAction: %s", node.Name, hook.Action.Info())
if err := hook.Action.Run(ctx, node); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Node %s: Failed executing postStartAction: %s: %+v", node.Name, hook.Action.Info(), err)
return nil
func enableFixes(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, node *k3d.Node, nodeStartOpts *k3d.NodeStartOpts) error {
if node.Role == k3d.ServerRole || node.Role == k3d.AgentRole {
enabledFixes, anyEnabled := fixes.GetFixes(runtime)
// early exit if we don't need any fix
if !anyEnabled {
l.Log().Debugln("No fix enabled.")
return nil
// ensure nodehook list
if nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks == nil {
nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks = []k3d.NodeHook{}
// write umbrella entrypoint
nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks = append(nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks, k3d.NodeHook{
Stage: k3d.LifecycleStagePreStart,
Action: actions.WriteFileAction{
Runtime: runtime,
Content: fixes.K3DEntrypoint,
Dest: "/bin/",
Mode: 0744,
Description: "Write custom k3d entrypoint script (that powers the magic fixes)",
// DNS Fix
if enabledFixes[fixes.EnvFixDNS] {
l.Log().Debugln(">>> enabling dns magic")
for _, v := range node.Volumes {
if strings.Contains(v, "/etc/resolv.conf") {
return fmt.Errorf("[Node %s] Cannot activate DNS fix (K3D_FIX_DNS) when there's a file mounted at /etc/resolv.conf!", node.Name)
if nodeStartOpts.EnvironmentInfo == nil || !nodeStartOpts.EnvironmentInfo.HostGateway.IsValid() {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot enable DNS fix, as Host Gateway IP is missing!")
data := []byte(strings.ReplaceAll(string(fixes.DNSMagicEntrypoint), "GATEWAY_IP", nodeStartOpts.EnvironmentInfo.HostGateway.String()))
nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks = append(nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks, k3d.NodeHook{
Stage: k3d.LifecycleStagePreStart,
Action: actions.WriteFileAction{
Runtime: runtime,
Content: data,
Dest: "/bin/",
Mode: 0744,
Description: "Write entrypoint script for DNS fix",
// CGroupsV2Fix
if enabledFixes[fixes.EnvFixCgroupV2] {
l.Log().Debugf(">>> enabling cgroupsv2 magic")
if nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks == nil {
nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks = []k3d.NodeHook{}
nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks = append(nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks, k3d.NodeHook{
Stage: k3d.LifecycleStagePreStart,
Action: actions.WriteFileAction{
Runtime: runtime,
Content: fixes.CgroupV2Entrypoint,
Dest: "/bin/",
Mode: 0744,
Description: "Write entrypoint script for CGroupV2 fix",
if enabledFixes[fixes.EnvFixMounts] {
l.Log().Debugf(">>> enabling mounts magic")
if nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks == nil {
nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks = []k3d.NodeHook{}
nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks = append(nodeStartOpts.NodeHooks, k3d.NodeHook{
Stage: k3d.LifecycleStagePreStart,
Action: actions.WriteFileAction{
Runtime: runtime,
Content: fixes.MountsEntrypoint,
Dest: "/bin/",
Mode: 0744,
Description: "Write entrypoint script for mounts fix",
return nil
// NodeCreate creates a new containerized k3s node
func NodeCreate(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, node *k3d.Node, createNodeOpts k3d.NodeCreateOpts) error {
l.Log().Tracef("Creating node from spec\n%+v", node)
/* global node configuration (applies for any node role) */
// ### Labels ###
for k, v := range node.K3sNodeLabels {
node.Args = append(node.Args, "--node-label", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", k, v))
// ### Environment ###
node.Env = append(node.Env, k3d.DefaultNodeEnv...) // append default node env vars
// specify options depending on node role
if node.Role == k3d.AgentRole { // TODO: check here AND in CLI or only here?
if err := patchAgentSpec(node); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to patch agent spec on node %s: %w", node.Name, err)
} else if node.Role == k3d.ServerRole {
if err := patchServerSpec(node, runtime); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to patch server spec on node %s: %w", node.Name, err)
if _, any := fixes.GetFixes(runtime); any {
node.K3dEntrypoint = true
// memory limits
if node.Memory != "" {
if runtime != runtimes.Docker {
l.Log().Warn("ignoring specified memory limits as runtime is not Docker")
} else {
memory, err := dockerunits.RAMInBytes(node.Memory)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid memory limit format: %w", err)
// mount fake meminfo as readonly
fakemempath, err := util.MakeFakeMeminfo(memory, node.Name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create fake meminfo: %w", err)
node.Volumes = append(node.Volumes, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:ro", fakemempath, util.MemInfoPath))
// mount empty edac folder, but only if it exists
exists, err := docker.CheckIfDirectoryExists(ctx, node.Image, util.EdacFolderPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to check for the existence of edac folder: %w", err)
if exists {
l.Log().Debugln("Found edac folder")
fakeedacpath, err := util.MakeFakeEdac(node.Name)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create fake edac: %w", err)
node.Volumes = append(node.Volumes, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:ro", fakeedacpath, util.EdacFolderPath))
if err := runtime.CreateNode(ctx, node); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("runtime failed to create node '%s': %w", node.Name, err)
return nil
// NodeDelete deletes an existing node
func NodeDelete(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, node *k3d.Node, opts k3d.NodeDeleteOpts) error {
// delete node
if err := runtime.DeleteNode(ctx, node); err != nil {
// delete fake folder created for limits
if node.Memory != "" {
l.Log().Debug("Cleaning fake files folder from k3d config dir for this node...")
filepath, err := util.GetNodeFakerDirOrCreate(node.Name)
if err != nil {
l.Log().Errorf("Could not get fake files folder for node %s: %+v", node.Name, err)
err = os.RemoveAll(filepath)
if err != nil {
// this error prob should not be fatal, just log it
l.Log().Errorf("Could not remove fake files folder for node %s: %+v", node.Name, err)
// update the server loadbalancer
if !opts.SkipLBUpdate && (node.Role == k3d.ServerRole || node.Role == k3d.AgentRole) {
cluster, err := ClusterGet(ctx, runtime, &k3d.Cluster{Name: node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelClusterName]})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed fo find cluster for node '%s': %w", node.Name, err)
// if it's a server node, then update the loadbalancer configuration
if node.Role == k3d.ServerRole && cluster.ServerLoadBalancer != nil {
if err := UpdateLoadbalancerConfig(ctx, runtime, cluster); err != nil {
if !errors.Is(err, ErrLBConfigHostNotFound) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to update cluster loadbalancer: %w", err)
return nil
// patchAgentSpec adds agent node specific settings to a node
func patchAgentSpec(node *k3d.Node) error {
if node.Cmd == nil {
node.Cmd = []string{"agent"}
return nil
// patchServerSpec adds server node specific settings to a node
func patchServerSpec(node *k3d.Node, runtime runtimes.Runtime) error {
// command / arguments
if node.Cmd == nil {
node.Cmd = []string{"server"}
// Add labels and TLS SAN for the exposed API
// FIXME: For now, the labels concerning the API on the server nodes are only being used for configuring the kubeconfig
node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelServerAPIHostIP] = node.ServerOpts.KubeAPI.Binding.HostIP // TODO: maybe get docker machine IP here
node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelServerAPIHost] = node.ServerOpts.KubeAPI.Host
node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelServerAPIPort] = node.ServerOpts.KubeAPI.Binding.HostPort
node.Args = append(node.Args, "--tls-san", node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelServerAPIHost]) // add TLS SAN for non default host name
if node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelServerLoadBalancer] != "" {
// add TLS SAN for server loadbalancer
node.Args = append(node.Args, "--tls-san", node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelServerLoadBalancer])
return nil
// Check if node associated with K3S URL value is still active in the cluster
func checkK3SURLIsActive(nodes []*k3d.Node, k3sURL string) bool {
// extract the node name
re := regexp.MustCompile("K3S_URL=https?://([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)")
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(k3sURL)
if match == nil {
return false
for _, node := range nodes {
if node.Name == match[1] {
return true
return false
// NodeList returns a list of all existing clusters
func NodeList(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime) ([]*k3d.Node, error) {
nodes, err := runtime.GetNodesByLabel(ctx, k3d.DefaultRuntimeLabels)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to list nodes: %w", err)
return nodes, nil
// NodeGet returns a node matching the specified node fields
func NodeGet(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, node *k3d.Node) (*k3d.Node, error) {
// get node
node, err := runtime.GetNode(ctx, node)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get node '%s': %w", node.Name, err)
return node, nil
// NodeWaitForLogMessage follows the logs of a node container and returns if it finds a specific line in there (or timeout is reached)
func NodeWaitForLogMessage(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, node *k3d.Node, message string, since time.Time) error {
l.Log().Tracef("NodeWaitForLogMessage: Node '%s' waiting for log message '%s' since '%+v'", node.Name, message, since)
message = strings.ToLower(message)
// specify max number of retries if container is in crashloop (as defined by last seen message being a fatal log)
backOffLimit := k3d.DefaultNodeWaitForLogMessageCrashLoopBackOffLimit
if l, ok := os.LookupEnv(k3d.K3dEnvDebugNodeWaitBackOffLimit); ok {
limit, err := strconv.Atoi(l)
if err == nil {
backOffLimit = limit
// start a goroutine to print a warning continuously if a node is restarting for quite some time already
donechan := make(chan struct{})
defer close(donechan)
go func(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, node *k3d.Node, since time.Time, donechan chan struct{}) {
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-donechan:
// check if the container is restarting
running, status, _ := runtime.GetNodeStatus(ctx, node)
if running && status == k3d.NodeStatusRestarting && time.Since(since) > k3d.NodeWaitForLogMessageRestartWarnTime {
l.Log().Warnf("Node '%s' is restarting for more than %s now. Possibly it will recover soon (e.g. when it's waiting to join). Consider using a creation timeout to avoid waiting forever in a Restart Loop.", node.Name, k3d.NodeWaitForLogMessageRestartWarnTime)
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
}(ctx, runtime, node, since, donechan)
// pre-building error message in case the node stops returning logs for some reason: to be enriched with scanner error
errMsg := fmt.Errorf("error waiting for log line `%s` from node '%s': stopped returning log lines", message, node.Name)
// Start loop to check log stream for specified log message.
// We're looping here, as sometimes the containers run into a crash loop, but *may* recover from that
// e.g. when a new server is joining an existing cluster and has to wait for another member to finish learning.
// The logstream returned by docker ends everytime the container restarts, so we have to start from the beginning.
for i := 0; i < backOffLimit; i++ {
// get the log stream (reader is following the logstream)
out, err := runtime.GetNodeLogs(ctx, node, since, &runtimeTypes.NodeLogsOpts{Follow: true})
if out != nil {
defer out.Close()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed waiting for log message '%s' from node '%s': %w", message, node.Name, err)
// We're scanning the logstream continuously line-by-line
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(out)
var previousline string
for scanner.Scan() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded {
d, ok := ctx.Deadline()
if ok {
l.Log().Debugf("NodeWaitForLogMessage: Context Deadline (%s) > Current Time (%s)", d, time.Now())
return fmt.Errorf("Context deadline exceeded while waiting for log message '%s' of node %s: %w", message, node.Name, ctx.Err())
return ctx.Err()
if strings.Contains(os.Getenv(k3d.K3dEnvLogNodeWaitLogs), string(node.Role)) {
l.Log().Tracef(">>> Parsing log line: `%s`", scanner.Text())
// check if we can find the specified line in the log
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(scanner.Text()), message) {
l.Log().Tracef("Found target message `%s` in log line `%s`", message, scanner.Text())
l.Log().Debugf("Finished waiting for log message '%s' from node '%s'", message, node.Name)
return nil
previousline = scanner.Text()
if e := scanner.Err(); e != nil {
errMsg = fmt.Errorf("%v: %w", errMsg, e)
out.Close() // no more input on scanner, but target log not yet found -> close current logreader (precautionary)
// we got here, because the logstream ended (no more input on scanner), so we check if maybe the container crashed
if strings.Contains(previousline, "level=fatal") {
// case 1: last log line we saw contained a fatal error, so probably it crashed and we want to retry on restart
l.Log().Warnf("warning: encountered fatal log from node %s (retrying %d/%d): %s", node.Name, i, backOffLimit, previousline)
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
} else {
l.Log().Tracef("Non-fatal last log line in node %s: %s", node.Name, previousline)
// case 2: last log line we saw did not contain a fatal error, so we break the loop here and return a generic error
running, status, err := runtime.GetNodeStatus(ctx, node)
if err == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%v: node %s is running=%v in status=%s", errMsg, node.Name, running, status)
return errMsg
// NodeFilterByRoles filters a list of nodes by their roles
func NodeFilterByRoles(nodes []*k3d.Node, includeRoles, excludeRoles []k3d.Role) []*k3d.Node {
// check for conflicting filters
for _, includeRole := range includeRoles {
for _, excludeRole := range excludeRoles {
if includeRole == excludeRole {
l.Log().Warnf("You've specified the same role ('%s') for inclusion and exclusion. Exclusion precedes inclusion.", includeRole)
resultList := []*k3d.Node{}
for _, node := range nodes {
// exclude > include
for _, excludeRole := range excludeRoles {
if node.Role == excludeRole {
continue nodeLoop
// include < exclude
for _, includeRole := range includeRoles {
if node.Role == includeRole {
resultList = append(resultList, node)
continue nodeLoop
l.Log().Tracef("Filteres %d nodes by roles (in: %+v | ex: %+v), got %d left", len(nodes), includeRoles, excludeRoles, len(resultList))
return resultList
// NodeEdit let's you update an existing node
func NodeEdit(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, existingNode, changeset *k3d.Node) error {
* Make a deep copy of the existing node
result, err := CopyNode(ctx, existingNode, CopyNodeOpts{keepState: false})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to copy node %s: %w", existingNode.Name, err)
* Apply changes
// === Ports ===
if result.Ports == nil {
result.Ports = nat.PortMap{}
for port, portbindings := range changeset.Ports {
for _, portbinding := range portbindings {
// loop over existing portbindings to avoid port collisions (docker doesn't check for it)
for _, existingPB := range result.Ports[port] {
if util.IsPortBindingEqual(portbinding, existingPB) { // also matches on "equal" HostIPs (, "",
l.Log().Tracef("Skipping existing PortBinding: %+v", existingPB)
continue loopChangesetPortbindings
l.Log().Tracef("Adding portbinding %+v for port %s", portbinding, port.Port())
result.Ports[port] = append(result.Ports[port], portbinding)
// --- Loadbalancer specifics ---
if result.Role == k3d.LoadBalancerRole {
cluster, err := ClusterGet(ctx, runtime, &k3d.Cluster{Name: existingNode.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelClusterName]})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error updating loadbalancer config: %w", err)
if cluster.ServerLoadBalancer == nil {
cluster.ServerLoadBalancer = k3d.NewLoadbalancer()
cluster.ServerLoadBalancer.Node = result
lbConfig, err := LoadbalancerGenerateConfig(cluster)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error generating loadbalancer config: %v", err)
// prepare to write config to lb container
configyaml, err := yaml.Marshal(lbConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to marshal loadbalancer config: %w", err)
writeLbConfigAction := k3d.NodeHook{
Stage: k3d.LifecycleStagePreStart,
Action: actions.WriteFileAction{
Runtime: runtime,
Dest: k3d.DefaultLoadbalancerConfigPath,
Mode: 0744,
Content: configyaml,
Description: "Write Loadbalancer Configuration",
result.HookActions = append(result.HookActions, writeLbConfigAction)
// replace existing node
return NodeReplace(ctx, runtime, existingNode, result)
func NodeReplace(ctx context.Context, runtime runtimes.Runtime, old, new *k3d.Node) error {
// rename existing node
oldNameTemp := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", old.Name, util.GenerateRandomString(5))
oldNameOriginal := old.Name
l.Log().Infof("Renaming existing node %s to %s...", old.Name, oldNameTemp)
if err := runtime.RenameNode(ctx, old, oldNameTemp); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("runtime failed to rename node '%s': %w", old.Name, err)
old.Name = oldNameTemp
// create (not start) new node
l.Log().Infof("Creating new node %s...", new.Name)
if err := NodeCreate(ctx, runtime, new, k3d.NodeCreateOpts{Wait: true}); err != nil {
if err := runtime.RenameNode(ctx, old, oldNameOriginal); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create new node. Also failed to rename %s back to %s: %+v", old.Name, oldNameOriginal, err)
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create new node. Brought back old node: %+v", err)
// stop existing/old node
l.Log().Infof("Stopping existing node %s...", old.Name)
if err := runtime.StopNode(ctx, old); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("runtime failed to stop node '%s': %w", old.Name, err)
// start new node
l.Log().Infof("Starting new node %s...", new.Name)
if err := NodeStart(ctx, runtime, new, &k3d.NodeStartOpts{Wait: true, NodeHooks: new.HookActions}); err != nil {
if err := NodeDelete(ctx, runtime, new, k3d.NodeDeleteOpts{SkipLBUpdate: true}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to start new node. Also failed to rollback: %+v", err)
if err := runtime.RenameNode(ctx, old, oldNameOriginal); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to start new node. Also failed to rename %s back to %s: %+v", old.Name, oldNameOriginal, err)
old.Name = oldNameOriginal
if err := NodeStart(ctx, runtime, old, &k3d.NodeStartOpts{Wait: true}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to start new node. Also failed to restart old node: %+v", err)
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to start new node. Rolled back: %+v", err)
// cleanup: delete old node
l.Log().Infof("Deleting old node %s...", old.Name)
if err := NodeDelete(ctx, runtime, old, k3d.NodeDeleteOpts{SkipLBUpdate: true}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to delete old node '%s': %w", old.Name, err)
// done
return nil
type CopyNodeOpts struct {
keepState bool
func CopyNode(ctx context.Context, src *k3d.Node, opts CopyNodeOpts) (*k3d.Node, error) {
targetCopy, err := copystruct.Copy(src)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to copy node struct: %w", err)
result := targetCopy.(*k3d.Node)
if !opts.keepState {
// ensure that node state is empty
result.State = k3d.NodeState{}
return result, nil