Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

965 lines
33 KiB

Copyright © 2020-2021 The k3d Author(s)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package client
import (
_ "embed"
gort "runtime"
config ""
k3drt ""
runtimeErr ""
k3d ""
log ""
// ClusterRun orchestrates the steps of cluster creation, configuration and starting
func ClusterRun(ctx context.Context, runtime k3drt.Runtime, clusterConfig *config.ClusterConfig) error {
* Step 0: (Infrastructure) Preparation
if err := ClusterPrep(ctx, runtime, clusterConfig); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed Cluster Preparation: %+v", err)
* Step 1: Create Containers
if err := ClusterCreate(ctx, runtime, &clusterConfig.Cluster, &clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed Cluster Creation: %+v", err)
* Step 2: Pre-Start Configuration
// TODO: ClusterRun: add cluster configuration step here
* Step 3: Start Containers
if err := ClusterStart(ctx, runtime, &clusterConfig.Cluster, k3d.ClusterStartOpts{
WaitForServer: clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.WaitForServer,
Timeout: clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Timeout, // TODO: here we should consider the time used so far
NodeHooks: clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.NodeHooks,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed Cluster Start: %+v", err)
* Post-Start Configuration
* Additional Cluster Preparation *
* Networking Magic
// add /etc/hosts and CoreDNS entry for host.k3d.internal, referring to the host system
if !clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.PrepDisableHostIPInjection {
prepInjectHostIP(ctx, runtime, &clusterConfig.Cluster)
// create the registry hosting configmap
if len(clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Use) > 0 {
if err := prepCreateLocalRegistryHostingConfigMap(ctx, runtime, &clusterConfig.Cluster); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to create LocalRegistryHosting ConfigMap: %+v", err)
return nil
// ClusterPrep takes care of the steps required before creating/starting the cluster containers
func ClusterPrep(ctx context.Context, runtime k3drt.Runtime, clusterConfig *config.ClusterConfig) error {
* Set up contexts
* Used for (early) termination (across API boundaries)
clusterPrepCtx := ctx
if clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Timeout > 0*time.Second {
var cancelClusterPrepCtx context.CancelFunc
clusterPrepCtx, cancelClusterPrepCtx = context.WithTimeout(ctx, clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Timeout)
defer cancelClusterPrepCtx()
* Step 0: Pre-Pull Images
// TODO: ClusterPrep: add image pre-pulling step
* Step 1: Network
if err := ClusterPrepNetwork(clusterPrepCtx, runtime, &clusterConfig.Cluster, &clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed Network Preparation: %+v", err)
* Step 2: Volume(s)
if !clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.DisableImageVolume {
if err := ClusterPrepImageVolume(ctx, runtime, &clusterConfig.Cluster, &clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed Image Volume Preparation: %+v", err)
* Step 3: Registries
// Ensure referenced registries
for _, reg := range clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Use {
log.Debugf("Trying to find registry %s", reg.Host)
regNode, err := runtime.GetNode(ctx, &k3d.Node{Name: reg.Host})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to find registry node '%s': %+v", reg.Host, err)
regFromNode, err := RegistryFromNode(regNode)
if err != nil {
return err
*reg = *regFromNode
// Create managed registry bound to this cluster
if clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Create != nil {
registryNode, err := RegistryCreate(ctx, runtime, clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Create)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create registry: %+v", err)
clusterConfig.Cluster.Nodes = append(clusterConfig.Cluster.Nodes, registryNode)
clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Use = append(clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Use, clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Create)
// Use existing registries (including the new one, if created)
log.Tracef("Using Registries: %+v", clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Use)
var registryConfig *k3s.Registry
if len(clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Use) > 0 {
// ensure that all selected registries exist and connect them to the cluster network
for _, externalReg := range clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Use {
regNode, err := runtime.GetNode(ctx, &k3d.Node{Name: externalReg.Host})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to find registry node '%s': %+v", externalReg.Host, err)
if err := RegistryConnectNetworks(ctx, runtime, regNode, []string{clusterConfig.Cluster.Network.Name}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect registry node '%s' to cluster network: %+v", regNode.Name, err)
// generate the registries.yaml
regConf, err := RegistryGenerateK3sConfig(ctx, clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Use)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to generate registry config file for k3s: %+v", err)
// generate the LocalRegistryHosting configmap
regCm, err := RegistryGenerateLocalRegistryHostingConfigMapYAML(ctx, runtime, clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Use)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to generate LocalRegistryHosting configmap: %+v", err)
log.Tracef("Writing LocalRegistryHosting YAML:\n%s", string(regCm))
clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.NodeHooks = append(clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.NodeHooks, k3d.NodeHook{
Stage: k3d.LifecycleStagePreStart,
Action: actions.WriteFileAction{
Runtime: runtime,
Content: regCm,
Dest: k3d.DefaultLocalRegistryHostingConfigmapTempPath,
Mode: 0644,
registryConfig = regConf
// merge with pre-existing, referenced registries.yaml
if clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Config != nil {
if registryConfig != nil {
if err := RegistryMergeConfig(ctx, registryConfig, clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Config); err != nil {
return err
log.Tracef("Merged registry config: %+v", registryConfig)
} else {
registryConfig = clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.Registries.Config
if registryConfig != nil {
regConfBytes, err := yaml.Marshal(&registryConfig)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to marshal registry configuration: %+v", err)
clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.NodeHooks = append(clusterConfig.ClusterCreateOpts.NodeHooks, k3d.NodeHook{
Stage: k3d.LifecycleStagePreStart,
Action: actions.WriteFileAction{
Runtime: runtime,
Content: regConfBytes,
Dest: k3d.DefaultRegistriesFilePath,
Mode: 0644,
return nil
// ClusterPrepNetwork creates a new cluster network, if needed or sets everything up to re-use an existing network
func ClusterPrepNetwork(ctx context.Context, runtime k3drt.Runtime, cluster *k3d.Cluster, clusterCreateOpts *k3d.ClusterCreateOpts) error {
log.Infoln("Prep: Network")
// error out if external cluster network should be used but no name was set
if cluster.Network.Name == "" && cluster.Network.External {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to use external network because no name was specified")
if cluster.Network.Name != "" && cluster.Network.External && !cluster.Network.IPAM.IPPrefix.IsZero() {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot specify subnet for exiting network")
// generate cluster network name, if not set
if cluster.Network.Name == "" && !cluster.Network.External {
cluster.Network.Name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", k3d.DefaultObjectNamePrefix, cluster.Name)
// handle hostnetwork
if cluster.Network.Name == "host" {
if len(cluster.Nodes) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("only one server node supported when using host network")
// create cluster network or use an existing one
network, networkExists, err := runtime.CreateNetworkIfNotPresent(ctx, &cluster.Network)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("Failed to create cluster network")
return err
cluster.Network = *network
clusterCreateOpts.GlobalLabels[k3d.LabelNetworkID] = network.ID
clusterCreateOpts.GlobalLabels[k3d.LabelNetwork] = cluster.Network.Name
clusterCreateOpts.GlobalLabels[k3d.LabelNetworkIPRange] = cluster.Network.IPAM.IPPrefix.String()
clusterCreateOpts.GlobalLabels[k3d.LabelNetworkExternal] = strconv.FormatBool(cluster.Network.External)
if networkExists {
log.Infof("Re-using existing network '%s' (%s)", network.Name, network.ID)
clusterCreateOpts.GlobalLabels[k3d.LabelNetworkExternal] = "true" // if the network wasn't created, we say that it's managed externally (important for cluster deletion)
return nil
func ClusterPrepImageVolume(ctx context.Context, runtime k3drt.Runtime, cluster *k3d.Cluster, clusterCreateOpts *k3d.ClusterCreateOpts) error {
* Cluster-Wide volumes
* - image volume (for importing images)
imageVolumeName := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-images", k3d.DefaultObjectNamePrefix, cluster.Name)
if err := runtime.CreateVolume(ctx, imageVolumeName, map[string]string{k3d.LabelClusterName: cluster.Name}); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to create image volume '%s' for cluster '%s'", imageVolumeName, cluster.Name)
return err
clusterCreateOpts.GlobalLabels[k3d.LabelImageVolume] = imageVolumeName
// attach volume to nodes
for _, node := range cluster.Nodes {
node.Volumes = append(node.Volumes, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", imageVolumeName, k3d.DefaultImageVolumeMountPath))
return nil
// ClusterCreate creates a new cluster consisting of
// - some containerized k3s nodes
// - a docker network
func ClusterCreate(ctx context.Context, runtime k3drt.Runtime, cluster *k3d.Cluster, clusterCreateOpts *k3d.ClusterCreateOpts) error {
===== Creating Cluster =====
`, runtime, cluster, clusterCreateOpts)
* Set up contexts
* Used for (early) termination (across API boundaries)
clusterCreateCtx := ctx
if clusterCreateOpts.Timeout > 0*time.Second {
var cancelClusterCreateCtx context.CancelFunc
clusterCreateCtx, cancelClusterCreateCtx = context.WithTimeout(ctx, clusterCreateOpts.Timeout)
defer cancelClusterCreateCtx()
* Docker Machine Special Configuration
if cluster.KubeAPI.Host == k3d.DefaultAPIHost && runtime == k3drt.Docker {
if gort.GOOS == "windows" || gort.GOOS == "darwin" {
log.Tracef("Running on %s: checking if it's using docker-machine", gort.GOOS)
machineIP, err := runtime.(docker.Docker).GetDockerMachineIP()
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Using docker-machine, but failed to get it's IP: %+v", err)
} else if machineIP != "" {
log.Infof("Using the docker-machine IP %s to connect to the Kubernetes API", machineIP)
cluster.KubeAPI.Host = machineIP
cluster.KubeAPI.Binding.HostIP = machineIP
} else {
log.Traceln("Not using docker-machine")
* Cluster Token
if cluster.Token == "" {
cluster.Token = GenerateClusterToken()
clusterCreateOpts.GlobalLabels[k3d.LabelClusterToken] = cluster.Token
* Nodes
clusterCreateOpts.GlobalLabels[k3d.LabelClusterName] = cluster.Name
// agent defaults (per cluster)
// connection url is always the name of the first server node (index 0)
connectionURL := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:%s", generateNodeName(cluster.Name, k3d.ServerRole, 0), k3d.DefaultAPIPort)
clusterCreateOpts.GlobalLabels[k3d.LabelClusterURL] = connectionURL
clusterCreateOpts.GlobalEnv = append(clusterCreateOpts.GlobalEnv, fmt.Sprintf("K3S_TOKEN=%s", cluster.Token))
nodeSetup := func(node *k3d.Node, suffix int) error {
// cluster specific settings
if node.RuntimeLabels == nil {
node.RuntimeLabels = make(map[string]string) // TODO: maybe create an init function?
// ensure global labels
for k, v := range clusterCreateOpts.GlobalLabels {
node.RuntimeLabels[k] = v
// ensure global env
node.Env = append(node.Env, clusterCreateOpts.GlobalEnv...)
// node role specific settings
if node.Role == k3d.ServerRole {
if cluster.Network.IPAM.Managed {
ip, err := GetIP(ctx, runtime, &cluster.Network)
if err != nil {
return err
cluster.Network.IPAM.IPsUsed = append(cluster.Network.IPAM.IPsUsed, ip) // make sure that we're not reusing the same IP next time
node.IP.Static = true
node.IP.IP = ip
node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelNodeStaticIP] = ip.String()
node.ServerOpts.KubeAPI = cluster.KubeAPI
// the cluster has an init server node, but its not this one, so connect it to the init node
if cluster.InitNode != nil && !node.ServerOpts.IsInit {
node.Env = append(node.Env, fmt.Sprintf("K3S_URL=%s", connectionURL))
node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelServerIsInit] = "false" // set label, that this server node is not the init server
} else if node.Role == k3d.AgentRole {
node.Env = append(node.Env, fmt.Sprintf("K3S_URL=%s", connectionURL))
node.Name = generateNodeName(cluster.Name, node.Role, suffix)
node.Networks = []string{cluster.Network.Name}
node.Restart = true
node.GPURequest = clusterCreateOpts.GPURequest
// create node
log.Infof("Creating node '%s'", node.Name)
if err := NodeCreate(clusterCreateCtx, runtime, node, k3d.NodeCreateOpts{}); err != nil {
log.Errorln("Failed to create node")
return err
log.Debugf("Created node '%s'", node.Name)
// start node
//return NodeStart(clusterCreateCtx, runtime, node, k3d.NodeStartOpts{PreStartActions: clusterCreateOpts.NodeHookActions})
return nil
// used for node suffices
serverCount := 0
agentCount := 0
suffix := 0
// create init node first
if cluster.InitNode != nil {
log.Infoln("Creating initializing server node")
cluster.InitNode.Args = append(cluster.InitNode.Args, "--cluster-init")
if cluster.InitNode.RuntimeLabels == nil {
cluster.InitNode.RuntimeLabels = map[string]string{}
cluster.InitNode.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelServerIsInit] = "true" // set label, that this server node is the init server
// in case the LoadBalancer was disabled, expose the API Port on the initializing server node
if clusterCreateOpts.DisableLoadBalancer {
if cluster.InitNode.Ports == nil {
cluster.InitNode.Ports = nat.PortMap{}
cluster.InitNode.Ports[k3d.DefaultAPIPort] = []nat.PortBinding{cluster.KubeAPI.Binding}
if err := nodeSetup(cluster.InitNode, serverCount); err != nil {
return err
// create all other nodes, but skip the init node
for _, node := range cluster.Nodes {
if node.Role == k3d.ServerRole {
// skip the init node here
if node == cluster.InitNode {
} else if serverCount == 0 && clusterCreateOpts.DisableLoadBalancer {
// if this is the first server node and the server loadbalancer is disabled, expose the API Port on this server node
if node.Ports == nil {
node.Ports = nat.PortMap{}
node.Ports[k3d.DefaultAPIPort] = []nat.PortBinding{cluster.KubeAPI.Binding}
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // FIXME: arbitrary wait for one second to avoid race conditions of servers registering
// name suffix
suffix = serverCount
} else if node.Role == k3d.AgentRole {
// name suffix
suffix = agentCount
if node.Role == k3d.ServerRole || node.Role == k3d.AgentRole {
if err := nodeSetup(node, suffix); err != nil {
return err
// WARN, if there are exactly two server nodes: that means we're using etcd, but don't have fault tolerance
if serverCount == 2 {
log.Warnln("You're creating 2 server nodes: Please consider creating at least 3 to achieve quorum & fault tolerance")
* Auxiliary Containers
// *** ServerLoadBalancer ***
if !clusterCreateOpts.DisableLoadBalancer {
node, nodeCreateOpts, err := LoadbalancerPrepare(ctx, runtime, cluster, &k3d.LoadbalancerCreateOpts{Labels: clusterCreateOpts.GlobalLabels})
if err != nil {
return err
if err := NodeCreate(ctx, runtime, node, *nodeCreateOpts); err != nil {
log.Errorln("Failed to create loadbalancer")
return err
log.Debugf("Created loadbalancer '%s'", node.Name)
return err
return nil
// ClusterDelete deletes an existing cluster
func ClusterDelete(ctx context.Context, runtime k3drt.Runtime, cluster *k3d.Cluster, opts k3d.ClusterDeleteOpts) error {
log.Infof("Deleting cluster '%s'", cluster.Name)
cluster, err := ClusterGet(ctx, runtime, cluster)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("Cluster Details: %+v", cluster)
failed := 0
for _, node := range cluster.Nodes {
// registry: only delete, if not connected to other networks
if node.Role == k3d.RegistryRole && !opts.SkipRegistryCheck {
log.Tracef("Registry Node has %d networks: %+v", len(node.Networks), node)
// check if node is connected to other networks, that are not
// - the cluster network
// - default docker networks
// -> if so, disconnect it from the cluster network and continue
connectedToOtherNet := false
for _, net := range node.Networks {
if net == cluster.Network.Name {
if net == "bridge" || net == "host" {
log.Tracef("net: %s", net)
connectedToOtherNet = true
if connectedToOtherNet {
log.Infof("Registry %s is also connected to other (non-default) networks (%+v), not deleting it...", node.Name, node.Networks)
if err := runtime.DisconnectNodeFromNetwork(ctx, node, cluster.Network.Name); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to disconnect registry %s from cluster network %s", node.Name, cluster.Network.Name)
if err := NodeDelete(ctx, runtime, node, k3d.NodeDeleteOpts{SkipLBUpdate: true}); err != nil {
log.Warningf("Failed to delete node '%s': Try to delete it manually", node.Name)
// Delete the cluster network, if it was created for/by this cluster (and if it's not in use anymore)
if cluster.Network.Name != "" {
if !cluster.Network.External {
log.Infof("Deleting cluster network '%s'", cluster.Network.Name)
if err := runtime.DeleteNetwork(ctx, cluster.Network.Name); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, runtimeErr.ErrRuntimeNetworkNotEmpty) { // there are still containers connected to that network
connectedNodes, err := runtime.GetNodesInNetwork(ctx, cluster.Network.Name) // check, if there are any k3d nodes connected to the cluster
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("Failed to check cluster network for connected nodes: %+v", err)
if len(connectedNodes) > 0 { // there are still k3d-managed containers (aka nodes) connected to the network
connectedRegistryNodes := util.FilterNodesByRole(connectedNodes, k3d.RegistryRole)
if len(connectedRegistryNodes) == len(connectedNodes) { // only registry node(s) left in the network
for _, node := range connectedRegistryNodes {
log.Debugf("Disconnecting registry node %s from the network...", node.Name)
if err := runtime.DisconnectNodeFromNetwork(ctx, node, cluster.Network.Name); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to disconnect registry %s from network %s", node.Name, cluster.Network.Name)
} else {
if err := runtime.DeleteNetwork(ctx, cluster.Network.Name); err != nil {
log.Warningf("Failed to delete cluster network, even after disconnecting registry node(s): %+v", err)
} else { // besides the registry node(s), there are still other nodes... maybe they still need a registry
log.Debugf("There are some non-registry nodes left in the network")
} else {
log.Warningf("Failed to delete cluster network '%s' because it's still in use: is there another cluster using it?", cluster.Network.Name)
} else {
log.Warningf("Failed to delete cluster network '%s': '%+v'", cluster.Network.Name, err)
} else if cluster.Network.External {
log.Debugf("Skip deletion of cluster network '%s' because it's managed externally", cluster.Network.Name)
// delete image volume
if cluster.ImageVolume != "" {
log.Infof("Deleting image volume '%s'", cluster.ImageVolume)
if err := runtime.DeleteVolume(ctx, cluster.ImageVolume); err != nil {
log.Warningf("Failed to delete image volume '%s' of cluster '%s': Try to delete it manually", cluster.ImageVolume, cluster.Name)
// return error if we failed to delete a node
if failed > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to delete %d nodes: Try to delete them manually", failed)
return nil
// ClusterList returns a list of all existing clusters
func ClusterList(ctx context.Context, runtime k3drt.Runtime) ([]*k3d.Cluster, error) {
log.Traceln("Listing Clusters...")
nodes, err := runtime.GetNodesByLabel(ctx, k3d.DefaultRuntimeLabels)
if err != nil {
log.Errorln("Failed to get clusters")
return nil, err
log.Debugf("Found %d nodes", len(nodes))
if log.GetLevel() == log.TraceLevel {
for _, node := range nodes {
log.Tracef("Found node %s of role %s", node.Name, node.Role)
nodes = NodeFilterByRoles(nodes, k3d.ClusterInternalNodeRoles, k3d.ClusterExternalNodeRoles)
log.Tracef("Found %d cluster-internal nodes", len(nodes))
if log.GetLevel() == log.TraceLevel {
for _, node := range nodes {
log.Tracef("Found cluster-internal node %s of role %s belonging to cluster %s", node.Name, node.Role, node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelClusterName])
clusters := []*k3d.Cluster{}
// for each node, check, if we can add it to a cluster or add the cluster if it doesn't exist yet
for _, node := range nodes {
clusterExists := false
for _, cluster := range clusters {
if node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelClusterName] == cluster.Name { // TODO: handle case, where this label doesn't exist
cluster.Nodes = append(cluster.Nodes, node)
clusterExists = true
// cluster is not in the list yet, so we add it with the current node as its first member
if !clusterExists {
clusters = append(clusters, &k3d.Cluster{
Name: node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelClusterName],
Nodes: []*k3d.Node{node},
// enrich cluster structs with label values
for _, cluster := range clusters {
if err := populateClusterFieldsFromLabels(cluster); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to populate cluster fields from node label values for cluster '%s'", cluster.Name)
log.Debugf("Found %d clusters", len(clusters))
return clusters, nil
// populateClusterFieldsFromLabels inspects labels attached to nodes and translates them to struct fields
func populateClusterFieldsFromLabels(cluster *k3d.Cluster) error {
networkExternalSet := false
for _, node := range cluster.Nodes {
// get the name of the cluster network
if cluster.Network.Name == "" {
if networkName, ok := node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelNetwork]; ok {
cluster.Network.Name = networkName
// check if the network is external
// since the struct value is a bool, initialized as false, we cannot check if it's unset
if !cluster.Network.External && !networkExternalSet {
if networkExternalString, ok := node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelNetworkExternal]; ok {
if networkExternal, err := strconv.ParseBool(networkExternalString); err == nil {
cluster.Network.External = networkExternal
networkExternalSet = true
// get image volume // TODO: enable external image volumes the same way we do it with networks
if cluster.ImageVolume == "" {
if imageVolumeName, ok := node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelImageVolume]; ok {
cluster.ImageVolume = imageVolumeName
// get k3s cluster's token
if cluster.Token == "" {
if token, ok := node.RuntimeLabels[k3d.LabelClusterToken]; ok {
cluster.Token = token
return nil
var ClusterGetNoNodesFoundError = errors.New("No nodes found for given cluster")
// ClusterGet returns an existing cluster with all fields and node lists populated
func ClusterGet(ctx context.Context, runtime k3drt.Runtime, cluster *k3d.Cluster) (*k3d.Cluster, error) {
// get nodes that belong to the selected cluster
nodes, err := runtime.GetNodesByLabel(ctx, map[string]string{k3d.LabelClusterName: cluster.Name})
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to get nodes for cluster '%s'", cluster.Name)
if len(nodes) == 0 {
return nil, ClusterGetNoNodesFoundError
// append nodes
for _, node := range nodes {
// check if there's already a node in the struct
overwroteExisting := false
for _, existingNode := range cluster.Nodes {
// overwrite existing node
if existingNode.Name == node.Name {
mergo.MergeWithOverwrite(existingNode, node)
overwroteExisting = true
// no existing node overwritten: append new node
if !overwroteExisting {
cluster.Nodes = append(cluster.Nodes, node)
if err := populateClusterFieldsFromLabels(cluster); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to populate cluster fields from node labels")
return cluster, nil
// GenerateClusterToken generates a random 20 character string
func GenerateClusterToken() string {
return util.GenerateRandomString(20)
func generateNodeName(cluster string, role k3d.Role, suffix int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%d", k3d.DefaultObjectNamePrefix, cluster, role, suffix)
// ClusterStart starts a whole cluster (i.e. all nodes of the cluster)
func ClusterStart(ctx context.Context, runtime k3drt.Runtime, cluster *k3d.Cluster, startClusterOpts types.ClusterStartOpts) error {
log.Infof("Starting cluster '%s'", cluster.Name)
if startClusterOpts.Timeout > 0*time.Second {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, startClusterOpts.Timeout)
defer cancel()
// sort the nodes into categories
var initNode *k3d.Node
var servers []*k3d.Node
var agents []*k3d.Node
var aux []*k3d.Node
for _, n := range cluster.Nodes {
if n.Role == k3d.ServerRole {
if n.ServerOpts.IsInit {
initNode = n
servers = append(servers, n)
} else if n.Role == k3d.AgentRole {
agents = append(agents, n)
} else {
aux = append(aux, n)
// TODO: remove trace logs below
log.Traceln("Servers before sort:")
for i, n := range servers {
log.Tracef("Server %d - %s", i, n.Name)
sort.Slice(servers, func(i, j int) bool {
return servers[i].Name < servers[j].Name
log.Traceln("Servers after sort:")
for i, n := range servers {
log.Tracef("Server %d - %s", i, n.Name)
* Init Node
if initNode != nil {
log.Infoln("Starting the initializing server...")
if err := NodeStart(ctx, runtime, initNode, k3d.NodeStartOpts{
Wait: true, // always wait for the init node
NodeHooks: startClusterOpts.NodeHooks,
ReadyLogMessage: "Running kube-apiserver", // initNode means, that we're using etcd -> this will need quorum, so "k3s is up and running" won't happen right now
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to start initializing server node: %+v", err)
* Server Nodes
log.Infoln("Starting servers...")
nodeStartOpts := k3d.NodeStartOpts{
Wait: true,
NodeHooks: startClusterOpts.NodeHooks,
for _, serverNode := range servers {
if err := NodeStart(ctx, runtime, serverNode, nodeStartOpts); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to start server %s: %+v", serverNode.Name, err)
* Agent Nodes
failedAgents := 0
log.Infoln("Starting agents...")
for _, agentNode := range agents {
if err := NodeStart(ctx, runtime, agentNode, nodeStartOpts); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to start agent %s: %+v", agentNode.Name, err)
* Auxiliary/Helper Nodes
log.Infoln("Starting helpers...")
failedHelpers := 0
for _, helperNode := range aux {
nodeStartOpts := k3d.NodeStartOpts{}
if helperNode.Role == k3d.LoadBalancerRole {
nodeStartOpts.Wait = true
if err := NodeStart(ctx, runtime, helperNode, nodeStartOpts); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to start helper %s: %+v", helperNode.Name, err)
if failedAgents+failedHelpers > 0 {
log.Warnf("%d non-critical (agent or helper) nodes failed to start. You may want to start them manually.", failedAgents+failedHelpers)
return nil
// ClusterStop stops a whole cluster (i.e. all nodes of the cluster)
func ClusterStop(ctx context.Context, runtime k3drt.Runtime, cluster *k3d.Cluster) error {
log.Infof("Stopping cluster '%s'", cluster.Name)
failed := 0
for _, node := range cluster.Nodes {
if err := runtime.StopNode(ctx, node); err != nil {
log.Warningf("Failed to stop node '%s': Try to stop it manually", node.Name)
if failed > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to stop %d nodes: Try to stop them manually", failed)
return nil
// SortClusters : in place sort cluster list by cluster name alphabetical order
func SortClusters(clusters []*k3d.Cluster) []*k3d.Cluster {
sort.Slice(clusters, func(i, j int) bool {
return clusters[i].Name < clusters[j].Name
return clusters
// prepInjectHostIP adds /etc/hosts and CoreDNS entry for host.k3d.internal, referring to the host system
func prepInjectHostIP(ctx context.Context, runtime k3drt.Runtime, cluster *k3d.Cluster) {
log.Infoln("(Optional) Trying to get IP of the docker host and inject it into the cluster as 'host.k3d.internal' for easy access")
hostIP, err := GetHostIP(ctx, runtime, cluster)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to get HostIP: %+v", err)
if hostIP != nil {
hostRecordSuccessMessage := ""
etcHostsFailureCount := 0
hostsEntry := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", hostIP, k3d.DefaultK3dInternalHostRecord)
log.Debugf("Adding extra host entry '%s'...", hostsEntry)
for _, node := range cluster.Nodes {
if err := runtime.ExecInNode(ctx, node, []string{"sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("echo '%s' >> /etc/hosts", hostsEntry)}); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to add extra entry '%s' to /etc/hosts in node '%s'", hostsEntry, node.Name)
if etcHostsFailureCount < len(cluster.Nodes) {
hostRecordSuccessMessage += fmt.Sprintf("Successfully added host record to /etc/hosts in %d/%d nodes", (len(cluster.Nodes) - etcHostsFailureCount), len(cluster.Nodes))
patchCmd := `test=$(kubectl get cm coredns -n kube-system --template='{{.data.NodeHosts}}' | sed -n -E -e '/[0-9\.]{4,12}\s+host\.k3d\.internal$/!p' -e '$a` + hostsEntry + `' | tr '\n' '^' | busybox xargs -0 printf '{"data": {"NodeHosts":"%s"}}'| sed -E 's%\^%\\n%g') && kubectl patch cm coredns -n kube-system -p="$test"`
if err = runtime.ExecInNode(ctx, cluster.Nodes[0], []string{"sh", "-c", patchCmd}); err != nil {
log.Warnf("Failed to patch CoreDNS ConfigMap to include entry '%s': %+v", hostsEntry, err)
} else {
hostRecordSuccessMessage += " and to the CoreDNS ConfigMap"
if hostRecordSuccessMessage != "" {
func prepCreateLocalRegistryHostingConfigMap(ctx context.Context, runtime k3drt.Runtime, cluster *k3d.Cluster) error {
success := false
for _, node := range cluster.Nodes {
if node.Role == k3d.AgentRole || node.Role == k3d.ServerRole {
err := runtime.ExecInNode(ctx, node, []string{"sh", "-c", fmt.Sprintf("kubectl apply -f %s", k3d.DefaultLocalRegistryHostingConfigmapTempPath)})
if err == nil {
success = true
} else {
log.Debugf("Failed to create LocalRegistryHosting ConfigMap in node %s: %+v", node.Name, err)
if success == false {
log.Warnf("Failed to create LocalRegistryHosting ConfigMap")
return nil