Little helper to run CNCF's k3s in Docker
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package registries
import (
var _ authn.Keychain = &endpoint{}
var _ http.RoundTripper = &endpoint{}
type endpoint struct {
auth authn.Authenticator
keychain authn.Keychain
ref name.Reference
registry *registry
url *url.URL
// Resolve returns an authenticator for the authn.Keychain interface. The authenticator
// provides credentials to a registry by returning the credentials from mirror endpoints.
// If there were no credentials provided for this endpoint, the default keychain is used
// as a fallback, followed by simply anonymous access.
func (e endpoint) Resolve(target authn.Resource) (authn.Authenticator, error) {
if e.auth != nil && e.auth != authn.Anonymous {
return e.auth, nil
if e.keychain != nil {
return e.keychain.Resolve(target)
return authn.Anonymous, nil
// RoundTrip handles making a request to an endpoint. It is responsible for rewriting the request
// URL to reflect the scheme, host, and path specified in the endpoint config. The transport itself
// will be retrieved from the registry config, potentially using a cached entry.
func (e endpoint) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
endpointURL := e.url
originalURL := req.URL.String()
// Only rewrite the URL if the request is being made against the original registry host.
// We might have been redirected to a different URL as part of the auth
// workflow, and must not rewrite URLs if that's the case.
if e.ref.Context().RegistryStr() == req.URL.Host {
if strings.HasPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/v2") {
// The default base path is /v2; if a path is included in the endpoint,
// replace the /v2 prefix from the request path with the endpoint path.
// This behavior is cribbed from containerd.
if endpointURL.Path != "" {
req.URL.Path = endpointURL.Path + strings.TrimPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/v2")
// If either URL has RawPath set (due to the path including urlencoded
// characters), it also needs to be used to set the combined URL
if endpointURL.RawPath != "" || req.URL.RawPath != "" {
endpointPath := endpointURL.Path
if endpointURL.RawPath != "" {
endpointPath = endpointURL.RawPath
reqPath := req.URL.Path
if req.URL.RawPath != "" {
reqPath = req.URL.RawPath
req.URL.RawPath = endpointPath + strings.TrimPrefix(reqPath, "/v2")
// override request host and scheme
req.Host = endpointURL.Host
req.URL.Host = endpointURL.Host
req.URL.Scheme = endpointURL.Scheme
if newURL := req.URL.String(); originalURL != newURL {
logrus.Debugf("Registry endpoint URL modified: %s => %s", originalURL, newURL)
return e.registry.getTransport(req.URL).RoundTrip(req)