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132 lines
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import type { Mapping } from "json-source-map";
/** These positions are 1-based (so <code>1</code> is the first line/column) */
export declare type DiagnosticHighlightLocation = {
readonly line: number;
readonly column: number;
export declare type DiagnosticSeverity = "error" | "warn" | "info";
* Note: A tab character is always counted as a single character
* This is to prevent any mismatch of highlighting across machines
export declare type DiagnosticCodeHighlight = {
/** Location of the first character that should get highlighted for this highlight. */
start: DiagnosticHighlightLocation;
/** Location of the last character that should get highlighted for this highlight. */
end: DiagnosticHighlightLocation;
/** A message that should be displayed at this location in the code (optional). */
message?: string;
* Describes how to format a code frame.
* A code frame is a visualization of a piece of code with a certain amount of
* code highlights that point to certain chunk(s) inside the code.
export declare type DiagnosticCodeFrame = {
* The contents of the source file.
* If no code is passed, it will be read in from filePath, remember that
* the asset's current code could be different from the input contents.
code?: string;
/** Path to the file this code frame is about (optional, absolute or relative to the project root) */
filePath?: string;
/** Language of the file this code frame is about (optional) */
language?: string;
codeHighlights: Array<DiagnosticCodeHighlight>;
* A style agnostic way of emitting errors, warnings and info.
* Reporters are responsible for rendering the message, codeframes, hints, ...
export declare type Diagnostic = {
/** This is the message you want to log. */
message: string;
/** Name of plugin or file that threw this error */
origin?: string;
/** A stacktrace of the error (optional) */
stack?: string;
/** Name of the error (optional) */
name?: string;
/** A code frame points to a certain location(s) in the file this diagnostic is linked to (optional) */
codeFrames?: Array<DiagnosticCodeFrame> | null | undefined;
/** An optional list of strings that suggest ways to resolve this issue */
hints?: Array<string>;
/** @private */
skipFormatting?: boolean;
/** A URL to documentation to learn more about the diagnostic. */
documentationURL?: string;
export interface PrintableError extends Error {
fileName?: string;
filePath?: string;
codeFrame?: string;
highlightedCodeFrame?: string;
loc?: {
column: number;
line: number;
} | null | undefined;
source?: string;
export declare type DiagnosticWithoutOrigin = Diagnostic & {
origin?: string;
/** Something that can be turned into a diagnostic. */
export declare type Diagnostifiable = Diagnostic | Array<Diagnostic> | ThrowableDiagnostic | PrintableError | Error | string;
/** Normalize the given value into a diagnostic. */
export declare function anyToDiagnostic(input: Diagnostifiable): Array<Diagnostic>;
/** Normalize the given error into a diagnostic. */
export declare function errorToDiagnostic(error: ThrowableDiagnostic | PrintableError | string, defaultValues?: {
origin?: string | null | undefined;
filePath?: string | null | undefined;
}): Array<Diagnostic>;
declare type ThrowableDiagnosticOpts = {
diagnostic: Diagnostic | Array<Diagnostic>;
* An error wrapper around a diagnostic that can be <code>throw</code>n (e.g. to signal a
* build error).
export default class ThrowableDiagnostic extends Error {
diagnostics: Array<Diagnostic>;
constructor(opts: ThrowableDiagnosticOpts);
* Turns a list of positions in a JSON file with messages into a list of diagnostics.
* Uses <a href="">epoberezkin/json-source-map</a>.
* @param code the JSON code
* @param ids A list of JSON keypaths (<code>key: "/some/parent/child"</code>) with corresponding messages, \
* <code>type</code> signifies whether the key of the value in a JSON object should be highlighted.
export declare function generateJSONCodeHighlights(data: string | {
data: unknown;
pointers: Record<string, Mapping>;
}, ids: Array<{
key: string;
type?: ("key" | null | undefined) | "value";
message?: string;
}>): Array<DiagnosticCodeHighlight>;
* Converts entries in <a href="">epoberezkin/json-source-map</a>'s
* <code>result.pointers</code> array.
export declare function getJSONSourceLocation(pos: Mapping, type?: ("key" | null | undefined) | "value"): {
start: DiagnosticHighlightLocation;
end: DiagnosticHighlightLocation;
/** Sanitizes object keys before using them as <code>key</code> in generateJSONCodeHighlights */
export declare function encodeJSONKeyComponent(component: string): string;
export declare function escapeMarkdown(s: string): string;
declare type TemplateInput = any;
export declare function md(strings: Array<string>, ...params: Array<TemplateInput>): string;
export declare namespace md {
var bold: (s: any) => any;
var italic: (s: any) => any;
var underline: (s: any) => any;
var strikethrough: (s: any) => any;
export {};