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1 year ago
An Old Hope Star Wars Syntax (c) Gustavo Costa <>
Original theme - Ocean Dark Theme by
Based on Jesse Leite's Atom syntax theme 'An Old Hope' –
/* Death Star Comment */
color: #B6B18B;
/* Darth Vader */
color: #EB3C54;
/* Threepio */
color: #E7CE56;
/* Luke Skywalker */
color: #EE7C2B;
/* Obi Wan Kenobi */
color: #4FB4D7;
/* Yoda */
color: #78BB65;
/* Mace Windu */
color: #B45EA4;
/* Millenium Falcon */
display: block;
overflow-x: auto;
background: #1C1D21;
color: #c0c5ce;
padding: 0.5em;
font-style: italic;
font-weight: bold;