Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

114 lines
3.8 KiB

1 year ago
// Generated by LiveScript 1.4.0
var reject, special, tokenRegex;
reject = require('prelude-ls').reject;
function consumeOp(tokens, op){
if (tokens[0] === op) {
return tokens.shift();
} else {
throw new Error("Expected '" + op + "', but got '" + tokens[0] + "' instead in " + JSON.stringify(tokens) + ".");
function maybeConsumeOp(tokens, op){
if (tokens[0] === op) {
return tokens.shift();
function consumeList(tokens, arg$, hasDelimiters){
var open, close, result, untilTest;
open = arg$[0], close = arg$[1];
if (hasDelimiters) {
consumeOp(tokens, open);
result = [];
untilTest = "," + (hasDelimiters ? close : '');
while (tokens.length && (hasDelimiters && tokens[0] !== close)) {
result.push(consumeElement(tokens, untilTest));
maybeConsumeOp(tokens, ',');
if (hasDelimiters) {
consumeOp(tokens, close);
return result;
function consumeArray(tokens, hasDelimiters){
return consumeList(tokens, ['[', ']'], hasDelimiters);
function consumeTuple(tokens, hasDelimiters){
return consumeList(tokens, ['(', ')'], hasDelimiters);
function consumeFields(tokens, hasDelimiters){
var result, untilTest, key;
if (hasDelimiters) {
consumeOp(tokens, '{');
result = {};
untilTest = "," + (hasDelimiters ? '}' : '');
while (tokens.length && (!hasDelimiters || tokens[0] !== '}')) {
key = consumeValue(tokens, ':');
consumeOp(tokens, ':');
result[key] = consumeElement(tokens, untilTest);
maybeConsumeOp(tokens, ',');
if (hasDelimiters) {
consumeOp(tokens, '}');
return result;
function consumeValue(tokens, untilTest){
var out;
untilTest == null && (untilTest = '');
out = '';
while (tokens.length && -1 === untilTest.indexOf(tokens[0])) {
out += tokens.shift();
return out;
function consumeElement(tokens, untilTest){
switch (tokens[0]) {
case '[':
return consumeArray(tokens, true);
case '(':
return consumeTuple(tokens, true);
case '{':
return consumeFields(tokens, true);
return consumeValue(tokens, untilTest);
function consumeTopLevel(tokens, types, options){
var ref$, type, structure, origTokens, result, finalResult, x$, y$;
ref$ = types[0], type = ref$.type, structure = ref$.structure;
origTokens = tokens.concat();
if (!options.explicit && types.length === 1 && ((!type && structure) || (type === 'Array' || type === 'Object'))) {
result = structure === 'array' || type === 'Array'
? consumeArray(tokens, tokens[0] === '[')
: structure === 'tuple'
? consumeTuple(tokens, tokens[0] === '(')
: consumeFields(tokens, tokens[0] === '{');
finalResult = tokens.length ? consumeElement(structure === 'array' || type === 'Array'
? (x$ = origTokens, x$.unshift('['), x$.push(']'), x$)
: (y$ = origTokens, y$.unshift('('), y$.push(')'), y$)) : result;
} else {
finalResult = consumeElement(tokens);
return finalResult;
special = /\[\]\(\)}{:,/.source;
tokenRegex = RegExp('("(?:\\\\"|[^"])*")|(\'(?:\\\\\'|[^\'])*\')|(/(?:\\\\/|[^/])*/[a-zA-Z]*)|(#.*#)|([' + special + '])|([^\\s' + special + '](?:\\s*[^\\s' + special + ']+)*)|\\s*');
module.exports = function(types, string, options){
var tokens, node;
options == null && (options = {});
if (!options.explicit && types.length === 1 && types[0].type === 'String') {
return "'" + string.replace(/\\'/g, "\\\\'") + "'";
tokens = reject(not$, string.split(tokenRegex));
node = consumeTopLevel(tokens, types, options);
if (!node) {
throw new Error("Error parsing '" + string + "'.");
return node;
function not$(x){ return !x; }