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# Parse, serialize, and manipulate MIME types
This package will parse [MIME types]( into a structured format, which can then be manipulated and serialized:
const MIMEType = require("whatwg-mimetype");
const mimeType = new MIMEType(`Text/HTML;Charset="utf-8"`);
console.assert(mimeType.toString() === "text/html;charset=utf-8");
console.assert(mimeType.type === "text");
console.assert(mimeType.subtype === "html");
console.assert(mimeType.essence === "text/html");
console.assert(mimeType.parameters.get("charset") === "utf-8");
mimeType.parameters.set("charset", "windows-1252");
console.assert(mimeType.parameters.get("charset") === "windows-1252");
console.assert(mimeType.toString() === "text/html;charset=windows-1252");
console.assert(mimeType.isHTML() === true);
console.assert(mimeType.isXML() === false);
Parsing is a fairly complex process; see [the specification]( for details (and similarly [for serialization](
This package's algorithms conform to those of the WHATWG [MIME Sniffing Standard](, and is aligned up to commit [126286a](
## `MIMEType` API
This package's main module's default export is a class, `MIMEType`. Its constructor takes a string which it will attempt to parse into a MIME type; if parsing fails, an `Error` will be thrown.
### The `parse()` static factory method
As an alternative to the constructor, you can use `MIMEType.parse(string)`. The only difference is that `parse()` will return `null` on failed parsing, whereas the constructor will throw. It thus makes the most sense to use the constructor in cases where unparseable MIME types would be exceptional, and use `parse()` when dealing with input from some unconstrained source.
### Properties
- `type`: the MIME type's [type](, e.g. `"text"`
- `subtype`: the MIME type's [subtype](, e.g. `"html"`
- `essence`: the MIME type's [essence](, e.g. `"text/html"`
- `parameters`: an instance of `MIMETypeParameters`, containing this MIME type's [parameters](
`type` and `subtype` can be changed. They will be validated to be non-empty and only contain [HTTP token code points](
`essence` is only a getter, and cannot be changed.
`parameters` is also a getter, but the contents of the `MIMETypeParameters` object are mutable, as described below.
### Methods
- `toString()` serializes the MIME type to a string
- `isHTML()`: returns true if this instance represents [a HTML MIME type](
- `isXML()`: returns true if this instance represents [an XML MIME type](
- `isJavaScript({ allowParameters })`: returns true if this instance represents [a JavaScript MIME type](; `allowParameters` can be set to true to allow arbitrary parameters, instead of their presence causing the method to return `false`
_Note: the `isHTML()`, `isXML()`, and `isJavaScript()` methods are speculative, and may be removed or changed in future major versions. See [whatwg/mimesniff#48]( for brainstorming in this area. Currently we implement these mainly because they are useful in jsdom._
## `MIMETypeParameters` API
The `MIMETypeParameters` class, instances of which are returned by `mimeType.parameters`, has equivalent surface API to a [JavaScript `Map`](
However, `MIMETypeParameters` methods will always interpret their arguments as appropriate for MIME types, so e.g. parameter names will be lowercased, and attempting to set invalid characters will throw.
Some examples:
const mimeType = new MIMEType(`x/x;a=b;c=D;E="F"`);
// Logs:
// a b
// c D
// e F
for (const [name, value] of mimeType.parameters) {
console.log(name, value);
console.assert(mimeType.parameters.get("A") === "b");
mimeType.parameters.set("Q", "X");
console.assert(mimeType.parameters.get("q") === "X");
console.assert(mimeType.toString() === "x/x;a=b;c=d;e=F;q=X");
// Throws:
mimeType.parameters.set("@", "x");
## Raw parsing/serialization APIs
If you want primitives on which to build your own API, you can get direct access to the parsing and serialization algorithms as follows:
const parse = require("whatwg-mimetype/parser");
const serialize = require("whatwg-mimetype/serialize");
`parse(string)` returns an object containing the `type` and `subtype` strings, plus `parameters`, which is a `Map`. This is roughly our equivalent of the spec's [MIME type record]( If parsing fails, it instead returns `null`.
`serialize(record)` operates on the such an object, giving back a string according to the serialization algorithm.