Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import assert from 'assert';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import mdAnsi from '../src/markdown-ansi';
process.env.FORCE_COLOR = 3;
describe('markdown-ansi', () => {
if (!chalk.supportsColor) return;
it('should support asteriks for bold and italic', () => {
let res = mdAnsi('**bold** *italic*');
assert.equal(res, '\u001b[1mbold\u001b[22m \u001b[3mitalic\u001b[23m');
it('should support underscores for underlined and italic', () => {
let res = mdAnsi('__underline__ _italic_');
assert.equal(res, '\u001b[4munderline\u001b[24m \u001b[3mitalic\u001b[23m');
it('should support combination of bold and underline', () => {
let res = mdAnsi('**bold _italic_**');
assert.equal(res, '\u001b[1mbold \u001b[3mitalic\u001b[23m\u001b[22m');
it('should support strikethrough', () => {
let res = mdAnsi('~~strikethrough~~');
assert.equal(res, '\u001b[9mstrikethrough\u001b[29m');
it('should support escape character', () => {
let res = mdAnsi('\\*\\*bold\\*\\* \\\\escape\\\\');
assert.equal(res, '**bold** \\escape\\');
it('should support italic with escape character', () => {
let res = mdAnsi('\\__italic_\\_');
assert.equal(res, '_\u001b[3mitalic\u001b[23m_');