Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

108 lines
2.8 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = minifyJs;
var _helpers = require("../helpers");
var _removeRedundantAttributes = require("./removeRedundantAttributes");
const terser = (0, _helpers.optionalRequire)('terser');
/** Minify JS with Terser */
function minifyJs(tree, options, terserOptions) {
if (!terser) return tree;
let promises = [];
tree.walk(node => {
if (node.tag && node.tag === 'script') {
const nodeAttrs = node.attrs || {};
const mimeType = nodeAttrs.type || 'text/javascript';
if (_removeRedundantAttributes.redundantScriptTypes.has(mimeType) || mimeType === 'module') {
promises.push(processScriptNode(node, terserOptions));
if (node.attrs) {
promises = promises.concat(processNodeWithOnAttrs(node, terserOptions));
return node;
return Promise.all(promises).then(() => tree);
function stripCdata(js) {
const leftStrippedJs = js.replace(/\/\/\s*<!\[CDATA\[/, '').replace(/\/\*\s*<!\[CDATA\[\s*\*\//, '');
if (leftStrippedJs === js) {
return js;
const strippedJs = leftStrippedJs.replace(/\/\/\s*\]\]>/, '').replace(/\/\*\s*\]\]>\s*\*\//, '');
return leftStrippedJs === strippedJs ? js : strippedJs;
function processScriptNode(scriptNode, terserOptions) {
let js = (scriptNode.content || []).join('').trim();
if (!js) {
return scriptNode;
} // Improve performance by avoiding calling stripCdata again and again
let isCdataWrapped = false;
if (js.includes('CDATA')) {
const strippedJs = stripCdata(js);
isCdataWrapped = js !== strippedJs;
js = strippedJs;
return terser.minify(js, terserOptions).then(result => {
if (result.error) {
throw new Error(result.error);
if (result.code === undefined) {
let content = result.code;
if (isCdataWrapped) {
content = '/*<![CDATA[*/' + content + '/*]]>*/';
scriptNode.content = [content];
function processNodeWithOnAttrs(node, terserOptions) {
const jsWrapperStart = 'function a(){';
const jsWrapperEnd = '}a();';
const promises = [];
for (const attrName of Object.keys(node.attrs || {})) {
if (!(0, _helpers.isEventHandler)(attrName)) {
} // For example onclick="return false" is valid,
// but "return false;" is invalid (error: 'return' outside of function)
// Therefore the attribute's code should be wrapped inside function:
// "function _(){return false;}"
let wrappedJs = jsWrapperStart + node.attrs[attrName] + jsWrapperEnd;
let promise = terser.minify(wrappedJs, terserOptions).then(({
}) => {
let minifiedJs = code.substring(jsWrapperStart.length, code.length - jsWrapperEnd.length);
node.attrs[attrName] = minifiedJs;
return promises;