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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

160 lines
6.5 KiB

1 year ago
* @param {string} value
* @returns {RegExp}
* */
* @param {RegExp | string } re
* @returns {string}
function source(re) {
if (!re) return null;
if (typeof re === "string") return re;
return re.source;
* @param {...(RegExp | string) } args
* @returns {string}
function concat(...args) {
const joined = => source(x)).join("");
return joined;
Language: Fortran
Author: Anthony Scemama <>
Category: scientific
/** @type LanguageFn */
function fortran(hljs) {
const PARAMS = {
className: 'params',
begin: '\\(',
end: '\\)'
const COMMENT = {
variants: [
hljs.COMMENT('!', '$', {
relevance: 0
// allow FORTRAN 77 style comments
hljs.COMMENT('^C[ ]', '$', {
relevance: 0
hljs.COMMENT('^C$', '$', {
relevance: 0
// regex in both fortran and irpf90 should match
const OPTIONAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX = /(_[a-z_\d]+)?/;
const OPTIONAL_NUMBER_EXP = /([de][+-]?\d+)?/;
const NUMBER = {
className: 'number',
variants: [
begin: concat(/\b\d+/, /\.(\d*)/, OPTIONAL_NUMBER_EXP, OPTIONAL_NUMBER_SUFFIX)
relevance: 0
const FUNCTION_DEF = {
className: 'function',
beginKeywords: 'subroutine function program',
illegal: '[${=\\n]',
contains: [
const STRING = {
className: 'string',
relevance: 0,
variants: [
const KEYWORDS = {
literal: '.False. .True.',
keyword: 'kind do concurrent local shared while private call intrinsic where elsewhere ' +
'type endtype endmodule endselect endinterface end enddo endif if forall endforall only contains default return stop then block endblock endassociate ' +
'public subroutine|10 function program .and. .or. .not. .le. .eq. .ge. .gt. .lt. ' +
'goto save else use module select case ' +
'access blank direct exist file fmt form formatted iostat name named nextrec number opened rec recl sequential status unformatted unit ' +
'continue format pause cycle exit ' +
'c_null_char c_alert c_backspace c_form_feed flush wait decimal round iomsg ' +
'synchronous nopass non_overridable pass protected volatile abstract extends import ' +
'non_intrinsic value deferred generic final enumerator class associate bind enum ' +
'c_int c_short c_long c_long_long c_signed_char c_size_t c_int8_t c_int16_t c_int32_t c_int64_t c_int_least8_t c_int_least16_t ' +
'c_int_least32_t c_int_least64_t c_int_fast8_t c_int_fast16_t c_int_fast32_t c_int_fast64_t c_intmax_t C_intptr_t c_float c_double ' +
'c_long_double c_float_complex c_double_complex c_long_double_complex c_bool c_char c_null_ptr c_null_funptr ' +
'c_new_line c_carriage_return c_horizontal_tab c_vertical_tab iso_c_binding c_loc c_funloc c_associated c_f_pointer ' +
'c_ptr c_funptr iso_fortran_env character_storage_size error_unit file_storage_size input_unit iostat_end iostat_eor ' +
'numeric_storage_size output_unit c_f_procpointer ieee_arithmetic ieee_support_underflow_control ' +
'ieee_get_underflow_mode ieee_set_underflow_mode newunit contiguous recursive ' +
'pad position action delim readwrite eor advance nml interface procedure namelist include sequence elemental pure impure ' +
'integer real character complex logical codimension dimension allocatable|10 parameter ' +
'external implicit|10 none double precision assign intent optional pointer ' +
'target in out common equivalence data',
built_in: 'alog alog10 amax0 amax1 amin0 amin1 amod cabs ccos cexp clog csin csqrt dabs dacos dasin datan datan2 dcos dcosh ddim dexp dint ' +
'dlog dlog10 dmax1 dmin1 dmod dnint dsign dsin dsinh dsqrt dtan dtanh float iabs idim idint idnint ifix isign max0 max1 min0 min1 sngl ' +
'algama cdabs cdcos cdexp cdlog cdsin cdsqrt cqabs cqcos cqexp cqlog cqsin cqsqrt dcmplx dconjg derf derfc dfloat dgamma dimag dlgama ' +
'iqint qabs qacos qasin qatan qatan2 qcmplx qconjg qcos qcosh qdim qerf qerfc qexp qgamma qimag qlgama qlog qlog10 qmax1 qmin1 qmod ' +
'qnint qsign qsin qsinh qsqrt qtan qtanh abs acos aimag aint anint asin atan atan2 char cmplx conjg cos cosh exp ichar index int log ' +
'log10 max min nint sign sin sinh sqrt tan tanh print write dim lge lgt lle llt mod nullify allocate deallocate ' +
'adjustl adjustr all allocated any associated bit_size btest ceiling count cshift date_and_time digits dot_product ' +
'eoshift epsilon exponent floor fraction huge iand ibclr ibits ibset ieor ior ishft ishftc lbound len_trim matmul ' +
'maxexponent maxloc maxval merge minexponent minloc minval modulo mvbits nearest pack present product ' +
'radix random_number random_seed range repeat reshape rrspacing scale scan selected_int_kind selected_real_kind ' +
'set_exponent shape size spacing spread sum system_clock tiny transpose trim ubound unpack verify achar iachar transfer ' +
'dble entry dprod cpu_time command_argument_count get_command get_command_argument get_environment_variable is_iostat_end ' +
'ieee_arithmetic ieee_support_underflow_control ieee_get_underflow_mode ieee_set_underflow_mode ' +
'is_iostat_eor move_alloc new_line selected_char_kind same_type_as extends_type_of ' +
'acosh asinh atanh bessel_j0 bessel_j1 bessel_jn bessel_y0 bessel_y1 bessel_yn erf erfc erfc_scaled gamma log_gamma hypot norm2 ' +
'atomic_define atomic_ref execute_command_line leadz trailz storage_size merge_bits ' +
'bge bgt ble blt dshiftl dshiftr findloc iall iany iparity image_index lcobound ucobound maskl maskr ' +
'num_images parity popcnt poppar shifta shiftl shiftr this_image sync change team co_broadcast co_max co_min co_sum co_reduce'
return {
name: 'Fortran',
case_insensitive: true,
aliases: [
keywords: KEYWORDS,
illegal: /\/\*/,
contains: [
// allow `C = value` for assignments so they aren't misdetected
// as Fortran 77 style comments
begin: /^C\s*=(?!=)/,
relevance: 0
module.exports = fortran;