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237 lines
19 KiB

1 year ago
Language: MEL
Description: Maya Embedded Language
Author: Shuen-Huei Guan <>
Category: graphics
function mel(hljs) {
return {
name: 'MEL',
'int float string vector matrix if else switch case default while do for in break ' +
'continue global proc return about abs addAttr addAttributeEditorNodeHelp addDynamic ' +
'addNewShelfTab addPP addPanelCategory addPrefixToName advanceToNextDrivenKey ' +
'affectedNet affects aimConstraint air alias aliasAttr align alignCtx alignCurve ' +
'alignSurface allViewFit ambientLight angle angleBetween animCone animCurveEditor ' +
'animDisplay animView annotate appendStringArray applicationName applyAttrPreset ' +
'applyTake arcLenDimContext arcLengthDimension arclen arrayMapper art3dPaintCtx ' +
'artAttrCtx artAttrPaintVertexCtx artAttrSkinPaintCtx artAttrTool artBuildPaintMenu ' +
'artFluidAttrCtx artPuttyCtx artSelectCtx artSetPaintCtx artUserPaintCtx assignCommand ' +
'assignInputDevice assignViewportFactories attachCurve attachDeviceAttr attachSurface ' +
'attrColorSliderGrp attrCompatibility attrControlGrp attrEnumOptionMenu ' +
'attrEnumOptionMenuGrp attrFieldGrp attrFieldSliderGrp attrNavigationControlGrp ' +
'attrPresetEditWin attributeExists attributeInfo attributeMenu attributeQuery ' +
'autoKeyframe autoPlace bakeClip bakeFluidShading bakePartialHistory bakeResults ' +
'bakeSimulation basename basenameEx batchRender bessel bevel bevelPlus binMembership ' +
'bindSkin blend2 blendShape blendShapeEditor blendShapePanel blendTwoAttr blindDataType ' +
'boneLattice boundary boxDollyCtx boxZoomCtx bufferCurve buildBookmarkMenu ' +
'buildKeyframeMenu button buttonManip CBG cacheFile cacheFileCombine cacheFileMerge ' +
'cacheFileTrack camera cameraView canCreateManip canvas capitalizeString catch ' +
'catchQuiet ceil changeSubdivComponentDisplayLevel changeSubdivRegion channelBox ' +
'character characterMap characterOutlineEditor characterize chdir checkBox checkBoxGrp ' +
'checkDefaultRenderGlobals choice circle circularFillet clamp clear clearCache clip ' +
'clipEditor clipEditorCurrentTimeCtx clipSchedule clipSchedulerOutliner clipTrimBefore ' +
'closeCurve closeSurface cluster cmdFileOutput cmdScrollFieldExecuter ' +
'cmdScrollFieldReporter cmdShell coarsenSubdivSelectionList collision color ' +
'colorAtPoint colorEditor colorIndex colorIndexSliderGrp colorSliderButtonGrp ' +
'colorSliderGrp columnLayout commandEcho commandLine commandPort compactHairSystem ' +
'componentEditor compositingInterop computePolysetVolume condition cone confirmDialog ' +
'connectAttr connectControl connectDynamic connectJoint connectionInfo constrain ' +
'constrainValue constructionHistory container containsMultibyte contextInfo control ' +
'convertFromOldLayers convertIffToPsd convertLightmap convertSolidTx convertTessellation ' +
'convertUnit copyArray copyFlexor copyKey copySkinWeights cos cpButton cpCache ' +
'cpClothSet cpCollision cpConstraint cpConvClothToMesh cpForces cpGetSolverAttr cpPanel ' +
'cpProperty cpRigidCollisionFilter cpSeam cpSetEdit cpSetSolverAttr cpSolver ' +
'cpSolverTypes cpTool cpUpdateClothUVs createDisplayLayer createDrawCtx createEditor ' +
'createLayeredPsdFile createMotionField createNewShelf createNode createRenderLayer ' +
'createSubdivRegion cross crossProduct ctxAbort ctxCompletion ctxEditMode ctxTraverse ' +
'currentCtx currentTime currentTimeCtx currentUnit curve curveAddPtCtx ' +
'curveCVCtx curveEPCtx curveEditorCtx curveIntersect curveMoveEPCtx curveOnSurface ' +
'curveSketchCtx cutKey cycleCheck cylinder dagPose date defaultLightListCheckBox ' +
'defaultNavigation defineDataServer defineVirtualDevice deformer deg_to_rad delete ' +
'deleteAttr deleteShadingGroupsAndMaterials deleteShelfTab deleteUI deleteUnusedBrushes ' +
'delrandstr detachCurve detachDeviceAttr detachSurface deviceEditor devicePanel dgInfo ' +
'dgdirty dgeval dgtimer dimWhen directKeyCtx directionalLight dirmap dirname disable ' +
'disconnectAttr disconnectJoint diskCache displacementToPoly displayAffected ' +
'displayColor displayCull displayLevelOfDetail displayPref displayRGBColor ' +
'displaySmoothness displayStats displayString displaySurface distanceDimContext ' +
'distanceDimension doBlur dolly dollyCtx dopeSheetEditor dot dotProduct ' +
'doubleProfileBirailSurface drag dragAttrContext draggerContext dropoffLocator ' +
'duplicate duplicateCurve duplicateSurface dynCache dynControl dynExport dynExpression ' +
'dynGlobals dynPaintEditor dynParticleCtx dynPref dynRelEdPanel dynRelEditor ' +
'dynamicLoad editAttrLimits editDisplayLayerGlobals editDisplayLayerMembers ' +
'editRenderLayerAdjustment editRenderLayerGlobals editRenderLayerMembers editor ' +
'editorTemplate effector emit emitter enableDevice encodeString endString endsWith env ' +
'equivalent equivalentTol erf error eval evalDeferred evalEcho event ' +
'exactWorldBoundingBox exclusiveLightCheckBox exec executeForEachObject exists exp ' +
'expression expressionEditorListen extendCurve extendSurface extrude fcheck fclose feof ' +
'fflush fgetline fgetword file fileBrowserDialog fileDialog fileExtension fileInfo ' +
'filetest filletCurve filter filterCurve filterExpand filterStudioImport ' +
'findAllIntersections findAnimCurves findKeyframe findMenuItem findRelatedSkinCluster ' +
'finder firstParentOf fitBspline flexor floatEq floatField floatFieldGrp floatScrollBar ' +
'floatSlider floatSlider2 floatSliderButtonGrp floatSliderGrp floor flow fluidCacheInfo ' +
'fluidEmitter fluidVoxelInfo flushUndo fmod fontDialog fopen formLayout format fprint ' +
'frameLayout fread freeFormFillet frewind fromNativePath fwrite gamma gauss ' +
'geometryConstraint getApplicationVersionAsFloat getAttr getClassification ' +
'getDefaultBrush getFileList getFluidAttr getInputDeviceRange getMayaPanelTypes ' +
'getModifiers getPanel getParticleAttr getPluginResource getenv getpid glRender ' +
'glRenderEditor globalStitch gmatch goal gotoBindPose grabColor gradientControl ' +
'gradientControlNoAttr graphDollyCtx graphSelectContext graphTrackCtx gravity grid ' +
'gridLayout group groupObjectsByName HfAddAttractorToAS HfAssignAS HfBuildEqualMap ' +
'HfBuildFurFiles HfBuildFurImages HfCancelAFR HfConnectASToHF HfCreateAttractor ' +
'HfDeleteAS HfEditAS HfPerformCreateAS HfRemoveAttractorFromAS HfSelectAttached ' +
'HfSelectAttractors HfUnAssignAS hardenPointCurve hardware hardwareRenderPanel ' +
'headsUpDisplay headsUpMessage help helpLine hermite hide hilite hitTest hotBox hotkey ' +
'hotkeyCheck hsv_to_rgb hudButton hudSlider hudSliderButton hwReflectionMap hwRender ' +
'hwRenderLoad hyperGraph hyperPanel hyperShade hypot iconTextButton iconTextCheckBox ' +
'iconTextRadioButton iconTextRadioCollection iconTextScrollList iconTextStaticLabel ' +
'ikHandle ikHandleCtx ikHandleDisplayScale ikSolver ikSplineHandleCtx ikSystem ' +
'ikSystemInfo ikfkDisplayMethod illustratorCurves image imfPlugins inheritTransform ' +
'insertJoint insertJointCtx insertKeyCtx insertKnotCurve insertKnotSurface instance ' +
'instanceable instancer intField intFieldGrp intScrollBar intSlider intSliderGrp ' +
'interToUI internalVar intersect iprEngine isAnimCurve isConnected isDirty isParentOf ' +
'isSameObject isTrue isValidObjectName isValidString isValidUiName isolateSelect ' +
'itemFilter itemFilterAttr itemFilterRender itemFilterType joint jointCluster jointCtx ' +
'jointDisplayScale jointLattice keyTangent keyframe keyframeOutliner ' +
'keyframeRegionCurrentTimeCtx keyframeRegionDirectKeyCtx keyframeRegionDollyCtx ' +
'keyframeRegionInsertKeyCtx keyframeRegionMoveKeyCtx keyframeRegionScaleKeyCtx ' +
'keyframeRegionSelectKeyCtx keyframeRegionSetKeyCtx keyframeRegionTrackCtx ' +
'keyframeStats lassoContext lattice latticeDeformKeyCtx launch launchImageEditor ' +
'layerButton layeredShaderPort layeredTexturePort layout layoutDialog lightList ' +
'lightListEditor lightListPanel lightlink lineIntersection linearPrecision linstep ' +
'listAnimatable listAttr listCameras listConnections listDeviceAttachments listHistory ' +
'listInputDeviceAxes listInputDeviceButtons listInputDevices listMenuAnnotation ' +
'listNodeTypes listPanelCategories listRelatives listSets listTransforms ' +
'listUnselected listerEditor loadFluid loadNewShelf loadPlugin ' +
'loadPluginLanguageResources loadPrefObjects localizedPanelLabel lockNode loft log ' +
'longNameOf lookThru ls lsThroughFilter lsType lsUI Mayatomr mag makeIdentity makeLive ' +
'makePaintable makeRoll makeSingleSurface makeTubeOn makebot manipMoveContext ' +
'manipMoveLimitsCtx manipOptions manipRotateContext manipRotateLimitsCtx ' +
'manipScaleContext manipScaleLimitsCtx marker match max memory menu menuBarLayout ' +
'menuEditor menuItem menuItemToShelf menuSet menuSetPref messageLine min minimizeApp ' +
'mirrorJoint modelCurrentTimeCtx modelEditor modelPanel mouse movIn movOut move ' +
'moveIKtoFK moveKeyCtx moveVertexAlongDirection multiProfileBirailSurface mute ' +
'nParticle nameCommand nameField namespace namespaceInfo newPanelItems newton nodeCast ' +
'nodeIconButton nodeOutliner nodePreset nodeType noise nonLinear normalConstraint ' +
'normalize nurbsBoolean nurbsCopyUVSet nurbsCube nurbsEditUV nurbsPlane nurbsSelect ' +
'nurbsSquare nurbsToPoly nurbsToPolygonsPref nurbsToSubdiv nurbsToSubdivPref ' +
'nurbsUVSet nurbsViewDirectionVector objExists objectCenter objectLayer objectType ' +
'objectTypeUI obsoleteProc oceanNurbsPreviewPlane offsetCurve offsetCurveOnSurface ' +
'offsetSurface openGLExtension openMayaPref optionMenu optionMenuGrp optionVar orbit ' +
'orbitCtx orientConstraint outlinerEditor outlinerPanel overrideModifier ' +
'paintEffectsDisplay pairBlend palettePort paneLayout panel panelConfiguration ' +
'panelHistory paramDimContext paramDimension paramLocator parent parentConstraint ' +
'particle particleExists particleInstancer particleRenderInfo partition pasteKey ' +
'pathAnimation pause pclose percent performanceOptions pfxstrokes pickWalk picture ' +
'pixelMove planarSrf plane play playbackOptions playblast plugAttr plugNode pluginInfo ' +
'pluginResourceUtil pointConstraint pointCurveConstraint pointLight pointMatrixMult ' +
'pointOnCurve pointOnSurface pointPosition poleVectorConstraint polyAppend ' +
'polyAppendFacetCtx polyAppendVertex polyAutoProjection polyAverageNormal ' +
'polyAverageVertex polyBevel polyBlendColor polyBlindData polyBoolOp polyBridgeEdge ' +
'polyCacheMonitor polyCheck polyChipOff polyClipboard polyCloseBorder polyCollapseEdge ' +
'polyCollapseFacet polyColorBlindData polyColorDel polyColorPerVertex polyColorSet ' +
'polyCompare polyCone polyCopyUV polyCrease polyCreaseCtx polyCreateFacet ' +
'polyCreateFacetCtx polyCube polyCut polyCutCtx polyCylinder polyCylindricalProjection ' +
'polyDelEdge polyDelFacet polyDelVertex polyDuplicateAndConnect polyDuplicateEdge ' +
'polyEditUV polyEditUVShell polyEvaluate polyExtrudeEdge polyExtrudeFacet ' +
'polyExtrudeVertex polyFlipEdge polyFlipUV polyForceUV polyGeoSampler polyHelix ' +
'polyInfo polyInstallAction polyLayoutUV polyListComponentConversion polyMapCut ' +
'polyMapDel polyMapSew polyMapSewMove polyMergeEdge polyMergeEdgeCtx polyMergeFacet ' +
'polyMergeFacetCtx polyMergeUV polyMergeVertex polyMirrorFace polyMoveEdge ' +
'polyMoveFacet polyMoveFacetUV polyMoveUV polyMoveVertex polyNormal polyNormalPerVertex ' +
'polyNormalizeUV polyOptUvs polyOptions polyOutput polyPipe polyPlanarProjection ' +
'polyPlane polyPlatonicSolid polyPoke polyPrimitive polyPrism polyProjection ' +
'polyPyramid polyQuad polyQueryBlindData polyReduce polySelect polySelectConstraint ' +
'polySelectConstraintMonitor polySelectCtx polySelectEditCtx polySeparate ' +
'polySetToFaceNormal polySewEdge polyShortestPathCtx polySmooth polySoftEdge ' +
'polySphere polySphericalProjection polySplit polySplitCtx polySplitEdge polySplitRing ' +
'polySplitVertex polyStraightenUVBorder polySubdivideEdge polySubdivideFacet ' +
'polyToSubdiv polyTorus polyTransfer polyTriangulate polyUVSet polyUnite polyWedgeFace ' +
'popen popupMenu pose pow preloadRefEd print progressBar progressWindow projFileViewer ' +
'projectCurve projectTangent projectionContext projectionManip promptDialog propModCtx ' +
'propMove psdChannelOutliner psdEditTextureFile psdExport psdTextureFile putenv pwd ' +
'python querySubdiv quit rad_to_deg radial radioButton radioButtonGrp radioCollection ' +
'radioMenuItemCollection rampColorPort rand randomizeFollicles randstate rangeControl ' +
'readTake rebuildCurve rebuildSurface recordAttr recordDevice redo reference ' +
'referenceEdit referenceQuery refineSubdivSelectionList refresh refreshAE ' +
'registerPluginResource rehash reloadImage removeJoint removeMultiInstance ' +
'removePanelCategory rename renameAttr renameSelectionList renameUI render ' +
'renderGlobalsNode renderInfo renderLayerButton renderLayerParent ' +
'renderLayerPostProcess renderLayerUnparent renderManip renderPartition ' +
'renderQualityNode renderSettings renderThumbnailUpdate renderWindowEditor ' +
'renderWindowSelectContext renderer reorder reorderDeformers requires reroot ' +
'resampleFluid resetAE resetPfxToPolyCamera resetTool resolutionNode retarget ' +
'reverseCurve reverseSurface revolve rgb_to_hsv rigidBody rigidSolver roll rollCtx ' +
'rootOf rot rotate rotationInterpolation roundConstantRadius rowColumnLayout rowLayout ' +
'runTimeCommand runup sampleImage saveAllShelves saveAttrPreset saveFluid saveImage ' +
'saveInitialState saveMenu savePrefObjects savePrefs saveShelf saveToolSettings scale ' +
'scaleBrushBrightness scaleComponents scaleConstraint scaleKey scaleKeyCtx sceneEditor ' +
'sceneUIReplacement scmh scriptCtx scriptEditorInfo scriptJob scriptNode scriptTable ' +
'scriptToShelf scriptedPanel scriptedPanelType scrollField scrollLayout sculpt ' +
'searchPathArray seed selLoadSettings select selectContext selectCurveCV selectKey ' +
'selectKeyCtx selectKeyframeRegionCtx selectMode selectPref selectPriority selectType ' +
'selectedNodes selectionConnection separator setAttr setAttrEnumResource ' +
'setAttrMapping setAttrNiceNameResource setConstraintRestPosition ' +
'setDefaultShadingGroup setDrivenKeyframe setDynamic setEditCtx setEditor setFluidAttr ' +
'setFocus setInfinity setInputDeviceMapping setKeyCtx setKeyPath setKeyframe ' +
'setKeyframeBlendshapeTargetWts setMenuMode setNodeNiceNameResource setNodeTypeFlag ' +
'setParent setParticleAttr setPfxToPolyCamera setPluginResource setProject ' +
'setStampDensity setStartupMessage setState setToolTo setUITemplate setXformManip sets ' +
'shadingConnection shadingGeometryRelCtx shadingLightRelCtx shadingNetworkCompare ' +
'shadingNode shapeCompare shelfButton shelfLayout shelfTabLayout shellField ' +
'shortNameOf showHelp showHidden showManipCtx showSelectionInTitle ' +
'showShadingGroupAttrEditor showWindow sign simplify sin singleProfileBirailSurface ' +
'size sizeBytes skinCluster skinPercent smoothCurve smoothTangentSurface smoothstep ' +
'snap2to2 snapKey snapMode snapTogetherCtx snapshot soft softMod softModCtx sort sound ' +
'soundControl source spaceLocator sphere sphrand spotLight spotLightPreviewPort ' +
'spreadSheetEditor spring sqrt squareSurface srtContext stackTrace startString ' +
'startsWith stitchAndExplodeShell stitchSurface stitchSurfacePoints strcmp ' +
'stringArrayCatenate stringArrayContains stringArrayCount stringArrayInsertAtIndex ' +
'stringArrayIntersector stringArrayRemove stringArrayRemoveAtIndex ' +
'stringArrayRemoveDuplicates stringArrayRemoveExact stringArrayToString ' +
'stringToStringArray strip stripPrefixFromName stroke subdAutoProjection ' +
'subdCleanTopology subdCollapse subdDuplicateAndConnect subdEditUV ' +
'subdListComponentConversion subdMapCut subdMapSewMove subdMatchTopology subdMirror ' +
'subdToBlind subdToPoly subdTransferUVsToCache subdiv subdivCrease ' +
'subdivDisplaySmoothness substitute substituteAllString substituteGeometry substring ' +
'surface surfaceSampler surfaceShaderList swatchDisplayPort switchTable symbolButton ' +
'symbolCheckBox sysFile system tabLayout tan tangentConstraint texLatticeDeformContext ' +
'texManipContext texMoveContext texMoveUVShellContext texRotateContext texScaleContext ' +
'texSelectContext texSelectShortestPathCtx texSmudgeUVContext texWinToolCtx text ' +
'textCurves textField textFieldButtonGrp textFieldGrp textManip textScrollList ' +
'textToShelf textureDisplacePlane textureHairColor texturePlacementContext ' +
'textureWindow threadCount threePointArcCtx timeControl timePort timerX toNativePath ' +
'toggle toggleAxis toggleWindowVisibility tokenize tokenizeList tolerance tolower ' +
'toolButton toolCollection toolDropped toolHasOptions toolPropertyWindow torus toupper ' +
'trace track trackCtx transferAttributes transformCompare transformLimits translator ' +
'trim trunc truncateFluidCache truncateHairCache tumble tumbleCtx turbulence ' +
'twoPointArcCtx uiRes uiTemplate unassignInputDevice undo undoInfo ungroup uniform unit ' +
'unloadPlugin untangleUV untitledFileName untrim upAxis updateAE userCtx uvLink ' +
'uvSnapshot validateShelfName vectorize view2dToolCtx viewCamera viewClipPlane ' +
'viewFit viewHeadOn viewLookAt viewManip viewPlace viewSet visor volumeAxis vortex ' +
'waitCursor warning webBrowser webBrowserPrefs whatIs window windowPref wire ' +
'wireContext workspace wrinkle wrinkleContext writeTake xbmLangPathList xform',
illegal: '</',
contains: [
className: 'string',
begin: '`',
end: '`',
contains: [ hljs.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE ]
{ // eats variables
begin: /[$%@](\^\w\b|#\w+|[^\s\w{]|\{\w+\}|\w+)/
module.exports = mel;