Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

144 lines
2.4 KiB

export type XastDoctype = {
type: 'doctype';
name: string;
data: {
doctype: string;
export type XastInstruction = {
type: 'instruction';
name: string;
value: string;
export type XastComment = {
type: 'comment';
value: string;
export type XastCdata = {
type: 'cdata';
value: string;
export type XastText = {
type: 'text';
value: string;
export type XastElement = {
type: 'element';
name: string;
attributes: Record<string, string>;
children: Array<XastChild>;
export type XastChild =
| XastDoctype
| XastInstruction
| XastComment
| XastCdata
| XastText
| XastElement;
export type XastRoot = {
type: 'root';
children: Array<XastChild>;
export type XastParent = XastRoot | XastElement;
export type XastNode = XastRoot | XastChild;
type VisitorNode<Node> = {
enter?: (node: Node, parentNode: XastParent) => void | symbol;
exit?: (node: Node, parentNode: XastParent) => void;
type VisitorRoot = {
enter?: (node: XastRoot, parentNode: null) => void;
exit?: (node: XastRoot, parentNode: null) => void;
export type Visitor = {
doctype?: VisitorNode<XastDoctype>;
instruction?: VisitorNode<XastInstruction>;
comment?: VisitorNode<XastComment>;
cdata?: VisitorNode<XastCdata>;
text?: VisitorNode<XastText>;
element?: VisitorNode<XastElement>;
root?: VisitorRoot;
export type PluginInfo = {
path?: string;
multipassCount: number;
export type Plugin<Params> = (
root: XastRoot,
params: Params,
info: PluginInfo
) => null | Visitor;
export type Specificity = [number, number, number, number];
export type StylesheetDeclaration = {
name: string;
value: string;
important: boolean;
export type StylesheetRule = {
dynamic: boolean;
selectors: string;
specificity: Specificity;
declarations: Array<StylesheetDeclaration>;
export type Stylesheet = {
rules: Array<StylesheetRule>;
parents: Map<XastElement, XastParent>;
type StaticStyle = {
type: 'static';
inherited: boolean;
value: string;
type DynamicStyle = {
type: 'dynamic';
inherited: boolean;
export type ComputedStyles = Record<string, StaticStyle | DynamicStyle>;
export type PathDataCommand =
| 'M'
| 'm'
| 'Z'
| 'z'
| 'L'
| 'l'
| 'H'
| 'h'
| 'V'
| 'v'
| 'C'
| 'c'
| 'S'
| 's'
| 'Q'
| 'q'
| 'T'
| 't'
| 'A'
| 'a';
export type PathDataItem = {
command: PathDataCommand;
args: Array<number>;