Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
47 lines
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47 lines
1.7 KiB
2 years ago
const { renameSync, unlinkSync } = require('fs')
const { extname } = require('path')
exports.upgrade = function(path, options, open) {
let upgradeModule
try {
upgradeModule = require('lmdb-store-0.9')
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('And invalid file format was encountered in the database, if you have an older database, you need to install package lmdb-store-0.9 to upgrade')
let { open: legacyOpen, Cursor: legacyCursor } = upgradeModule
let filePath = extname(path) ? path : path + '/data.mdb'
console.log('Upgrading', filePath, 'to LMDB 1.0 format')
let tempPath = filePath.replace(/([^\\\/]+)$/, 'temp-$1')
let maxDbs = options.maxDbs || 20
let sourceStore = legacyOpen(path, { maxDbs, encoding: 'binary' })
let targetStore = open(tempPath, { maxDbs, encoding: 'binary', mapSize: })
let targetTxn = targetStore.transaction(() => {
copyDB(sourceStore, targetStore)
function copyDB(sourceStore, targetStore) {
let sourceTxn = sourceStore.env.beginTxn({ readOnly: true })
let sourceDb = sourceStore.db
let cursor = new legacyCursor(sourceTxn, sourceDb)
let currentKey = cursor.goToFirst()
while(currentKey) {
let size = cursor.getCurrentBinaryUnsafe()
if (cursor.getCurrentIsDatabase()) {
copyDB(sourceStore.openDB(currentKey, {}), targetStore.openDB(currentKey))
} else {
targetStore.putSync(currentKey, sourceDb.unsafeBuffer.slice(0, size))
currentKey = cursor.goToNext()
renameSync(tempPath, filePath)
try {
unlinkSync(tempPath + '-lock')
} catch (error) {}
console.log('Finished upgrading', filePath)