import type { Node as EstreeNode } from 'estree' import type { Mapping, SourceMapGenerator } from 'source-map' import type { Writable } from 'stream' /** * State object passed to generator functions. */ export interface State { output: string write(code: string): void writeComments: boolean indent: string lineEnd: string indentLevel: number line?: number column?: number lineEndSize?: number mapping?: Mapping } /** * Code generator for each node type. */ export type Generator = { [T in EstreeNode['type']]: ( node: EstreeNode & { type: T }, state: State, ) => void } /** * Code generator options. */ export interface Options { /** * If present, source mappings will be written to the generator. */ sourceMap?: SourceMapGenerator /** * String to use for indentation, defaults to `"␣␣"`. */ indent?: string /** * String to use for line endings, defaults to `"\n"`. */ lineEnd?: string /** * Indent level to start from, defaults to `0`. */ startingIndentLevel?: number /** * Generate comments if `true`, defaults to `false`. */ comments?: boolean /** * Output stream to write the render code to, defaults to `null`. */ output?: Output /** * Custom code generator logic. */ generator?: Generator } /** * Core Estree Node type to accommodate derived node types from parsers. */ interface Node { type: string } /** * Returns a string representing the rendered code of the provided AST `node`. * However, if an `output` stream is provided in the `options`, it writes to that stream and returns it. */ export function generate(node: Node, options?: Options): string export function generate(node: Node, options?: Options): Writable /** * Base code generator. */ export const GENERATOR: Generator;