var postcss = require('postcss'); var Tokenizer = require('css-selector-tokenizer'); function normalizeNodeArray(nodes) { var array = []; nodes.forEach(function(x) { if(Array.isArray(x)) { normalizeNodeArray(x).forEach(function(item) { array.push(item); }); } else if(x) { array.push(x); } }); if(array.length > 0 && array[array.length - 1].type === 'spacing') { array.pop(); } return array; } function localizeNode(node, context) { if(context.ignoreNextSpacing && node.type !== 'spacing') { throw new Error('Missing whitespace after :' + context.ignoreNextSpacing); } if(context.enforceNoSpacing && node.type === 'spacing') { throw new Error('Missing whitespace before :' + context.enforceNoSpacing); } var newNodes; switch(node.type) { case 'selectors': var resultingGlobal; context.hasPureGlobals = false; newNodes = { var nContext = { global:, lastWasSpacing: true, hasLocals: false, explicit: false }; n = localizeNode(n, nContext); if(typeof resultingGlobal === 'undefined') { resultingGlobal =; } else if(resultingGlobal !== { throw new Error('Inconsistent rule global/local result in rule "' + Tokenizer.stringify(node) + '" (multiple selectors must result in the same mode for the rule)'); } if(!nContext.hasLocals) { context.hasPureGlobals = true; } return n; }); = resultingGlobal; node = Object.create(node); node.nodes = normalizeNodeArray(newNodes); break; case 'selector': newNodes = { return localizeNode(n, context); }); node = Object.create(node); node.nodes = normalizeNodeArray(newNodes); break; case 'spacing': if(context.ignoreNextSpacing) { context.ignoreNextSpacing = false; context.lastWasSpacing = false; context.enforceNoSpacing = false; return null; } context.lastWasSpacing = true; return node; case 'pseudo-class': if( === 'local' || === 'global') { if(context.inside) { throw new Error('A :' + + ' is not allowed inside of a :' + context.inside + '(...)'); } context.ignoreNextSpacing = context.lastWasSpacing ? : false; context.enforceNoSpacing = context.lastWasSpacing ? false :; = ( === 'global'); context.explicit = true; return null; } break; case 'nested-pseudo-class': var subContext; if( === 'local' || === 'global') { if(context.inside) { throw new Error('A :' + + '(...) is not allowed inside of a :' + context.inside + '(...)'); } subContext = { global: ( === 'global'), inside:, hasLocals: false, explicit: true }; node = { return localizeNode(n, subContext); }); // don't leak spacing node[0].before = undefined; node[node.length - 1].after = undefined; } else { subContext = { global:, inside: context.inside, lastWasSpacing: true, hasLocals: false, explicit: context.explicit }; newNodes = { return localizeNode(n, subContext); }); node = Object.create(node); node.nodes = normalizeNodeArray(newNodes); } if(subContext.hasLocals) { context.hasLocals = true; } break; case 'id': case 'class': if(! { node = { type: 'nested-pseudo-class', name: 'local', nodes: [node] }; context.hasLocals = true; } break; } // reset context context.lastWasSpacing = false; context.ignoreNextSpacing = false; context.enforceNoSpacing = false; return node; } function localizeDeclNode(node, context) { var newNode; switch(node.type) { case 'item': if(context.localizeNextItem) { newNode = Object.create(node); = ':local(' + + ')'; context.localizeNextItem = false; return newNode; } break; case 'nested-item': var newNodes = { return localizeDeclValue(n, context); }); node = Object.create(node); node.nodes = newNodes; break; case 'url': if(context.options && context.options.rewriteUrl) { newNode = Object.create(node); newNode.url = context.options.rewriteUrl(, node.url); return newNode; } break; } return node; } function localizeDeclValue(valueNode, context) { var newValueNode = Object.create(valueNode); newValueNode.nodes = { return localizeDeclNode(node, context); }); return newValueNode; } function localizeAnimationShorthandDeclValueNodes(nodes, context) { var validIdent = validIdent = /^-?[_a-z][_a-z0-9-]*$/i; /* The spec defines some keywords that you can use to describe properties such as the timing function. These are still valid animation names, so as long as there is a property that accepts a keyword, it is given priority. Only when all the properties that can take a keyword are exhausted can the animation name be set to the keyword. I.e. animation: infinite infinite; The animation will repeat an infinite number of times from the first argument, and will have an animation name of infinite from the second. */ var animationKeywords = { '$alternate': 1, '$alternate-reverse': 1, '$backwards': 1, '$both': 1, '$ease': 1, '$ease-in': 1, '$ease-in-out': 1, '$ease-out': 1, '$forwards': 1, '$infinite': 1, '$linear': 1, '$none': Infinity, // No matter how many times you write none, it will never be an animation name '$normal': 1, '$paused': 1, '$reverse': 1, '$running': 1, '$step-end': 1, '$step-start': 1, '$initial': Infinity, '$inherit': Infinity, '$unset': Infinity, }; var didParseAnimationName = false; var parsedAnimationKeywords = {}; return { var value = valueNode.type === 'item' ? : null; var shouldParseAnimationName = false; if (!didParseAnimationName && value && validIdent.test(value)) { if ('$' + value in animationKeywords) { parsedAnimationKeywords['$' + value] = ('$' + value in parsedAnimationKeywords) ? (parsedAnimationKeywords['$' + value] + 1) : 0; shouldParseAnimationName = (parsedAnimationKeywords['$' + value] >= animationKeywords['$' + value]); } else { shouldParseAnimationName = true; } } var subContext = { options: context.options, global:, localizeNextItem: shouldParseAnimationName && ! }; return localizeDeclNode(valueNode, subContext); }); } function localizeAnimationShorthandDeclValues(valuesNode, decl, context) { var newValuesNode = Object.create(valuesNode); newValuesNode.nodes =, index) { var newValueNode = Object.create(valueNode); newValueNode.nodes = localizeAnimationShorthandDeclValueNodes(valueNode.nodes, context); return newValueNode; }); decl.value = Tokenizer.stringifyValues(newValuesNode); } function localizeDeclValues(localize, valuesNode, decl, context) { var newValuesNode = Object.create(valuesNode); newValuesNode.nodes = { var subContext = { options: context.options, global:, localizeNextItem: localize && ! }; return localizeDeclValue(valueNode, subContext); }); decl.value = Tokenizer.stringifyValues(newValuesNode); } function localizeDecl(decl, context) { var valuesNode = Tokenizer.parseValues(decl.value); var isAnimation = /animation?$/.test(decl.prop); if (isAnimation) return localizeAnimationShorthandDeclValues(valuesNode, decl, context); var isAnimationName = /animation(-name)?$/.test(decl.prop); if (isAnimationName) return localizeDeclValues(true, valuesNode, decl, context); return localizeDeclValues(false, valuesNode, decl, context); } module.exports = postcss.plugin('postcss-modules-local-by-default', function (options) { if (typeof options !== 'object') { options = {}; // If options is undefined or not an object the plugin fails } if(options && options.mode) { if(options.mode !== 'global' && options.mode !== 'local' && options.mode !== 'pure') { throw new Error('options.mode must be either "global", "local" or "pure" (default "local")'); } } var pureMode = options && options.mode === 'pure'; var globalMode = options && options.mode === 'global'; return function(css) { css.walkAtRules(function(atrule) { if(/keyframes$/.test( { var globalMatch = /^\s*:global\s*\((.+)\)\s*$/.exec(atrule.params); var localMatch = /^\s*:local\s*\((.+)\)\s*$/.exec(atrule.params); var globalKeyframes = globalMode; if(globalMatch) { if(pureMode) { throw atrule.error('@keyframes :global(...) is not allowed in pure mode'); } atrule.params = globalMatch[1]; globalKeyframes = true; } else if(localMatch) { atrule.params = localMatch[0]; globalKeyframes = false; } else if(!globalMode) { atrule.params = ':local(' + atrule.params + ')'; } atrule.walkDecls(function(decl) { localizeDecl(decl, { options: options, global: globalKeyframes }); }); } else if(atrule.nodes) { atrule.nodes.forEach(function(decl) { if(decl.type === 'decl') { localizeDecl(decl, { options: options, global: globalMode }); } }); } }); css.walkRules(function(rule) { if(rule.parent.type === 'atrule' && /keyframes$/.test( { // ignore keyframe rules return; } var selector = Tokenizer.parse(rule.selector); var context = { options: options, global: globalMode, hasPureGlobals: false }; var newSelector; try { newSelector = localizeNode(selector, context); } catch(e) { throw rule.error(e.message); } if(pureMode && context.hasPureGlobals) { throw rule.error('Selector "' + Tokenizer.stringify(selector) + '" is not pure ' + '(pure selectors must contain at least one local class or id)'); } // Less-syntax mixins parse as rules with no nodes if (rule.nodes) { rule.nodes.forEach(function(decl) { localizeDecl(decl, context); }); } rule.selector = Tokenizer.stringify(newSelector); }); }; });