# Changelog ## 3.2.2 ### Fixed - Fixed user plugins order by Tom Jenkinson (@tjenkinson) https://github.com/css-modules/postcss-modules/pull/112 ## 3.2.1 ### Fixed - Fixed an issue when some plugins were running multiple times by Tom Jenkinson (@tjenkinson) https://github.com/css-modules/postcss-modules/pull/111 ## 3.2.0 ### Changed - [`localsConvention` option] now supports a custom function `(originalClassName: string, generatedClassName: string, inputFile: string) => className: string` by Gregory Waxman (@Akkuma) https://github.com/css-modules/postcss-modules/pull/109 ## 3.1.0 ### Added - Added `exportGlobals` option ## 3.0.0 ### Changed - Dropped `css-modules-loader-core` dependency - [Upgraded all the dependencies](https://github.com/css-modules/postcss-modules/pull/108) ### Breaking changes - Dropped support for unsupported Node versions. Supported versions are 10, 12 and 14+ https://nodejs.org/en/about/releases/ ## 2.0.0 ### Added - [`localsConvention` option](https://github.com/css-modules/postcss-modules#localsconvention) by Hamza Mihai Daniel (@allocenx) , ### Breaking changes - `camelCase` camelCase removed, use the [`localsConvention` option](https://github.com/css-modules/postcss-modules#localsconvention) instead. ## 1.5.0 - Added `hashPrefix` option by Jesse Thomson (@jessethomson) ## 1.4.1 - Rebublished the previous release. Sorry :( ## 1.4.0 - Added export for other plugins by Evilebot Tnawi (@evilebottnawi) , ## 1.3.1 - Move dev tools to devDependecies by Anton Khlynovskiy (@ubzey) ## 1.3.0 - Updated dependecies - Added prettier to format code ## 1.2.0 - Added option to transform classes to camelCase by Igor Ribeiro (@igor-ribeiro) ## 1.1.0 - Added ability to transmit outputFileName into getJSON by @lutien ## 1.0.0 - Dropped support for Node < 6 - Updated dependencies ## 0.8.0 - Updated PostCSS to 6 by Alexey Litvinov (@sullenor) ## 0.7.1 - Allowed empty string as opts.root by Sharon Rolel (@Mosho1) ## 0.7.0 - Allow async getJSON by Philipp A. (@flying-sheep) ## 0.6.4 - Added the `root` option to pass the root path by Sharon Rolel (@Mosho1) () ## 0.6.3 - Fixed regression in `isValidBehaviour` function () ## 0.6.2 - Refactored `getDefaultPluginsList` function ## 0.6.1 - Fixed `generateScopedName` bug with multiple postcss-modules instances () ## 0.6.0 - Added `globalModulePaths` option (Thanks to @pospi). - Refactored all the things. ## 0.5.2 - Updated dependencies ## 0.5.1 - Fixed sorting for composed dependencies by Josh Johnston (@joshwnj) () ## 0.5.0 - Added `scopeBehaviour` option () - Added ability to pass a string to `generateScopedName` () - Updated dependencies ## 0.4.1 - Fixed processing errors capturing by Boris Serdiuk (@just-boris) ## 0.4.0 - Added support for custom loaders by Björn Brauer (@ZauberNerd) ## 0.3.0 - Fixed processing for imported CSS - Added default callback for saving exported JSON ## 0.2.0 - Fixed JSON export with shallow imports () - Fixed lookup paths () - Fixed imports overriding () - Global refactoring under the hood ## 0.1.3 Fixed failing on comments by @dfreeman () ## 0.1.2 Fixed module export for ES5 () ## 0.1.1 Call getExports only for top level css ## 0.1.0 Initial version