# srcset > Parse and stringify the HTML `` [srcset](https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/08/webkit-implements-srcset-and-why-its-a-good-thing/) attribute. Can be useful if you're creating a build-tool. ## Install ``` $ npm install srcset ``` ## Usage How an image with `srcset` might look like: ```html The Breakfast Combo ``` Then have some fun with it: ```js const srcset = require('srcset'); const parsed = srcset.parse('banner-HD.jpg 2x, banner-phone.jpg 100w'); console.log(parsed); /* [ { url: 'banner-HD.jpg', density: 2 }, { url: 'banner-phone.jpg', width: 100 } ] */ parsed.push({ url: 'banner-super-HD.jpg', density: 3 }); const stringified = srcset.stringify(parsed); console.log(stringified); /* banner-HD.jpg 2x, banner-phone.jpg 100w, banner-super-HD.jpg 3x */ ``` ## API ### .parse(string, options?) Parse the HTML `` [srcset](http://mobile.smashingmagazine.com/2013/08/21/webkit-implements-srcset-and-why-its-a-good-thing/) attribute. Accepts a “srcset” string and returns an array of objects with the possible properties: `url` (always), `width`, `height`, and `density`. #### string Type: `string` A “srcset” string. #### options Type: `object` ##### strict Type: `boolean`\ Default: `false` When enabled, an invalid “srcset” string will cause an error to be thrown. When disabled, a best effort will be made to parse the string, potentially resulting in invalid or nonsensical output. ### .stringify(SrcSetDefinitions, options?) Stringify `SrcSetDefinition`s. Accepts an array of `SrcSetDefinition` objects and returns a “srcset” string. #### srcsetDescriptors Type: `array` An array of `SrcSetDefinition` objects. Each object should have a `url` field and may have `width`, `height` or `density` fields. When the `strict` option is `true`, only `width` or `density` is accepted. #### options Type: `object` ##### strict Type: `boolean` Default: `false` Enable or disable validation of the SrcSetDefinitions. When true, invalid input will cause an error to be thrown. When false, a best effort will be made to stringify invalid input, likely resulting in invalid srcset value. ---
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