"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; function _plugin() { const data = require("@parcel/plugin"); _plugin = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _utils() { const data = require("@parcel/utils"); _utils = function () { return data; }; return data; } const CODE = ` var Refresh = require('react-refresh/runtime'); Refresh.injectIntoGlobalHook(window); window.$RefreshReg$ = function() {}; window.$RefreshSig$ = function() { return function(type) { return type; }; };`; var _default = new (_plugin().Runtime)({ async apply({ bundle, options }) { if (bundle.type !== 'js' || !options.hmrOptions || !bundle.env.isBrowser() || bundle.env.isWorker() || bundle.env.isWorklet() || options.mode !== 'development' || bundle.env.sourceType !== 'module') { return; } let entries = bundle.getEntryAssets(); for (let entry of entries) { var _pkg$config, _pkg$config$dependenc, _pkg$config2, _pkg$config2$devDepen, _pkg$config3, _pkg$config3$peerDepe; // TODO: do this in loadConfig - but it doesn't have access to the bundle... let pkg = await (0, _utils().loadConfig)(options.inputFS, entry.filePath, ['package.json'], options.projectRoot); if (pkg !== null && pkg !== void 0 && (_pkg$config = pkg.config) !== null && _pkg$config !== void 0 && (_pkg$config$dependenc = _pkg$config.dependencies) !== null && _pkg$config$dependenc !== void 0 && _pkg$config$dependenc.react || pkg !== null && pkg !== void 0 && (_pkg$config2 = pkg.config) !== null && _pkg$config2 !== void 0 && (_pkg$config2$devDepen = _pkg$config2.devDependencies) !== null && _pkg$config2$devDepen !== void 0 && _pkg$config2$devDepen.react || pkg !== null && pkg !== void 0 && (_pkg$config3 = pkg.config) !== null && _pkg$config3 !== void 0 && (_pkg$config3$peerDepe = _pkg$config3.peerDependencies) !== null && _pkg$config3$peerDepe !== void 0 && _pkg$config3$peerDepe.react) { return { filePath: __filename, code: CODE, isEntry: true }; } } } }); exports.default = _default;