const fs = require('fs') const { extname, basename, dirname} = require('path') const { ArrayLikeIterable } = require('./util/ArrayLikeIterable') const when = require('./util/when') const EventEmitter = require('events') Object.assign(exports, require('node-gyp-build')(__dirname)) const { Env, Cursor, Compression, getBufferForAddress, getAddress, keyValueToBuffer, bufferToKeyValue } = exports const { CachingStore, setGetLastVersion } = require('./caching') const { writeKey, readKey } = require('ordered-binary') const os = require('os') setGetLastVersion(getLastVersion) Uint8ArraySlice = Uint8Array.prototype.slice const keyBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow(2048) const keyBufferView = new DataView(keyBuffer.buffer, 0, 2048) // max key size is actually 1978 const buffers = [] const DEFAULT_SYNC_BATCH_THRESHOLD = 200000000 // 200MB const DEFAULT_IMMEDIATE_BATCH_THRESHOLD = 10000000 // 10MB const DEFAULT_COMMIT_DELAY = 0 const READING_TNX = { readOnly: true } const ABORT = {} const allDbs = exports.allDbs = new Map() const SYNC_PROMISE_RESULT = Promise.resolve(true) const SYNC_PROMISE_FAIL = Promise.resolve(false) SYNC_PROMISE_RESULT.isSync = true SYNC_PROMISE_FAIL.isSync = true const LAST_KEY = String.fromCharCode(0xffff) const LAST_BUFFER_KEY = Buffer.from([255, 255, 255, 255]) const FIRST_BUFFER_KEY = Buffer.from([0]) const ITERATOR_DONE = { done: true, value: undefined } const writeUint32Key = (key, target, start) => { (target.dataView || (target.dataView = new DataView(target.buffer, 0, target.length))).setUint32(start, key, true) return start + 4 } const readUint32Key = (target, start) => { return (target.dataView || (target.dataView = new DataView(target.buffer, 0, target.length))).getUint32(start, true) } const writeBufferKey = (key, target, start) => { if (key.length > 1978) throw new Error('Key buffer is too long') target.set(key, start) return key.length + start } const readBufferKey = (target, start, end) => { return, start, end) } let env let defaultCompression let lastSize, lastOffset, lastVersion const MDB_SET_KEY = 0, MDB_SET_RANGE = 1, MDB_GET_BOTH_RANGE = 2, MDB_GET_CURRENT = 3, MDB_FIRST = 4, MDB_LAST = 5, MDB_NEXT = 6, MDB_NEXT_NODUP = 7, MDB_NEXT_DUP = 8, MDB_PREV = 9, MDB_PREV_NODUP = 10, MDB_PREV_DUP = 11 = open exports.ABORT = ABORT let abortedNonChildTransactionWarn function open(path, options) { let env = new Env() let committingWrites let scheduledTransactions let scheduledOperations let asyncTransactionAfter = true, asyncTransactionStrictOrder let transactionWarned let readTxn, writeTxn, pendingBatch, currentCommit, runNextBatch, readTxnRenewed, cursorTxns = [] let renewId = 1 if (typeof path == 'object' && !options) { options = path path = options.path } let extension = extname(path) let name = basename(path, extension) let is32Bit = os.arch().endsWith('32') let remapChunks = (options && options.remapChunks) || ((options && options.mapSize) ? (is32Bit && options.mapSize > 0x100000000) : // larger than fits in address space, must use dynamic maps is32Bit) // without a known map size, we default to being able to handle large data correctly/well*/ options = Object.assign({ path, noSubdir: Boolean(extension), isRoot: true, maxDbs: 12, remapChunks, keyBuffer, // default map size limit of 4 exabytes when using remapChunks, since it is not preallocated and we can // make it super huge. mapSize: remapChunks ? 0x10000000000000 : 0x20000, // Otherwise we start small with 128KB }, options) if (options.asyncTransactionOrder == 'before') { console.warn('asyncTransactionOrder: "before" is deprecated') asyncTransactionAfter = false } else if (options.asyncTransactionOrder == 'strict') { asyncTransactionStrictOrder = true asyncTransactionAfter = false } if (!fs.existsSync(options.noSubdir ? dirname(path) : path)) fs.mkdirSync(options.noSubdir ? dirname(path) : path, { recursive: true }) if (options.compression) { let setDefault if (options.compression == true) { if (defaultCompression) options.compression = defaultCompression else defaultCompression = options.compression = new Compression({ threshold: 1000, dictionary: fs.readFileSync(require.resolve('./dict/dict.txt')), }) } else options.compression = new Compression(Object.assign({ threshold: 1000, dictionary: fs.readFileSync(require.resolve('./dict/dict.txt')), }), options.compression) } if (options && options.clearOnStart) {'Removing', path) fs.removeSync(path)'Removed', path) } let useWritemap = options.useWritemap try { } catch(error) { if (error.message.startsWith('MDB_INVALID')) { require('./util/upgrade-lmdb').upgrade(path, options, open) env = new Env() } else throw error } /* let filePath = noSubdir ? path : (path + '/data.mdb') if (fs.statSync(filePath).size == && !options.remapChunks) { // if the file size is identical to the map size, that means the OS is taking full disk space for // mapping and we need to revert back to remapChunks env.close() options.remapChunks = true }*/ env.readerCheck() // clear out any stale entries function renewReadTxn() { if (readTxn) readTxn.renew() else readTxn = env.beginTxn(READING_TNX) readTxnRenewed = setImmediate(resetReadTxn) return readTxn } function resetReadTxn() { if (readTxnRenewed) { renewId++ readTxnRenewed = null if (readTxn.cursorCount - (readTxn.renewingCursorCount || 0) > 0) { readTxn.onlyCursor = true cursorTxns.push(readTxn) readTxn = null } else readTxn.reset() } } let stores = [] class LMDBStore extends EventEmitter { constructor(dbName, dbOptions) { super() if (dbName === undefined) throw new Error('Database name must be supplied in name property (may be null for root database)') const openDB = () => { try { this.db = env.openDbi(Object.assign({ name: dbName, create: true, txn: writeTxn, }, dbOptions)) = dbName || null } catch(error) { handleError(error, null, null, openDB) } } if (dbOptions.compression && !(dbOptions.compression instanceof Compression)) { if (dbOptions.compression == true && options.compression) dbOptions.compression = options.compression // use the parent compression if available else dbOptions.compression = new Compression(Object.assign({ threshold: 1000, dictionary: fs.readFileSync(require.resolve('./dict/dict.txt')), }), dbOptions.compression) } if (dbOptions.dupSort && (dbOptions.useVersions || dbOptions.cache)) { throw new Error('The dupSort flag can not be combined with versions or caching') } openDB() resetReadTxn() // a read transaction becomes invalid after opening another db = dbName this.env = env this.reads = 0 this.writes = 0 this.transactions = 0 this.averageTransactionTime = 5 if (dbOptions.syncBatchThreshold) console.warn('syncBatchThreshold is no longer supported') if (dbOptions.immediateBatchThreshold) console.warn('immediateBatchThreshold is no longer supported') this.commitDelay = DEFAULT_COMMIT_DELAY Object.assign(this, { // these are the options that are inherited path: options.path, encoding: options.encoding, strictAsyncOrder: options.strictAsyncOrder, }, dbOptions) if (!this.encoding || this.encoding == 'msgpack' || this.encoding == 'cbor') { this.encoder = this.decoder = new (this.encoding == 'cbor' ? require('cbor-x').Encoder : require('msgpackr').Encoder) (Object.assign(this.sharedStructuresKey ? this.setupSharedStructures() : { copyBuffers: true // need to copy any embedded buffers that are found since we use unsafe buffers }, options, dbOptions)) } else if (this.encoding == 'json') { this.encoder = { encode: JSON.stringify, } } else if (this.encoding == 'ordered-binary') { this.encoder = this.decoder = { encode(value) { if (savePosition > 6200) allocateSaveBuffer() let start = savePosition savePosition = writeKey(value, saveBuffer, start) let buffer = saveBuffer.subarray(start, savePosition) savePosition = (savePosition + 7) & 0xfffff8 return buffer }, decode(buffer, end) { return readKey(buffer, 0, end) }, writeKey, readKey, } } if (this.keyIsUint32) { this.writeKey = writeUint32Key this.readKey = readUint32Key } else if (this.keyIsBuffer) { this.writeKey = writeBufferKey this.readKey = readBufferKey } else { this.writeKey = writeKey this.readKey = readKey } allDbs.set(dbName ? name + '-' + dbName : name, this) stores.push(this) } openDB(dbName, dbOptions) { if (typeof dbName == 'object' && !dbOptions) { dbOptions = dbName dbName = } else dbOptions = dbOptions || {} try { return dbOptions.cache ? new (CachingStore(LMDBStore))(dbName, dbOptions) : new LMDBStore(dbName, dbOptions) } catch(error) { if (error.message.indexOf('MDB_DBS_FULL') > -1) { error.message += ' (increase your maxDbs option)' } throw error } } transactionAsync(callback, asChild) { if (writeTxn) { // already nested in a transaction, just execute and return return callback() } let lastOperation let after, strictOrder if (scheduledOperations) { lastOperation = asyncTransactionAfter ? scheduledOperations.appendAsyncTxn : scheduledOperations[asyncTransactionStrictOrder ? scheduledOperations.length - 1 : 0] } else { scheduledOperations = [] scheduledOperations.bytes = 0 } let transactionSet let transactionSetIndex if (lastOperation === true) { // continue last set of transactions transactionSetIndex = scheduledTransactions.length - 1 transactionSet = scheduledTransactions[transactionSetIndex] } else { // for now we signify transactions as a true if (asyncTransactionAfter) // by default we add a flag to put transactions after other operations scheduledOperations.appendAsyncTxn = true else if (asyncTransactionStrictOrder) scheduledOperations.push(true) else // in before mode, we put all the async transaction at the beginning scheduledOperations.unshift(true) if (!scheduledTransactions) { scheduledTransactions = [] } transactionSetIndex = scheduledTransactions.push(transactionSet = []) - 1 } let index = (transactionSet.push(asChild ? {asChild, callback } : callback) - 1) << 1 return this.scheduleCommit().results.then((results) => { let transactionResults = results.transactionResults[transactionSetIndex] let error = transactionResults[index] if (error) throw error return transactionResults[index + 1] }) } childTransaction(callback) { if (useWritemap) throw new Error('Child transactions are not supported in writemap mode') if (writeTxn) { let parentTxn = writeTxn let childTxn = writeTxn = env.beginTxn(null, parentTxn) try { return when(callback(), (result) => { writeTxn = parentTxn if (result === ABORT) childTxn.abort() else childTxn.commit() return result }, (error) => { writeTxn = parentTxn childTxn.abort() throw error }) } catch(error) { writeTxn = parentTxn childTxn.abort() throw error } } return this.transactionAsync(callback, true) } transaction(callback, abort) { if (!transactionWarned) { console.warn('transaction is deprecated, use transactionSync if you want a synchronous transaction or transactionAsync for asynchronous transaction. In this future this will always call transactionAsync.') transactionWarned = true } let result = this.transactionSync(callback, abort) return abort ? ABORT : result } transactionSync(callback, abort) { if (writeTxn) { if (!useWritemap && !this.cache) // already nested in a transaction, execute as child transaction (if possible) and return return this.childTransaction(callback) let result = callback() // else just run in current transaction if (result == ABORT && !abortedNonChildTransactionWarn) { console.warn('Can not abort a transaction inside another transaction with ' + (this.cache ? 'caching enabled' : 'useWritemap enabled')) abortedNonChildTransactionWarn = true } return result } let txn try { this.transactions++ txn = writeTxn = env.beginTxn() /*if (scheduledOperations && runNextBatch) { runNextBatch((operations, callback) => { try { callback(null, this.commitBatchNow(operations)) } catch (error) { callback(error) } }) } TODO: To reenable forced sequential writes, we need to re-execute the operations if we get an env resize */ return when(callback(), (result) => { try { if (result === ABORT) txn.abort() else { txn.commit() resetReadTxn() } writeTxn = null return result } catch(error) { if (error.message == 'The transaction is already closed.') { return result } return handleError(error, this, txn, () => this.transaction(callback)) } }, (error) => { return handleError(error, this, txn, () => this.transaction(callback)) }) } catch(error) { return handleError(error, this, txn, () => this.transaction(callback)) } } getSharedBufferForGet(id) { let txn = (writeTxn || (readTxnRenewed ? readTxn : renewReadTxn())) lastSize = this.keyIsCompatibility ? txn.getBinaryShared(id) : this.db.get(this.writeKey(id, keyBuffer, 0)) if (lastSize === 0xffffffff) { // not found code return //undefined } return lastSize lastSize = keyBufferView.getUint32(0, true) let bufferIndex = keyBufferView.getUint32(12, true) lastOffset = keyBufferView.getUint32(8, true) let buffer = buffers[bufferIndex] let startOffset if (!buffer || lastOffset < (startOffset = buffer.startOffset) || (lastOffset + lastSize > startOffset + 0x100000000)) { if (buffer) env.detachBuffer(buffer.buffer) startOffset = (lastOffset >>> 16) * 0x10000 console.log('make buffer for address', bufferIndex * 0x100000000 + startOffset) buffer = buffers[bufferIndex] = Buffer.from(getBufferForAddress(bufferIndex * 0x100000000 + startOffset)) buffer.startOffset = startOffset } lastOffset -= startOffset return buffer return buffer.slice(lastOffset, lastOffset + lastSize)/*, lastOffset, lastOffset + lastSize)*/ } getSizeBinaryFast(id) { (writeTxn || (readTxnRenewed ? readTxn : renewReadTxn())) lastSize = this.keyIsCompatibility ? this.db.getByPrimitive(id) : this.db.getByBinary(this.writeKey(id, keyBuffer, 0)) } getString(id) { let string = (writeTxn || (readTxnRenewed ? readTxn : renewReadTxn())) .getUtf8(this.db, id) if (string) lastSize = string.length return string } getBinaryFast(id) { this.getSizeBinaryFast(id) return lastSize === 0xffffffff ? undefined : this.db.unsafeBuffer.subarray(0, lastSize) } getBinary(id) { this.getSizeBinaryFast(id) return lastSize === 0xffffffff ? undefined :, 0, lastSize) } get(id) { if (this.decoder) { this.getSizeBinaryFast(id) return lastSize === 0xffffffff ? undefined : this.decoder.decode(this.db.unsafeBuffer, lastSize) } if (this.encoding == 'binary') return this.getBinary(id) let result = this.getString(id) if (result) { if (this.encoding == 'json') return JSON.parse(result) } return result } getEntry(id) { let value = this.get(id) if (value !== undefined) { if (this.useVersions) return { value, version: getLastVersion(), //size: lastSize } else return { value, //size: lastSize } } } resetReadTxn() { resetReadTxn() } ifNoExists(key, callback) { return this.ifVersion(key, null, callback) } ifVersion(key, version, callback) { if (typeof version != 'number') { if (version == null) { if (version === null) version = -4.2434325325532E-199 // NO_EXIST_VERSION else {// if undefined, just do callback without any condition being added callback() // TODO: if we are inside another ifVersion, use that promise, or use ANY_VERSION return pendingBatch ? pendingBatch.unconditionalResults : Promise.resolve(true) // be consistent in returning a promise, indicate success } } else { throw new Error('Version must be a number or null') } } let scheduledOperations = this.getScheduledOperations() let index = scheduledOperations.push([key, version]) - 1 try { callback() let commit = this.scheduleCommit() return commit.results.then((writeResults) => { if (writeResults[index] === 0) return true if (writeResults[index] === 3) { throw new Error('The key size was 0 or too large') } return false }) } finally { scheduledOperations.push(false) // reset condition } } doesExist(key, versionOrValue) { let txn try { if (writeTxn) { txn = writeTxn } else { txn = readTxnRenewed ? readTxn : renewReadTxn() } if (versionOrValue === undefined) { this.getSizeBinaryFast(key) return lastSize !== 0xffffffff } else if (this.useVersions) { this.getSizeBinaryFast(key) return lastSize !== 0xffffffff && matches(getLastVersion(), versionOrValue) } else { let cursor = new Cursor(txn, this.db) if (this.encoder) { versionOrValue = this.encoder.encode(versionOrValue) } if (typeof versionOrValue == 'string') versionOrValue = Buffer.from(versionOrValue) let result = cursor.goToDup(key, versionOrValue) !== undefined cursor.close() return result } } catch(error) { return handleError(error, this, txn, () => this.doesExist(key, versionOrValue)) } } getScheduledOperations() { if (!scheduledOperations) { scheduledOperations = [] scheduledOperations.bytes = 0 } if ( != this) { // issue action to switch dbs = this scheduledOperations.push(this.db) } return scheduledOperations } putToBinary(id, value, version, ifVersion) { let operations = this.getScheduledOperations() let position = writeBuffer.position || 0 writeUint32Array[(position++) << 1] = 0 // write the operation writeFloat64Array[position++] = version writeFloat64Array[position++] = ifVersion let keySize = this.writeKey(id, writeBuffer, (position + 2) << 3) writeUint32Array[(position << 1) - 3] = keySize if (this.encoder) { //if (!(value instanceof Uint8Array)) TODO: in a future version, directly store buffers that are provided value = this.encoder.encode(value) } writeUint32Array[(position++ << 1) - 2] = keySize writeUint32Array[(position++) << 1] = value.length writeFloat64Array[position] = 0 position += ((keySize - 1) >> 3) + 1 writeBuffer.position = position } put(id, value, version, ifVersion) { if (id.length > 1978) { throw new Error('Key is larger than maximum key size (1978)') } this.writes++ if (writeTxn) { if (ifVersion !== undefined) { this.get(id) let previousVersion = this.get(id) ? getLastVersion() : null if (!matches(previousVersion, ifVersion)) { return SYNC_PROMISE_FAIL } }, id, value, version) return SYNC_PROMISE_RESULT } if (this.encoder) { //if (!(value instanceof Uint8Array)) TODO: in a future version, directly store buffers that are provided value = this.encoder.encode(value) } else if (typeof value != 'string' && !(value instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new Error('Invalid value to put in database ' + value + ' (' + (typeof value) +'), consider using encoder') let operations = this.getScheduledOperations() let index = operations.push(ifVersion == null ? version == null ? [id, value] : [id, value, version] : [id, value, version, ifVersion]) - 1 // track the size of the scheduled operations (and include the approx size of the array structure too) operations.bytes += (id.length || 6) + (value && value.length || 0) + 100 let commit = this.scheduleCommit() return ifVersion === undefined ? commit.unconditionalResults : // TODO: Technically you can get a bad key if an array is passed in there is no ifVersion and still fail commit.results.then((writeResults) => { if (writeResults[index] === 0) return true if (writeResults[index] === 3) { throw new Error('The key size was 0 or too large') } return false }) } putSync(id, value, version) { if (id.length > 1978) { throw new Error('Key is larger than maximum key size (1978)') } let localTxn, hadWriteTxn = writeTxn try { this.writes++ if (!writeTxn) localTxn = writeTxn = env.beginTxn() if (this.encoder) value = this.encoder.encode(value) if (typeof value == 'string') { writeTxn.putUtf8(this.db, id, value, version) } else { if (!(value instanceof Uint8Array)) { throw new Error('Invalid value type ' + typeof value + ' used ' + value) } writeTxn.putBinary(this.db, id, value, version) } if (localTxn) { writeTxn.commit() writeTxn = null resetReadTxn() } } catch(error) { if (hadWriteTxn) throw error // if we are in a transaction, the whole transaction probably needs to restart return handleError(error, this, localTxn, () => this.putSync(id, value, version)) } } removeSync(id, ifVersionOrValue) { if (id.length > 1978) { throw new Error('Key is larger than maximum key size (1978)') } let localTxn, hadWriteTxn = writeTxn try { if (!writeTxn) localTxn = writeTxn = env.beginTxn() let deleteValue if (ifVersionOrValue !== undefined) { if (this.useVersions) { let previousVersion = this.get(id) ? getLastVersion() : null if (!matches(previousVersion, ifVersionOrValue)) return false } else if (this.encoder) deleteValue = this.encoder.encode(ifVersionOrValue) else deleteValue = ifVersionOrValue } this.writes++ let result if (deleteValue) result = writeTxn.del(this.db, id, deleteValue) else result = writeTxn.del(this.db, id) if (localTxn) { writeTxn.commit() writeTxn = null resetReadTxn() } return result // object found and deleted } catch(error) { if (hadWriteTxn) throw error // if we are in a transaction, the whole transaction probably needs to restart return handleError(error, this, localTxn, () => this.removeSync(id)) } } remove(id, ifVersionOrValue) { if (id.length > 1978) { throw new Error('Key is larger than maximum key size (1978)') } this.writes++ if (writeTxn) { if (, id, ifVersionOrValue) === false) return SYNC_PROMISE_FAIL return SYNC_PROMISE_RESULT } let scheduledOperations = this.getScheduledOperations() let operation if (ifVersionOrValue === undefined) operation = [id] else if (this.useVersions) operation = [id, undefined, undefined, ifVersionOrValue] // version condition else { if (this.encoder) operation = [id, this.encoder.encode(ifVersionOrValue), true] else operation = [id, ifVersionOrValue, true] } let index = scheduledOperations.push(operation) - 1 // remove specific values scheduledOperations.bytes += (id.length || 6) + 100 let commit = this.scheduleCommit() return ifVersionOrValue === undefined ? commit.unconditionalResults : commit.results.then((writeResults) => { if (writeResults[index] === 0) return true if (writeResults[index] === 3) { throw new Error('The key size was 0 or too large') } return false }) } getValues(key, options) { let defaultOptions = { key, valuesForKey: true } if (options && options.snapshot === false) throw new Error('Can not disable snapshots for getValues') return this.getRange(options ? Object.assign(defaultOptions, options) : defaultOptions) } getKeys(options) { if (!options) options = {} options.values = false return this.getRange(options) } getCount(options) { if (!options) options = {} options.onlyCount = true return this.getRange(options)[Symbol.iterator]() } getKeysCount(options) { if (!options) options = {} options.onlyCount = true options.values = false return this.getRange(options)[Symbol.iterator]() } getValuesCount(key, options) { if (!options) options = {} options.key = key options.valuesForKey = true options.onlyCount = true return this.getRange(options)[Symbol.iterator]() } getRange(options) { let iterable = new ArrayLikeIterable() if (!options) options = {} let includeValues = options.values !== false let includeVersions = options.versions let valuesForKey = options.valuesForKey let limit = options.limit let db = this.db let snapshot = options.snapshot iterable[Symbol.iterator] = () => { let currentKey = valuesForKey ? options.key : options.start const reverse = options.reverse let count = 0 let cursor, cursorRenewId let txn let flags = (includeValues ? 0x100 : 0) | (reverse ? 0x400 : 0) | (valuesForKey ? 0x800 : 0) function resetCursor() { try { if (cursor) finishCursor() txn = writeTxn || (readTxnRenewed ? readTxn : renewReadTxn()) cursor = !writeTxn && db.availableCursor if (cursor) { db.availableCursor = null if (db.cursorTxn != txn) cursor.renew(txn) else// if (db.currentRenewId != renewId) flags |= 0x2000 } else { cursor = new Cursor(txn, db) } txn.cursorCount = (txn.cursorCount || 0) + 1 // track transaction so we always use the same one if (snapshot === false) { cursorRenewId = renewId // use shared read transaction txn.renewingCursorCount = (txn.renewingCursorCount || 0) + 1 // need to know how many are renewing cursors } } catch(error) { if (cursor) { try { cursor.close() } catch(error) { } } return handleError(error, this, txn, resetCursor) } } resetCursor() let store = this if (options.onlyCount) { flags |= 0x1000 let count = position(options.offset) finishCursor() return count } function position(offset) { let keySize = store.writeKey(currentKey, keyBuffer, 0) let endAddress if (valuesForKey) { if (options.start === undefined && options.end === undefined) endAddress = 0 else { let startAddress if (store.encoder.writeKey) { startAddress = BigInt(saveKey(options.start, store.encoder.writeKey, iterable)) keyBufferView.setBigUint64(2000, startAddress, true) endAddress = saveKey(options.end, store.encoder.writeKey, iterable) } else { throw new Error('Only key-based encoding is supported for start/end values') let encoded = store.encoder.encode(options.start) let bufferAddress = encoded.buffer.address || (encoded.buffer.address = getAddress(encoded) - encoded.byteOffset) startAddress = bufferAddress + encoded.byteOffset } } } else endAddress = saveKey(options.end, store.writeKey, iterable) return cursor.position(flags, offset || 0, keySize, endAddress) } function finishCursor() { if (txn.isAborted) return if (cursorRenewId) txn.renewingCursorCount-- if (--txn.cursorCount <= 0 && txn.onlyCursor) { cursor.close() let index = cursorTxns.indexOf(txn) if (index > -1) cursorTxns.splice(index, 1) txn.abort() // this is no longer main read txn, abort it now that we are done txn.isAborted = true } else { if (db.availableCursor || txn != readTxn) cursor.close() else {// try to reuse it db.availableCursor = cursor db.cursorTxn = txn } } } return { next() { let keySize if (cursorRenewId && cursorRenewId != renewId) { resetCursor() keySize = position(0) } if (count === 0) { // && includeValues) // on first entry, get current value if we need to keySize = position(options.offset) } else keySize = cursor.iterate() if (keySize === 0 || (count++ >= limit)) { finishCursor() return ITERATOR_DONE } if (includeValues) // TODO: Can we do this after readKey, ran into issues with this before lastSize = keyBufferView.getUint32(0, true) if (!valuesForKey || snapshot === false) currentKey = store.readKey(keyBuffer, 32, keySize + 32) if (includeValues) { let value if (store.decoder) { value = store.decoder.decode(db.unsafeBuffer, lastSize) } else if (store.encoding == 'binary') value =, 0, lastSize) else { value = store.db.unsafeBuffer.toString('utf8', 0, lastSize) if (store.encoding == 'json' && value) value = JSON.parse(value) } if (includeVersions) return { value: { key: currentKey, value, version: getLastVersion() } } else if (valuesForKey) return { value } else return { value: { key: currentKey, value, } } } else if (includeVersions) { return { value: { key: currentKey, version: getLastVersion() } } } else { return { value: currentKey } } }, return() { finishCursor() return ITERATOR_DONE }, throw() { finishCursor() return ITERATOR_DONE } } } return iterable } scheduleCommit() { if (!pendingBatch) { // pendingBatch promise represents the completion of the transaction let whenCommitted = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { runNextBatch = (sync) => { if (!whenCommitted) return runNextBatch = null if (pendingBatch) { for (const store of stores) { store.emit('beforecommit', { scheduledOperations }) } } clearTimeout(timeout) currentCommit = whenCommitted whenCommitted = null pendingBatch = null if (scheduledOperations || scheduledTransactions) { // operations to perform, collect them as an array and start doing them let operations = scheduledOperations || [] let transactions = scheduledTransactions if (operations.appendAsyncTxn) { operations.push(true) } scheduledOperations = null scheduledTransactions = null const writeBatch = () => { let start = let results = Buffer.alloc(operations.length) let continuedWriteTxn let transactionResults let transactionSetIndex = 0 let callback = async (error) => { if (error === true) { // resume batch transaction if (!transactionResults) { // get the transaction we will use continuedWriteTxn = env.beginTxn(true) transactionResults = new Array(transactions.length) results.transactionResults = transactionResults } let transactionSet = transactions[transactionSetIndex] let transactionSetResults = transactionResults[transactionSetIndex++] = [] let promises for (let i = 0, l = transactionSet.length; i < l; i++) { let userTxn = transactionSet[i] let asChild = userTxn.asChild if (asChild) { if (promises) { // must complete any outstanding transactions before proceeding await Promise.all(promises) promises = null } let childTxn = writeTxn = env.beginTxn(null, continuedWriteTxn) try { let result = userTxn.callback() if (result && result.then) { await result } if (result === ABORT) childTxn.abort() else childTxn.commit() transactionSetResults[(i << 1) + 1] = result } catch(error) { childTxn.abort() if (!txnError(error, i)) return } } else { writeTxn = continuedWriteTxn try { let result = userTxn() if (result && result.then) { if (!promises) promises = [] transactionSetResults[(i << 1) + 1] = result promises.push(result.catch(() => { txnError(error, i) })) } else transactionSetResults[(i << 1) + 1] = result } catch(error) { if (!txnError(error, i)) return } } } if (promises) { // finish any outstanding commit functions await Promise.all(promises) } writeTxn = null return env.continueBatch(0) function txnError(error, i) { if (error.message.startsWith('MDB_MAP_FULL')) { env.continueBatch(-30792) writeTxn = null return false } if (error.message.startsWith('MDB_MAP_RESIZED')) { env.continueBatch(-30785) writeTxn = null return false } // user exception transactionSetResults[i << 1] = error return true } } let duration = - start this.averageTransactionTime = (this.averageTransactionTime * 3 + duration) / 4 //console.log('did batch', (duration) + 'ms', name, operations.length/*map(o => o[1].toString('binary')).join(',')*/) resetReadTxn() if (error) { if (error.message == 'Interrupted batch') // if the batch was interrupted by a sync transaction request we just have to restart it return writeBatch() try { // see if we can recover from recoverable error (like full map with a resize) handleError(error, this, null, writeBatch) } catch(error) { currentCommit = null for (const store of stores) { store.emit('aftercommit', { operations }) } reject(error) } } else { currentCommit = null for (const store of stores) { store.emit('aftercommit', { operations, results }) } resolve(results) } } try { if (sync === true) { env.batchWrite(operations, results) callback() } else env.batchWrite(operations, results, callback) } catch (error) { callback(error) } } try { writeBatch() } catch(error) { reject(error) } } else { resolve([]) } } let timeout if (this.commitDelay > 0) { timeout = setTimeout(() => { when(currentCommit, () => whenCommitted && runNextBatch(), () => whenCommitted && runNextBatch()) }, this.commitDelay) } else { timeout = runNextBatch.immediate = setImmediate(() => { when(currentCommit, () => whenCommitted && runNextBatch(), () => whenCommitted && runNextBatch()) }) } }) pendingBatch = { results: whenCommitted, unconditionalResults: whenCommitted.then(() => true) // for returning from non-conditional operations } } return pendingBatch } batch(operations) { /*if (writeTxn) { this.commitBatchNow( => [this.db, operation.key, operation.value])) return Promise.resolve(true) }*/ let scheduledOperations = this.getScheduledOperations() for (let operation of operations) { let value = operation.value scheduledOperations.push([operation.key, value]) scheduledOperations.bytes += operation.key.length + (value && value.length || 0) + 200 } return this.scheduleCommit().unconditionalResults } backup(path) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => env.copy(path, false, (error) => { if (error) { reject(error) } else { resolve() } })) } close() { this.db.close() if (this.isRoot) { if (readTxn) { try { readTxn.abort() } catch(error) {} } readTxnRenewed = null env.close() } } getStats() { try { let stats = this.db.stat(readTxnRenewed ? readTxn : renewReadTxn()) return stats } catch(error) { return handleError(error, this, readTxn, () => this.getStats()) } } sync(callback) { return env.sync(callback || function(error) { if (error) { console.error(error) } }) } deleteDB() { try { this.db.drop({ justFreePages: false, txn: writeTxn, }) } catch(error) { handleError(error, this, null, () => this.deleteDB()) } } clear() { try { this.db.drop({ justFreePages: true, txn: writeTxn, }) } catch(error) { handleError(error, this, null, () => this.clear()) } if (this.encoder && this.encoder.structures) this.encoder.structures = [] } readerCheck() { return env.readerCheck() } readerList() { return env.readerList().join('') } setupSharedStructures() { const getStructures = () => { let lastVersion // because we are doing a read here, we may need to save and restore the lastVersion from the last read if (this.useVersions) lastVersion = getLastVersion() try { let buffer = this.getBinary(this.sharedStructuresKey) if (this.useVersions) setLastVersion(lastVersion) return buffer ? this.encoder.decode(buffer) : [] } catch(error) { return handleError(error, this, null, getStructures) } } return { saveStructures: (structures, previousLength) => { return this.transactionSync(() => { let existingStructuresBuffer = this.getBinary(this.sharedStructuresKey) let existingStructures = existingStructuresBuffer ? this.encoder.decode(existingStructuresBuffer) : [] if (existingStructures.length != previousLength) return false // it changed, we need to indicate that we couldn't update writeTxn.putBinary(this.db, this.sharedStructuresKey, this.encoder.encode(structures)) }) }, getStructures, copyBuffers: true // need to copy any embedded buffers that are found since we use unsafe buffers } } } // if caching class overrides putSync, don't want to double call the caching code const putSync = LMDBStore.prototype.putSync const removeSync = LMDBStore.prototype.removeSync return options.cache ? new (CachingStore(LMDBStore))( || null, options) : new LMDBStore( || null, options) function handleError(error, store, txn, retry) { try { if (writeTxn) writeTxn.abort() } catch(error) {} if (writeTxn) writeTxn = null if (error.message.startsWith('MDB_') && !(error.message.startsWith('MDB_KEYEXIST') || error.message.startsWith('MDB_NOTFOUND')) || error.message == 'The transaction is already closed.') { resetReadTxn() // separate out cursor-based read txns try { if (readTxn) { readTxn.abort() readTxn.isAborted = true } } catch(error) {} readTxn = null } if (error.message.startsWith('MDB_PROBLEM')) console.error(error) //if (error.message == 'The transaction is already closed.') // return handleError(error, store, null, retry) if (error.message.startsWith('MDB_MAP_FULL') || error.message.startsWith('MDB_MAP_RESIZED')) { const oldSize = const newSize = error.message.startsWith('MDB_MAP_FULL') ? Math.floor(((1.08 + 3000 / Math.sqrt(oldSize)) * oldSize) / 0x100000) * 0x100000 : // increase size, more rapidly at first, and round to nearest 1 MB oldSize + 0x2000//Math.pow(2, (Math.round(Math.log2(oldSize)) + 1)) // for resized notifications, we try to align to doubling each time for (const store of stores) { store.emit('remap') } try { env.resize(newSize) } catch(error) { throw new Error(error.message + ' trying to set map size to ' + newSize) } return retry() } error.message = 'In database ' + name + ': ' + error.message throw error } } function matches(previousVersion, ifVersion){ let matches if (previousVersion) { if (ifVersion) { matches = previousVersion == ifVersion } else { matches = false } } else { matches = !ifVersion } return matches } function compareKey(a, b) { // compare with type consistency that matches ordered-binary if (typeof a == 'object') { if (!a) { return b == null ? 0 : -1 } if ( { if (b == null) { return 1 } else if ( { return } else { return -1 } } let arrayComparison if (b instanceof Array) { let i = 0 while((arrayComparison = compareKey(a[i], b[i])) == 0 && i <= a.length) { i++ } return arrayComparison } arrayComparison = compareKey(a[0], b) if (arrayComparison == 0 && a.length > 1) return 1 return arrayComparison } else if (typeof a == typeof b) { if (typeof a === 'symbol') { a = Symbol.keyFor(a) b = Symbol.keyFor(b) } return a < b ? -1 : a === b ? 0 : 1 } else if (typeof b == 'object') { if (b instanceof Array) return -compareKey(b, a) return 1 } else { return typeOrder[typeof a] < typeOrder[typeof b] ? -1 : 1 } } class Entry { constructor(value, version, db) { this.value = value this.version = version this.db = db } ifSamePut() { } ifSameRemove() { } } exports.compareKey = compareKey const typeOrder = { symbol: 0, undefined: 1, boolean: 2, number: 3, string: 4 } exports.getLastEntrySize = function() { return lastSize } function getLastVersion() { return keyBufferView.getFloat64(16, true) } function setLastVersion(version) { return keyBufferView.setFloat64(16, version, true) } let saveBuffer, saveDataView, saveDataAddress let savePosition = 8000 function allocateSaveBuffer() { saveBuffer = Buffer.alloc(8192) saveBuffer.dataView = saveDataView = new DataView(saveBuffer.buffer, saveBuffer.byteOffset, saveBuffer.byteLength) saveDataAddress = getAddress(saveBuffer) saveBuffer.buffer.address = saveDataAddress - saveBuffer.byteOffset savePosition = 0 } function saveKey(key, writeKey, saveTo) { if (savePosition > 6200) { allocateSaveBuffer() } let start = savePosition savePosition = writeKey(key, saveBuffer, start + 4) saveDataView.setUint32(start, savePosition - start - 4, true) saveTo.saveBuffer = saveBuffer savePosition = (savePosition + 7) & 0xfffff8 return start + saveDataAddress } exports.getLastVersion = getLastVersion exports.setLastVersion = setLastVersion