# json-source-map Parse/stringify JSON and provide source-map for JSON-pointers to all nodes. NEW: supports BigInt, Maps, Sets and Typed arrays. 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Returns object with properties: - _data_: parsed data. - _pointers_: an object where each key is a JSON pointer ([RFC 6901](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6901)), each corresponding value is a mapping object. Mapping object has properties: - _key_: location object (see below) of the beginning of the key in JSON string. This property is only present if parent data is an object (rather than array). - _keyEnd_: location of the end of the key in JSON string. This property is only present if parent data is an object. - _value_: location of the beginning of the value in JSON string. - _valueEnd_: location of the end of the value in JSON string. Location object has properties (zero-based numbers): - _line_: line number in JSON file. - _column_: column number in JSON string (from the beginning of line). - _pos_: character position in JSON file (from the beginning of JSON string). Options: - _bigint_: parse large integers as [BigInt](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/BigInt). Whitespace: - the only character that increases line number in mappings is line feed ('\n'), so if your JSON string has '\r\n' sequence, it will still be counted as one line, - both '\r' and '\n' are counted as a character when determining `pos` (it is possible to slice sections of JSON string using `pos` property), but `column` counter is reset when `r` or `n` is encountered, - tabs ('\t') are counted as four spaces when determining `column` but as a single character for `pos`. Comparison with the standard `JSON.parse`: - when it is not possible to parse JSON, a SyntaxError exception with exactly the same message is thrown, - `reviver` parameter of [JSON.parse](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/parse#Using_the_reviver_parameter) is not supported, but its position is reserved. - supports parsing large integers as [BigInt](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/BigInt) (with the option `bigint: true`). #### .stringify(Any data, Any _, String|Number|Object space) -> Object; Stringifies JavaScript data. Returns object with properties: - _json_: JSON string - stringified data. - _pointers_: an object where each key is a JSON-pointer, each corresponding value is a mapping object (same format as in parse method). Comparison with the standard `JSON.stringify`: - `replacer` parameter of [JSON.stringify](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/stringify#The_replacer_parameter) is not supported, but its position is reserved. - `space` parameter is supported, but if it is a string, it may only contain characters space, tab ('\t'), caret return ('\r') and line feed ('\n') - using any other caracter throws an exception. If this parameter is an object, it is options. Options: - _space_: same as `space` parameter. - _es6_: stringify ES6 Maps, Sets and Typed arrays (as JSON arrays). ## License [MIT](https://github.com/epoberezkin/json-source-map/blob/master/LICENSE)