format ====== printf, sprintf, and vsprintf for JavaScript Installation ============ npm install format The code works in browsers as well, you can copy these functions into your project or otherwise include them with your other JavaScript. Usage ===== var format = require('format') , printf = format.printf , vsprintf = format.vsprintf // or if you want to keep it old school , sprintf = format // Print 'hello world' printf('%s world', 'hello') var what = 'life, the universe, and everything' format('%d is the answer to %s', 42, what) // => '42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything' vsprintf('%d is the answer to %s', [42, what]) // => '42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything' Supported format specifiers: b, c, d, f, o, s, x, and X. See `man 3 printf` or `man 1 printf` for details. Precision is supported for floating point numbers. License ======= Copyright 2010 - 2014 Sami Samhuri [MIT license](