"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; function _plugin() { const data = require("@parcel/plugin"); _plugin = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _utils() { const data = require("@parcel/utils"); _utils = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _path() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); _path = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _nullthrows() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("nullthrows")); _nullthrows = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } // Used for as="" in preload/prefetch const TYPE_TO_RESOURCE_PRIORITY = { css: 'style', js: 'script' }; const BROWSER_PRELOAD_LOADER = './helpers/browser/preload-loader'; const BROWSER_PREFETCH_LOADER = './helpers/browser/prefetch-loader'; const LOADERS = { browser: { css: './helpers/browser/css-loader', html: './helpers/browser/html-loader', js: './helpers/browser/js-loader', wasm: './helpers/browser/wasm-loader', IMPORT_POLYFILL: './helpers/browser/import-polyfill' }, worker: { js: './helpers/worker/js-loader', wasm: './helpers/worker/wasm-loader', IMPORT_POLYFILL: false }, node: { css: './helpers/node/css-loader', html: './helpers/node/html-loader', js: './helpers/node/js-loader', wasm: './helpers/node/wasm-loader', IMPORT_POLYFILL: null } }; function getLoaders(ctx) { if (ctx.isWorker()) return LOADERS.worker; if (ctx.isBrowser()) return LOADERS.browser; if (ctx.isNode()) return LOADERS.node; return null; } // This cache should be invalidated if new dependencies get added to the bundle without the bundle objects changing // This can happen when we reuse the BundleGraph between subsequent builds let bundleDependencies = new WeakMap(); var _default = new (_plugin().Runtime)({ apply({ bundle, bundleGraph, options }) { // Dependency ids in code replaced with referenced bundle names // Loader runtime added for bundle groups that don't have a native loader (e.g. HTML/CSS/Worker - isURL?), // and which are not loaded by a parent bundle. // Loaders also added for modules that were moved to a separate bundle because they are a different type // (e.g. WASM, HTML). These should be preloaded prior to the bundle being executed. Replace the entry asset(s) // with the preload module. if (bundle.type !== 'js') { return; } let { asyncDependencies, otherDependencies } = getDependencies(bundle); let assets = []; for (let dependency of asyncDependencies) { let resolved = bundleGraph.resolveAsyncDependency(dependency, bundle); if (resolved == null) { continue; } if (resolved.type === 'asset') { if (!bundle.env.shouldScopeHoist) { // If this bundle already has the asset this dependency references, // return a simple runtime of `Promise.resolve(internalRequire(assetId))`. // The linker handles this for scope-hoisting. assets.push({ filePath: __filename, code: `module.exports = Promise.resolve(module.bundle.root(${JSON.stringify(bundleGraph.getAssetPublicId(resolved.value))}))`, dependency, env: { sourceType: 'module' } }); } } else { // Resolve the dependency to a bundle. If inline, export the dependency id, // which will be replaced with the contents of that bundle later. let referencedBundle = bundleGraph.getReferencedBundle(dependency, bundle); if ((referencedBundle === null || referencedBundle === void 0 ? void 0 : referencedBundle.bundleBehavior) === 'inline') { assets.push({ filePath: _path().default.join(__dirname, `/bundles/${referencedBundle.id}.js`), code: `module.exports = Promise.resolve(${JSON.stringify(dependency.id)});`, dependency, env: { sourceType: 'module' } }); continue; } let loaderRuntime = getLoaderRuntime({ bundle, dependency, bundleGraph, bundleGroup: resolved.value, options }); if (loaderRuntime != null) { assets.push(loaderRuntime); } } } for (let dependency of otherDependencies) { var _dependency$meta; // Resolve the dependency to a bundle. If inline, export the dependency id, // which will be replaced with the contents of that bundle later. let referencedBundle = bundleGraph.getReferencedBundle(dependency, bundle); if ((referencedBundle === null || referencedBundle === void 0 ? void 0 : referencedBundle.bundleBehavior) === 'inline') { assets.push({ filePath: _path().default.join(__dirname, `/bundles/${referencedBundle.id}.js`), code: `module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(dependency.id)};`, dependency, env: { sourceType: 'module' } }); continue; } // Otherwise, try to resolve the dependency to an external bundle group // and insert a URL to that bundle. let resolved = bundleGraph.resolveAsyncDependency(dependency, bundle); if (dependency.specifierType === 'url' && resolved == null) { // If a URL dependency was not able to be resolved, add a runtime that // exports the original specifier. assets.push({ filePath: __filename, code: `module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(dependency.specifier)}`, dependency, env: { sourceType: 'module' } }); continue; } if (resolved == null || resolved.type !== 'bundle_group') { continue; } let bundleGroup = resolved.value; let mainBundle = (0, _nullthrows().default)(bundleGraph.getBundlesInBundleGroup(bundleGroup).find(b => { let entries = b.getEntryAssets(); return entries.some(e => bundleGroup.entryAssetId === e.id); })); // Skip URL runtimes for library builds. This is handled in packaging so that // the url is inlined and statically analyzable. if (bundle.env.isLibrary && ((_dependency$meta = dependency.meta) === null || _dependency$meta === void 0 ? void 0 : _dependency$meta.placeholder) != null) { continue; } // URL dependency or not, fall back to including a runtime that exports the url assets.push(getURLRuntime(dependency, bundle, mainBundle, options)); } // In development, bundles can be created lazily. This means that the parent bundle may not // know about all of the sibling bundles of a child when it is written for the first time. // Therefore, we need to also ensure that the siblings are loaded when the child loads. if (options.shouldBuildLazily && bundle.env.outputFormat === 'global') { let referenced = bundleGraph.getReferencedBundles(bundle); for (let referencedBundle of referenced) { let loaders = getLoaders(bundle.env); if (!loaders) { continue; } let loader = loaders[referencedBundle.type]; if (!loader) { continue; } let relativePathExpr = getRelativePathExpr(bundle, referencedBundle, options); let loaderCode = `require(${JSON.stringify(loader)})( ${getAbsoluteUrlExpr(relativePathExpr, bundle)})`; assets.push({ filePath: __filename, code: loaderCode, isEntry: true, env: { sourceType: 'module' } }); } } if (shouldUseRuntimeManifest(bundle, options) && bundleGraph.getChildBundles(bundle).some(b => b.bundleBehavior !== 'inline') && isNewContext(bundle, bundleGraph)) { assets.push({ filePath: __filename, code: getRegisterCode(bundle, bundleGraph), isEntry: true, env: { sourceType: 'module' } }); } return assets; } }); exports.default = _default; function getDependencies(bundle) { let cachedDependencies = bundleDependencies.get(bundle); if (cachedDependencies) { return cachedDependencies; } else { let asyncDependencies = []; let otherDependencies = []; bundle.traverse(node => { if (node.type !== 'dependency') { return; } let dependency = node.value; if (dependency.priority === 'lazy' && dependency.specifierType !== 'url') { asyncDependencies.push(dependency); } else { otherDependencies.push(dependency); } }); bundleDependencies.set(bundle, { asyncDependencies, otherDependencies }); return { asyncDependencies, otherDependencies }; } } function getLoaderRuntime({ bundle, dependency, bundleGroup, bundleGraph, options }) { let loaders = getLoaders(bundle.env); if (loaders == null) { return; } let externalBundles = bundleGraph.getBundlesInBundleGroup(bundleGroup); let mainBundle = (0, _nullthrows().default)(externalBundles.find(bundle => { var _bundle$getMainEntry; return ((_bundle$getMainEntry = bundle.getMainEntry()) === null || _bundle$getMainEntry === void 0 ? void 0 : _bundle$getMainEntry.id) === bundleGroup.entryAssetId; })); // CommonJS is a synchronous module system, so there is no need to load bundles in parallel. // Importing of the other bundles will be handled by the bundle group entry. // Do the same thing in library mode for ES modules, as we are building for another bundler // and the imports for sibling bundles will be in the target bundle. // Also do this when building lazily or the runtime itself could get deduplicated and only // exist in the parent. This causes errors if an old version of the parent without the runtime // is already loaded. if (bundle.env.outputFormat === 'commonjs' || bundle.env.isLibrary || options.shouldBuildLazily) { externalBundles = [mainBundle]; } else { // Otherwise, load the bundle group entry after the others. externalBundles.splice(externalBundles.indexOf(mainBundle), 1); externalBundles.reverse().push(mainBundle); } // Determine if we need to add a dynamic import() polyfill, or if all target browsers support it natively. let needsDynamicImportPolyfill = !bundle.env.isLibrary && !bundle.env.supports('dynamic-import', true); let loaderModules = externalBundles.map(to => { let loader = loaders[to.type]; if (!loader) { return; } let relativePathExpr = getRelativePathExpr(bundle, to, options); // Use esmodule loader if possible if (to.type === 'js' && to.env.outputFormat === 'esmodule') { if (!needsDynamicImportPolyfill) { return `__parcel__import__("./" + ${relativePathExpr})`; } loader = (0, _nullthrows().default)(loaders.IMPORT_POLYFILL, `No import() polyfill available for context '${bundle.env.context}'`); } else if (to.type === 'js' && to.env.outputFormat === 'commonjs') { return `Promise.resolve(__parcel__require__("./" + ${relativePathExpr}))`; } let code = `require(${JSON.stringify(loader)})(${getAbsoluteUrlExpr(relativePathExpr, bundle)})`; // In development, clear the require cache when an error occurs so the // user can try again (e.g. after fixing a build error). if (options.mode === 'development' && bundle.env.outputFormat === 'global') { code += '.catch(err => {delete module.bundle.cache[module.id]; throw err;})'; } return code; }).filter(Boolean); if (bundle.env.context === 'browser' && !options.shouldBuildLazily) { loaderModules.push(...externalBundles // TODO: Allow css to preload resources as well .filter(to => to.type === 'js').flatMap(from => { let { preload, prefetch } = getHintedBundleGroups(bundleGraph, from); return [...getHintLoaders(bundleGraph, bundle, preload, BROWSER_PRELOAD_LOADER, options), ...getHintLoaders(bundleGraph, bundle, prefetch, BROWSER_PREFETCH_LOADER, options)]; })); } if (loaderModules.length === 0) { return; } let loaderCode = loaderModules.join(', '); if (loaderModules.length > 1) { loaderCode = `Promise.all([${loaderCode}])`; } else { loaderCode = `(${loaderCode})`; } if (mainBundle.type === 'js') { let parcelRequire = bundle.env.shouldScopeHoist ? 'parcelRequire' : 'module.bundle.root'; loaderCode += `.then(() => ${parcelRequire}('${bundleGraph.getAssetPublicId(bundleGraph.getAssetById(bundleGroup.entryAssetId))}'))`; } return { filePath: __filename, code: `module.exports = ${loaderCode};`, dependency, env: { sourceType: 'module' } }; } function getHintedBundleGroups(bundleGraph, bundle) { let preload = []; let prefetch = []; let { asyncDependencies } = getDependencies(bundle); for (let dependency of asyncDependencies) { var _dependency$meta2; let attributes = (_dependency$meta2 = dependency.meta) === null || _dependency$meta2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _dependency$meta2.importAttributes; if (typeof attributes === 'object' && attributes != null && ( // $FlowFixMe attributes.preload || attributes.prefetch)) { let resolved = bundleGraph.resolveAsyncDependency(dependency, bundle); if ((resolved === null || resolved === void 0 ? void 0 : resolved.type) === 'bundle_group') { // === true for flow if (attributes.preload === true) { preload.push(resolved.value); } if (attributes.prefetch === true) { prefetch.push(resolved.value); } } } } return { preload, prefetch }; } function getHintLoaders(bundleGraph, from, bundleGroups, loader, options) { let hintLoaders = []; for (let bundleGroupToPreload of bundleGroups) { let bundlesToPreload = bundleGraph.getBundlesInBundleGroup(bundleGroupToPreload); for (let bundleToPreload of bundlesToPreload) { let relativePathExpr = getRelativePathExpr(from, bundleToPreload, options); let priority = TYPE_TO_RESOURCE_PRIORITY[bundleToPreload.type]; hintLoaders.push(`require(${JSON.stringify(loader)})(${getAbsoluteUrlExpr(relativePathExpr, from)}, ${priority ? JSON.stringify(priority) : 'null'}, ${JSON.stringify(bundleToPreload.target.env.outputFormat === 'esmodule')})`); } } return hintLoaders; } function isNewContext(bundle, bundleGraph) { let parents = bundleGraph.getParentBundles(bundle); let isInEntryBundleGroup = bundleGraph.getBundleGroupsContainingBundle(bundle).some(g => bundleGraph.isEntryBundleGroup(g)); return isInEntryBundleGroup || parents.length === 0 || parents.some(parent => parent.env.context !== bundle.env.context || parent.type !== 'js'); } function getURLRuntime(dependency, from, to, options) { let relativePathExpr = getRelativePathExpr(from, to, options); let code; if (dependency.meta.webworker === true && !from.env.isLibrary) { code = `let workerURL = require('./helpers/get-worker-url');\n`; if (from.env.outputFormat === 'esmodule' && from.env.supports('import-meta-url')) { code += `let url = new __parcel__URL__(${relativePathExpr});\n`; code += `module.exports = workerURL(url.toString(), url.origin, ${String(from.env.outputFormat === 'esmodule')});`; } else { code += `let bundleURL = require('./helpers/bundle-url');\n`; code += `let url = bundleURL.getBundleURL('${from.publicId}') + ${relativePathExpr};`; code += `module.exports = workerURL(url, bundleURL.getOrigin(url), ${String(from.env.outputFormat === 'esmodule')});`; } } else { code = `module.exports = ${getAbsoluteUrlExpr(relativePathExpr, from)};`; } return { filePath: __filename, code, dependency, env: { sourceType: 'module' } }; } function getRegisterCode(entryBundle, bundleGraph) { let idToName = {}; bundleGraph.traverseBundles((bundle, _, actions) => { if (bundle.bundleBehavior === 'inline') { return; } idToName[bundle.publicId] = _path().default.basename((0, _nullthrows().default)(bundle.name)); if (bundle !== entryBundle && isNewContext(bundle, bundleGraph)) { // New contexts have their own manifests, so there's no need to continue. actions.skipChildren(); } }, entryBundle); return "require('./helpers/bundle-manifest').register(JSON.parse(" + JSON.stringify(JSON.stringify(idToName)) + '));'; } function getRelativePathExpr(from, to, options) { let relativePath = (0, _utils().relativeBundlePath)(from, to, { leadingDotSlash: false }); if (shouldUseRuntimeManifest(from, options)) { // Get the relative part of the path. This part is not in the manifest, only the basename is. let relativeBase = _path().default.posix.dirname(relativePath); if (relativeBase === '.') { relativeBase = ''; } else { relativeBase = `${JSON.stringify(relativeBase + '/')} + `; } return relativeBase + `require('./helpers/bundle-manifest').resolve(${JSON.stringify(to.publicId)})`; } let res = JSON.stringify(relativePath); if (options.hmrOptions) { res += ' + "?" + Date.now()'; } return res; } function getAbsoluteUrlExpr(relativePathExpr, bundle) { if (bundle.env.outputFormat === 'esmodule' && bundle.env.supports('import-meta-url') || bundle.env.outputFormat === 'commonjs') { // This will be compiled to new URL(url, import.meta.url) or new URL(url, 'file:' + __filename). return `new __parcel__URL__(${relativePathExpr}).toString()`; } else { return `require('./helpers/bundle-url').getBundleURL('${bundle.publicId}') + ${relativePathExpr}`; } } function shouldUseRuntimeManifest(bundle, options) { let env = bundle.env; return !env.isLibrary && bundle.bundleBehavior !== 'inline' && env.isBrowser() && options.mode === 'production'; }