"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getHandlers = exports.init = void 0; const logger_1 = require("./logger"); const logger = logger_1.getInstance(); function init(proxy, option) { const handlers = getHandlers(option); for (const eventName of Object.keys(handlers)) { proxy.on(eventName, handlers[eventName]); } logger.debug('[HPM] Subscribed to http-proxy events:', Object.keys(handlers)); } exports.init = init; function getHandlers(options) { // https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-http-proxy#listening-for-proxy-events const proxyEventsMap = { error: 'onError', proxyReq: 'onProxyReq', proxyReqWs: 'onProxyReqWs', proxyRes: 'onProxyRes', open: 'onOpen', close: 'onClose', }; const handlers = {}; for (const [eventName, onEventName] of Object.entries(proxyEventsMap)) { // all handlers for the http-proxy events are prefixed with 'on'. // loop through options and try to find these handlers // and add them to the handlers object for subscription in init(). const fnHandler = options ? options[onEventName] : null; if (typeof fnHandler === 'function') { handlers[eventName] = fnHandler; } } // add default error handler in absence of error handler if (typeof handlers.error !== 'function') { handlers.error = defaultErrorHandler; } // add default close handler in absence of close handler if (typeof handlers.close !== 'function') { handlers.close = logClose; } return handlers; } exports.getHandlers = getHandlers; function defaultErrorHandler(err, req, res) { // Re-throw error. Not recoverable since req & res are empty. if (!req && !res) { throw err; // "Error: Must provide a proper URL as target" } const host = req.headers && req.headers.host; const code = err.code; if (res.writeHead && !res.headersSent) { if (/HPE_INVALID/.test(code)) { res.writeHead(502); } else { switch (code) { case 'ECONNRESET': case 'ENOTFOUND': case 'ECONNREFUSED': case 'ETIMEDOUT': res.writeHead(504); break; default: res.writeHead(500); } } } res.end(`Error occured while trying to proxy: ${host}${req.url}`); } function logClose(req, socket, head) { // view disconnected websocket connections logger.info('[HPM] Client disconnected'); }