"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.environmentVisitor = exports.default = void 0; exports.skipAllButComputedKey = skipAllButComputedKey; var _traverse = require("@babel/traverse"); var _helperMemberExpressionToFunctions = require("@babel/helper-member-expression-to-functions"); var _helperOptimiseCallExpression = require("@babel/helper-optimise-call-expression"); var _t = require("@babel/types"); const { VISITOR_KEYS, assignmentExpression, booleanLiteral, callExpression, cloneNode, identifier, memberExpression, sequenceExpression, staticBlock, stringLiteral, thisExpression } = _t; function getPrototypeOfExpression(objectRef, isStatic, file, isPrivateMethod) { objectRef = cloneNode(objectRef); const targetRef = isStatic || isPrivateMethod ? objectRef : memberExpression(objectRef, identifier("prototype")); return callExpression(file.addHelper("getPrototypeOf"), [targetRef]); } function skipAllButComputedKey(path) { if (!path.node.computed) { path.skip(); return; } const keys = VISITOR_KEYS[path.type]; for (const key of keys) { if (key !== "key") path.skipKey(key); } } const environmentVisitor = { [`${staticBlock ? "StaticBlock|" : ""}ClassPrivateProperty|TypeAnnotation`](path) { path.skip(); }, Function(path) { if (path.isMethod()) return; if (path.isArrowFunctionExpression()) return; path.skip(); }, "Method|ClassProperty"(path) { skipAllButComputedKey(path); } }; exports.environmentVisitor = environmentVisitor; const visitor = _traverse.default.visitors.merge([environmentVisitor, { Super(path, state) { const { node, parentPath } = path; if (!parentPath.isMemberExpression({ object: node })) return; state.handle(parentPath); } }]); const unshadowSuperBindingVisitor = _traverse.default.visitors.merge([environmentVisitor, { Scopable(path, { refName }) { const binding = path.scope.getOwnBinding(refName); if (binding && binding.identifier.name === refName) { path.scope.rename(refName); } } }]); const specHandlers = { memoise(superMember, count) { const { scope, node } = superMember; const { computed, property } = node; if (!computed) { return; } const memo = scope.maybeGenerateMemoised(property); if (!memo) { return; } this.memoiser.set(property, memo, count); }, prop(superMember) { const { computed, property } = superMember.node; if (this.memoiser.has(property)) { return cloneNode(this.memoiser.get(property)); } if (computed) { return cloneNode(property); } return stringLiteral(property.name); }, get(superMember) { return this._get(superMember, this._getThisRefs()); }, _get(superMember, thisRefs) { const proto = getPrototypeOfExpression(this.getObjectRef(), this.isStatic, this.file, this.isPrivateMethod); return callExpression(this.file.addHelper("get"), [thisRefs.memo ? sequenceExpression([thisRefs.memo, proto]) : proto, this.prop(superMember), thisRefs.this]); }, _getThisRefs() { if (!this.isDerivedConstructor) { return { this: thisExpression() }; } const thisRef = this.scope.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier("thisSuper"); return { memo: assignmentExpression("=", thisRef, thisExpression()), this: cloneNode(thisRef) }; }, set(superMember, value) { const thisRefs = this._getThisRefs(); const proto = getPrototypeOfExpression(this.getObjectRef(), this.isStatic, this.file, this.isPrivateMethod); return callExpression(this.file.addHelper("set"), [thisRefs.memo ? sequenceExpression([thisRefs.memo, proto]) : proto, this.prop(superMember), value, thisRefs.this, booleanLiteral(superMember.isInStrictMode())]); }, destructureSet(superMember) { throw superMember.buildCodeFrameError(`Destructuring to a super field is not supported yet.`); }, call(superMember, args) { const thisRefs = this._getThisRefs(); return (0, _helperOptimiseCallExpression.default)(this._get(superMember, thisRefs), cloneNode(thisRefs.this), args, false); }, optionalCall(superMember, args) { const thisRefs = this._getThisRefs(); return (0, _helperOptimiseCallExpression.default)(this._get(superMember, thisRefs), cloneNode(thisRefs.this), args, true); } }; const looseHandlers = Object.assign({}, specHandlers, { prop(superMember) { const { property } = superMember.node; if (this.memoiser.has(property)) { return cloneNode(this.memoiser.get(property)); } return cloneNode(property); }, get(superMember) { const { isStatic, getSuperRef } = this; const { computed } = superMember.node; const prop = this.prop(superMember); let object; if (isStatic) { var _getSuperRef; object = (_getSuperRef = getSuperRef()) != null ? _getSuperRef : memberExpression(identifier("Function"), identifier("prototype")); } else { var _getSuperRef2; object = memberExpression((_getSuperRef2 = getSuperRef()) != null ? _getSuperRef2 : identifier("Object"), identifier("prototype")); } return memberExpression(object, prop, computed); }, set(superMember, value) { const { computed } = superMember.node; const prop = this.prop(superMember); return assignmentExpression("=", memberExpression(thisExpression(), prop, computed), value); }, destructureSet(superMember) { const { computed } = superMember.node; const prop = this.prop(superMember); return memberExpression(thisExpression(), prop, computed); }, call(superMember, args) { return (0, _helperOptimiseCallExpression.default)(this.get(superMember), thisExpression(), args, false); }, optionalCall(superMember, args) { return (0, _helperOptimiseCallExpression.default)(this.get(superMember), thisExpression(), args, true); } }); class ReplaceSupers { constructor(opts) { var _opts$constantSuper; const path = opts.methodPath; this.methodPath = path; this.isDerivedConstructor = path.isClassMethod({ kind: "constructor" }) && !!opts.superRef; this.isStatic = path.isObjectMethod() || path.node.static || (path.isStaticBlock == null ? void 0 : path.isStaticBlock()); this.isPrivateMethod = path.isPrivate() && path.isMethod(); this.file = opts.file; this.constantSuper = (_opts$constantSuper = opts.constantSuper) != null ? _opts$constantSuper : opts.isLoose; this.opts = opts; } getObjectRef() { return cloneNode(this.opts.objectRef || this.opts.getObjectRef()); } getSuperRef() { if (this.opts.superRef) return cloneNode(this.opts.superRef); if (this.opts.getSuperRef) return cloneNode(this.opts.getSuperRef()); } replace() { if (this.opts.refToPreserve) { this.methodPath.traverse(unshadowSuperBindingVisitor, { refName: this.opts.refToPreserve.name }); } const handler = this.constantSuper ? looseHandlers : specHandlers; (0, _helperMemberExpressionToFunctions.default)(this.methodPath, visitor, Object.assign({ file: this.file, scope: this.methodPath.scope, isDerivedConstructor: this.isDerivedConstructor, isStatic: this.isStatic, isPrivateMethod: this.isPrivateMethod, getObjectRef: this.getObjectRef.bind(this), getSuperRef: this.getSuperRef.bind(this), boundGet: handler.get }, handler)); } } exports.default = ReplaceSupers;