import { NodeText, NodeTag } from 'posthtml-parser'; declare enum quoteStyleEnum { Smart = 0, Single = 1, Double = 2 } declare enum closingSingleTagOptionEnum { tag = "tag", slash = "slash", default = "default", closeAs = "closeAs" } declare enum closingSingleTagTypeEnum { tag = "tag", slash = "slash", default = "default" } declare type Node = NodeText | NodeTag & { closeAs?: closingSingleTagTypeEnum; }; declare type Options = { /** * Custom single tags (selfClosing). * * @default [] */ singleTags?: Array; /** * Closing format for single tag. * * Formats: * * tag: `

`, slash: `
`, default: `
` * */ closingSingleTag?: closingSingleTagOptionEnum; /** * If all attributes should be quoted. * Otherwise attributes will be unquoted when allowed. * * @default true */ quoteAllAttributes?: boolean; /** * Replaces quotes in attribute values with `"e;`. * * @default true */ replaceQuote?: boolean; /** * Quote style * * 0 - Smart quotes * * 1 - Single quotes * * 2 - double quotes * * * @default 2 */ quoteStyle?: quoteStyleEnum; }; declare function render(tree?: Node | Node[], options?: Options): string; export { Node, Options, closingSingleTagOptionEnum, closingSingleTagTypeEnum, quoteStyleEnum, render };