Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

606 lines
15 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.mapVisitor = mapVisitor;
exports.default = exports.ALL_EDGE_TYPES = void 0;
var _types = require("./types");
function _assert() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("assert"));
_assert = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _nullthrows() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("nullthrows"));
_nullthrows = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
const ALL_EDGE_TYPES = '@@all_edge_types';
class Graph {
nextNodeId = 1;
constructor(opts) {
var _opts$nextNodeId;
this.nodes = (opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.nodes) || new Map();
this.setRootNodeId(opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.rootNodeId);
this.nextNodeId = (_opts$nextNodeId = opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.nextNodeId) !== null && _opts$nextNodeId !== void 0 ? _opts$nextNodeId : 0;
let edges = opts === null || opts === void 0 ? void 0 : opts.edges;
if (edges != null) {
this.inboundEdges = new AdjacencyList();
this.outboundEdges = new AdjacencyList(edges);
for (let [from, edgeList] of edges) {
for (let [type, toNodes] of edgeList) {
for (let to of toNodes) {
this.inboundEdges.addEdge(to, from, type);
} else {
this.inboundEdges = new AdjacencyList();
this.outboundEdges = new AdjacencyList();
setRootNodeId(id) {
this.rootNodeId = id;
static deserialize(opts) {
return new this({
nodes: opts.nodes,
edges: opts.edges,
rootNodeId: opts.rootNodeId,
nextNodeId: opts.nextNodeId
serialize() {
return {
nodes: this.nodes,
edges: this.outboundEdges.getListMap(),
rootNodeId: this.rootNodeId,
nextNodeId: this.nextNodeId
} // Returns a list of all edges in the graph. This can be large, so iterating
// the complete list can be costly in large graphs. Used when merging graphs.
getAllEdges() {
let edges = [];
for (let [from, edgeList] of this.outboundEdges.getListMap()) {
for (let [type, toNodes] of edgeList) {
for (let to of toNodes) {
return edges;
addNode(node) {
let id = (0, _types.toNodeId)(this.nextNodeId++);
this.nodes.set(id, node);
return id;
hasNode(id) {
return this.nodes.has(id);
getNode(id) {
return this.nodes.get(id);
addEdge(from, to, type = 1) {
if (!this.getNode(from)) {
throw new Error(`"from" node '${(0, _types.fromNodeId)(from)}' not found`);
if (!this.getNode(to)) {
throw new Error(`"to" node '${(0, _types.fromNodeId)(to)}' not found`);
this.outboundEdges.addEdge(from, to, type);
this.inboundEdges.addEdge(to, from, type);
hasEdge(from, to, type = 1) {
return this.outboundEdges.hasEdge(from, to, type);
getNodeIdsConnectedTo(nodeId, type = 1) {
let inboundByType = this.inboundEdges.getEdgesByType(nodeId);
if (inboundByType == null) {
return [];
let nodes;
if (type === ALL_EDGE_TYPES) {
nodes = new Set();
for (let [, typeNodes] of inboundByType) {
for (let node of typeNodes) {
} else if (Array.isArray(type)) {
nodes = new Set();
for (let typeName of type) {
for (let node of (_inboundByType$get$va = (_inboundByType$get = inboundByType.get(typeName)) === null || _inboundByType$get === void 0 ? void 0 : _inboundByType$get.values()) !== null && _inboundByType$get$va !== void 0 ? _inboundByType$get$va : []) {
var _inboundByType$get$va, _inboundByType$get;
} else {
var _inboundByType$get$va2, _inboundByType$get2;
nodes = new Set((_inboundByType$get$va2 = (_inboundByType$get2 = inboundByType.get(type)) === null || _inboundByType$get2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _inboundByType$get2.values()) !== null && _inboundByType$get$va2 !== void 0 ? _inboundByType$get$va2 : []);
return [...nodes];
getNodeIdsConnectedFrom(nodeId, type = 1) {
let outboundByType = this.outboundEdges.getEdgesByType(nodeId);
if (outboundByType == null) {
return [];
let nodes;
if (type === ALL_EDGE_TYPES) {
nodes = new Set();
for (let [, typeNodes] of outboundByType) {
for (let node of typeNodes) {
} else if (Array.isArray(type)) {
nodes = new Set();
for (let typeName of type) {
for (let node of (_outboundByType$get$v = (_outboundByType$get = outboundByType.get(typeName)) === null || _outboundByType$get === void 0 ? void 0 : _outboundByType$get.values()) !== null && _outboundByType$get$v !== void 0 ? _outboundByType$get$v : []) {
var _outboundByType$get$v, _outboundByType$get;
} else {
var _outboundByType$get$v2, _outboundByType$get2;
nodes = new Set((_outboundByType$get$v2 = (_outboundByType$get2 = outboundByType.get(type)) === null || _outboundByType$get2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _outboundByType$get2.values()) !== null && _outboundByType$get$v2 !== void 0 ? _outboundByType$get$v2 : []);
return [...nodes];
} // Removes node and any edges coming from or to that node
removeNode(nodeId) {
for (let [type, nodesForType] of this.inboundEdges.getEdgesByType(nodeId)) {
for (let from of nodesForType) {
this.removeEdge(from, nodeId, type, // Do not allow orphans to be removed as this node could be one
// and is already being removed.
/* removeOrphans */
for (let [type, toNodes] of this.outboundEdges.getEdgesByType(nodeId)) {
for (let to of toNodes) {
this.removeEdge(nodeId, to, type);
let wasRemoved = this.nodes.delete(nodeId);
(0, _assert().default)(wasRemoved);
removeEdges(nodeId, type = 1) {
for (let to of this.outboundEdges.getEdges(nodeId, type)) {
this.removeEdge(nodeId, to, type);
} // Removes edge and node the edge is to if the node is orphaned
removeEdge(from, to, type = 1, removeOrphans = true) {
if (!this.outboundEdges.hasEdge(from, to, type)) {
throw new Error(`Outbound edge from ${(0, _types.fromNodeId)(from)} to ${(0, _types.fromNodeId)(to)} not found!`);
if (!this.inboundEdges.hasEdge(to, from, type)) {
throw new Error(`Inbound edge from ${(0, _types.fromNodeId)(to)} to ${(0, _types.fromNodeId)(from)} not found!`);
this.outboundEdges.removeEdge(from, to, type);
this.inboundEdges.removeEdge(to, from, type);
if (removeOrphans && this.isOrphanedNode(to)) {
isOrphanedNode(nodeId) {
if (this.rootNodeId == null) {
// If the graph does not have a root, and there are inbound edges,
// this node should not be considered orphaned.
// return false;
for (let [, inboundNodeIds] of this.inboundEdges.getEdgesByType(nodeId)) {
if (inboundNodeIds.size > 0) {
return false;
return true;
} // Otherwise, attempt to traverse backwards to the root. If there is a path,
// then this is not an orphaned node.
let hasPathToRoot = false; // go back to traverseAncestors
this.traverseAncestors(nodeId, (ancestorId, _, actions) => {
if (ancestorId === this.rootNodeId) {
hasPathToRoot = true;
}, // $FlowFixMe
if (hasPathToRoot) {
return false;
return true;
updateNode(nodeId, node) {
this.nodes.set(nodeId, node);
replaceNode(fromNodeId, toNodeId, type = 1) {
for (let parent of this.inboundEdges.getEdges(fromNodeId, type)) {
this.addEdge(parent, toNodeId, type);
this.removeEdge(parent, fromNodeId, type);
} // Update a node's downstream nodes making sure to prune any orphaned branches
replaceNodeIdsConnectedTo(fromNodeId, toNodeIds, replaceFilter, type = 1) {
let outboundEdges = this.outboundEdges.getEdges(fromNodeId, type);
let childrenToRemove = new Set(replaceFilter ? [...outboundEdges].filter(toNodeId => replaceFilter(toNodeId)) : outboundEdges);
for (let toNodeId of toNodeIds) {
if (!this.hasEdge(fromNodeId, toNodeId, type)) {
this.addEdge(fromNodeId, toNodeId, type);
for (let child of childrenToRemove) {
this.removeEdge(fromNodeId, child, type);
traverse(visit, startNodeId, type = 1) {
return this.dfs({
getChildren: nodeId => this.getNodeIdsConnectedFrom(nodeId, type)
filteredTraverse(filter, visit, startNodeId, type) {
return this.traverse(mapVisitor(filter, visit), startNodeId, type);
traverseAncestors(startNodeId, visit, type = 1) {
return this.dfs({
getChildren: nodeId => this.getNodeIdsConnectedTo(nodeId, type)
}) {
let traversalStartNode = (0, _nullthrows().default)(startNodeId !== null && startNodeId !== void 0 ? startNodeId : this.rootNodeId, 'A start node is required to traverse');
let visited = new Set();
let stopped = false;
let skipped = false;
let actions = {
skipChildren() {
skipped = true;
stop() {
stopped = true;
let walk = (nodeId, context) => {
if (!this.hasNode(nodeId)) return;
skipped = false;
let enter = typeof visit === 'function' ? visit : visit.enter;
if (enter) {
let newContext = enter(nodeId, context, actions);
if (typeof newContext !== 'undefined') {
// $FlowFixMe[reassign-const]
context = newContext;
if (skipped) {
if (stopped) {
return context;
for (let child of getChildren(nodeId)) {
if (visited.has(child)) {
let result = walk(child, context);
if (stopped) {
return result;
if (typeof visit !== 'function' && visit.exit && // Make sure the graph still has the node: it may have been removed between enter and exit
this.hasNode(nodeId)) {
let newContext = visit.exit(nodeId, context, actions);
if (typeof newContext !== 'undefined') {
// $FlowFixMe[reassign-const]
context = newContext;
if (skipped) {
if (stopped) {
return context;
return walk(traversalStartNode);
bfs(visit) {
let rootNodeId = (0, _nullthrows().default)(this.rootNodeId, 'A root node is required to traverse');
let queue = [rootNodeId];
let visited = new Set([rootNodeId]);
while (queue.length > 0) {
let node = queue.shift();
let stop = visit(rootNodeId);
if (stop === true) {
return node;
for (let child of this.getNodeIdsConnectedFrom(node)) {
if (!visited.has(child)) {
return null;
findAncestor(nodeId, fn) {
let res = null;
this.traverseAncestors(nodeId, (nodeId, ctx, traversal) => {
if (fn(nodeId)) {
res = nodeId;
return res;
findAncestors(nodeId, fn) {
let res = [];
this.traverseAncestors(nodeId, (nodeId, ctx, traversal) => {
if (fn(nodeId)) {
return res;
findDescendant(nodeId, fn) {
let res = null;
this.traverse((nodeId, ctx, traversal) => {
if (fn(nodeId)) {
res = nodeId;
}, nodeId);
return res;
findDescendants(nodeId, fn) {
let res = [];
this.traverse((nodeId, ctx, traversal) => {
if (fn(nodeId)) {
}, nodeId);
return res;
_assertHasNodeId(nodeId) {
if (!this.hasNode(nodeId)) {
throw new Error('Does not have node ' + (0, _types.fromNodeId)(nodeId));
exports.default = Graph;
function mapVisitor(filter, visit) {
function makeEnter(visit) {
return function (nodeId, context, actions) {
let value = filter(nodeId, actions);
if (value != null) {
return visit(value, context, actions);
if (typeof visit === 'function') {
return makeEnter(visit);
let mapped = {};
if (visit.enter != null) {
mapped.enter = makeEnter(visit.enter);
if (visit.exit != null) {
mapped.exit = function (nodeId, context, actions) {
let exit = visit.exit;
if (!exit) {
let value = filter(nodeId, actions);
if (value != null) {
return exit(value, context, actions);
return mapped;
class AdjacencyList {
constructor(listMap) {
this._listMap = listMap !== null && listMap !== void 0 ? listMap : new Map();
getListMap() {
return this._listMap;
getEdges(from, type) {
var _this$_listMap$get$ge, _this$_listMap$get;
return (_this$_listMap$get$ge = (_this$_listMap$get = this._listMap.get(from)) === null || _this$_listMap$get === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_listMap$get.get(type)) !== null && _this$_listMap$get$ge !== void 0 ? _this$_listMap$get$ge : new Set();
getEdgesByType(from) {
var _this$_listMap$get2;
return (_this$_listMap$get2 = this._listMap.get(from)) !== null && _this$_listMap$get2 !== void 0 ? _this$_listMap$get2 : new Map();
hasEdge(from, to, type) {
var _this$_listMap$get3, _this$_listMap$get3$g;
return Boolean((_this$_listMap$get3 = this._listMap.get(from)) === null || _this$_listMap$get3 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_this$_listMap$get3$g = _this$_listMap$get3.get(type)) === null || _this$_listMap$get3$g === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_listMap$get3$g.has(to));
addEdge(from, to, type) {
let types = this._listMap.get(from);
if (types == null) {
types = new Map();
this._listMap.set(from, types);
let adjacent = types.get(type);
if (adjacent == null) {
adjacent = new Set();
types.set(type, adjacent);
removeEdge(from, to, type) {
var _this$_listMap$get4, _this$_listMap$get4$g;
(_this$_listMap$get4 = this._listMap.get(from)) === null || _this$_listMap$get4 === void 0 ? void 0 : (_this$_listMap$get4$g = _this$_listMap$get4.get(type)) === null || _this$_listMap$get4$g === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_listMap$get4$g.delete(to);