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'use strict';
const collections = require('./_collections.js');
exports.type = 'visitor'; = 'convertColors'; = true;
exports.description = 'converts colors: rgb() to #rrggbb and #rrggbb to #rgb';
const rNumber = '([+-]?(?:\\d*\\.\\d+|\\d+\\.?)%?)';
const rComma = '\\s*,\\s*';
const regRGB = new RegExp(
'^rgb\\(\\s*' + rNumber + rComma + rNumber + rComma + rNumber + '\\s*\\)$'
const regHEX = /^#(([a-fA-F0-9])\2){3}$/;
* Convert [r, g, b] to #rrggbb.
* @see
* @example
* rgb2hex([255, 255, 255]) // '#ffffff'
* @author Jed Schmidt
* @type {(rgb: Array<number>) => string}
const convertRgbToHex = ([r, g, b]) => {
// combine the octets into a 32-bit integer as: [1][r][g][b]
const hexNumber =
// operator precedence is (+) > (<<) > (|)
((((256 + // [1][0]
r) << // [1][r]
8) | // [1][r][0]
g) << // [1][r][g]
8) | // [1][r][g][0]
// serialize [1][r][g][b] to a hex string, and
// remove the 1 to get the number with 0s intact
return '#' + hexNumber.toString(16).slice(1).toUpperCase();
* Convert different colors formats in element attributes to hex.
* @see
* @see
* @example
* Convert color name keyword to long hex:
* fuchsia ➡ #ff00ff
* Convert rgb() to long hex:
* rgb(255, 0, 255) ➡ #ff00ff
* rgb(50%, 100, 100%) ➡ #7f64ff
* Convert long hex to short hex:
* #aabbcc ➡ #abc
* Convert hex to short name
* #000080 ➡ navy
* @author Kir Belevich
* @type {import('../lib/types').Plugin<{
* currentColor?: boolean | string | RegExp,
* names2hex?: boolean,
* rgb2hex?: boolean,
* shorthex?: boolean,
* shortname?: boolean,
* }>}
exports.fn = (_root, params) => {
const {
currentColor = false,
names2hex = true,
rgb2hex = true,
shorthex = true,
shortname = true,
} = params;
return {
element: {
enter: (node) => {
for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(node.attributes)) {
if (collections.colorsProps.includes(name)) {
let val = value;
// convert colors to currentColor
if (currentColor) {
let matched;
if (typeof currentColor === 'string') {
matched = val === currentColor;
} else if (currentColor instanceof RegExp) {
matched = currentColor.exec(val) != null;
} else {
matched = val !== 'none';
if (matched) {
val = 'currentColor';
// convert color name keyword to long hex
if (names2hex) {
const colorName = val.toLowerCase();
if (collections.colorsNames[colorName] != null) {
val = collections.colorsNames[colorName];
// convert rgb() to long hex
if (rgb2hex) {
let match = val.match(regRGB);
if (match != null) {
let nums = match.slice(1, 4).map((m) => {
let n;
if (m.indexOf('%') > -1) {
n = Math.round(parseFloat(m) * 2.55);
} else {
n = Number(m);
return Math.max(0, Math.min(n, 255));
val = convertRgbToHex(nums);
// convert long hex to short hex
if (shorthex) {
let match = val.match(regHEX);
if (match != null) {
val = '#' + match[0][1] + match[0][3] + match[0][5];
// convert hex to short name
if (shortname) {
const colorName = val.toLowerCase();
if (collections.colorsShortNames[colorName] != null) {
val = collections.colorsShortNames[colorName];
node.attributes[name] = val;