Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

496 lines
18 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = void 0;
function _assert() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("assert"));
_assert = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _plugin() {
const data = require("@parcel/plugin");
_plugin = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _utils() {
const data = require("@parcel/utils");
_utils = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _hash() {
const data = require("@parcel/hash");
_hash = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _nullthrows() {
const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("nullthrows"));
_nullthrows = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _diagnostic() {
const data = require("@parcel/diagnostic");
_diagnostic = function () {
return data;
return data;
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
// Default options by http version.
const HTTP_OPTIONS = {
'1': {
minBundles: 1,
minBundleSize: 30000,
maxParallelRequests: 6
'2': {
minBundles: 1,
minBundleSize: 20000,
maxParallelRequests: 25
let skipOptimize = false;
var _default = new (_plugin().Bundler)({
// 1. If dep.isAsync or dep.isEntry, start a new bundle group.
// 2. If an asset is a different type than the current bundle, make a parallel bundle in the same bundle group.
// 3. If an asset is already in a parent bundle in the same entry point, exclude from child bundles.
// 4. If an asset is only in separate isolated entry points (e.g. workers, different HTML pages), duplicate it.
}) {
return loadBundlerConfig(config, options);
}) {
let bundleRoots = new Map();
let bundlesByEntryAsset = new Map(); // Step 1: create bundles for each of the explicit code split points.
enter: (node, context, actions) => {
if (node.type !== 'dependency') {
var _bundlesByEntryAsset$;
return { ...context,
bundleGroup: context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.bundleGroup,
bundleByType: context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.bundleByType,
parentNode: node,
parentBundle: (_bundlesByEntryAsset$ = bundlesByEntryAsset.get(node.value)) !== null && _bundlesByEntryAsset$ !== void 0 ? _bundlesByEntryAsset$ : context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.parentBundle
let dependency = node.value;
if (bundleGraph.isDependencySkipped(dependency)) {
let assets = bundleGraph.getDependencyAssets(dependency);
let resolution = bundleGraph.getResolvedAsset(dependency);
let bundleGroup = context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.bundleGroup; // Create a new bundle for entries, lazy/parallel dependencies, isolated/inline assets.
if (resolution && (!bundleGroup || dependency.priority === 'lazy' || dependency.priority === 'parallel' || resolution.bundleBehavior === 'isolated' || resolution.bundleBehavior === 'inline')) {
var _context$bundleByType;
let bundleByType = (_context$bundleByType = context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.bundleByType) !== null && _context$bundleByType !== void 0 ? _context$bundleByType : new Map(); // Only create a new bundle group for entries, lazy dependencies, and isolated assets.
// Otherwise, the bundle is loaded together with the parent bundle.
if (!bundleGroup || dependency.priority === 'lazy' || resolution.bundleBehavior === 'isolated') {
var _dependency$target, _context$bundleGroup;
bundleGroup = bundleGraph.createBundleGroup(dependency, (0, _nullthrows().default)((_dependency$target = !== null && _dependency$target !== void 0 ? _dependency$target : context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : (_context$bundleGroup = context.bundleGroup) === null || _context$bundleGroup === void 0 ? void 0 : _context$;
bundleByType = new Map();
for (let asset of assets) {
var _dependency$bundleBeh;
let bundle = bundleGraph.createBundle({
entryAsset: asset,
needsStableName: dependency.bundleBehavior === 'inline' || asset.bundleBehavior === 'inline' ? false : dependency.isEntry || dependency.needsStableName,
bundleBehavior: (_dependency$bundleBeh = dependency.bundleBehavior) !== null && _dependency$bundleBeh !== void 0 ? _dependency$bundleBeh : asset.bundleBehavior,
bundleByType.set(bundle.type, bundle);
bundlesByEntryAsset.set(asset, bundle);
bundleGraph.addBundleToBundleGroup(bundle, bundleGroup); // The bundle may have already been created, and the graph gave us back the original one...
if (!bundleRoots.has(bundle)) {
bundleRoots.set(bundle, [asset]);
} // If the bundle is in the same bundle group as the parent, create an asset reference
// between the dependency, the asset, and the target bundle.
if (bundleGroup === (context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.bundleGroup)) {
bundleGraph.createAssetReference(dependency, asset, bundle);
return {
parentNode: node,
parentBundle: context === null || context === void 0 ? void 0 : context.parentBundle
(0, _assert().default)(context != null);
(0, _assert().default)(context.parentNode.type === 'asset');
(0, _assert().default)(context.parentBundle != null);
(0, _assert().default)(bundleGroup != null);
let parentAsset = context.parentNode.value;
let parentBundle = context.parentBundle;
let bundleByType = (0, _nullthrows().default)(context.bundleByType);
for (let asset of assets) {
if (parentAsset.type === asset.type) {
let existingBundle = bundleByType.get(asset.type);
if (existingBundle) {
// If a bundle of this type has already been created in this group,
// merge this subgraph into it.
(0, _nullthrows().default)(bundleRoots.get(existingBundle)).push(asset);
bundlesByEntryAsset.set(asset, existingBundle);
bundleGraph.createAssetReference(dependency, asset, existingBundle);
} else {
var _dependency$bundleBeh2, _asset$isBundleSplitt;
let bundle = bundleGraph.createBundle({
env: asset.env,
type: asset.type,
needsStableName: asset.bundleBehavior === 'inline' || dependency.bundleBehavior === 'inline' || dependency.priority === 'parallel' && !dependency.needsStableName ? false : parentBundle.needsStableName,
bundleBehavior: (_dependency$bundleBeh2 = dependency.bundleBehavior) !== null && _dependency$bundleBeh2 !== void 0 ? _dependency$bundleBeh2 : asset.bundleBehavior,
isSplittable: (_asset$isBundleSplitt = asset.isBundleSplittable) !== null && _asset$isBundleSplitt !== void 0 ? _asset$isBundleSplitt : true,
pipeline: asset.pipeline
bundleByType.set(bundle.type, bundle);
bundlesByEntryAsset.set(asset, bundle);
bundleGraph.createAssetReference(dependency, asset, bundle); // The bundle may have already been created, and the graph gave us back the original one...
if (!bundleRoots.has(bundle)) {
bundleRoots.set(bundle, [asset]);
return { ...context,
parentNode: node
for (let [bundle, rootAssets] of bundleRoots) {
for (let asset of rootAssets) {
bundleGraph.addEntryToBundle(asset, bundle);
} // If there's only one bundle, we can skip the rest of the steps.
skipOptimize = bundleRoots.size === 1;
if (skipOptimize) {
(0, _assert().default)(config != null); // Step 2: Remove asset graphs that begin with entries to other bundles.
bundleGraph.traverseBundles(bundle => {
if (bundle.bundleBehavior === 'inline' || bundle.bundleBehavior === 'isolated' || !bundle.isSplittable || bundle.env.isIsolated()) {
} // Skip bundles where the entry is reachable in a parent bundle. This can occur when both synchronously and
// asynchronously importing an asset from a bundle. This asset will later be internalized into the parent.
let entries = bundle.getEntryAssets();
let mainEntry = entries[0];
if (mainEntry == null || entries.length !== 1 || bundleGraph.isAssetReachableFromBundle(mainEntry, bundle)) {
let candidates = bundleGraph.getBundlesWithAsset(mainEntry).filter(containingBundle => !== && // Don't add to BundleGroups for entry bundles, as that would require
// another entry bundle depending on these conditions, making it difficult
// to predict and reference.
// TODO: reconsider this. This is only true for the global output format.
!containingBundle.needsStableName && containingBundle.bundleBehavior !== 'inline' && containingBundle.bundleBehavior !== 'isolated' && containingBundle.isSplittable);
for (let candidate of candidates) {
let bundleGroups = bundleGraph.getBundleGroupsContainingBundle(candidate);
if (Array.from(bundleGroups).every(group => bundleGraph.getBundlesInBundleGroup(group).length < config.maxParallelRequests)) {
bundleGraph.createBundleReference(candidate, bundle);
bundleGraph.removeAssetGraphFromBundle(mainEntry, candidate);
}); // Step 3: Remove assets that are duplicated in a parent bundle.
}) {
// if only one bundle, no need to optimize
if (skipOptimize) {
(0, _assert().default)(config != null); // Step 5: Find duplicated assets in different bundle groups, and separate them into their own parallel bundles.
// If multiple assets are always seen together in the same bundles, combine them together.
// If the sub-graph from an asset is >= 30kb, and the number of parallel requests in the bundle group is < 5, create a new bundle containing the sub-graph.
let candidateBundles = new Map();
bundleGraph.traverse((node, ctx, actions) => {
if (node.type !== 'asset') {
let asset = node.value;
let containingBundles = bundleGraph.getBundlesWithAsset(asset) // Don't create shared bundles from entry bundles, as that would require
// another entry bundle depending on these conditions, making it difficult
// to predict and reference.
// TODO: reconsider this. This is only true for the global output format.
// This also currently affects other bundles with stable names, e.g. service workers.
.filter(b => {
let entries = b.getEntryAssets();
return !b.needsStableName && b.isSplittable && entries.every(entry => !==;
if (containingBundles.length > config.minBundles) {
let id = =>':');
let candidate = candidateBundles.get(id);
if (candidate) {
for (let bundle of containingBundles) {
candidate.size += bundleGraph.getTotalSize(asset);
} else {
candidateBundles.set(id, {
assets: [asset],
sourceBundles: new Set(containingBundles),
size: bundleGraph.getTotalSize(asset)
} // Skip children from consideration since we added a parent already.
}); // Sort candidates by size (consider larger bundles first), and ensure they meet the size threshold
let sortedCandidates = Array.from(candidateBundles.values()).filter(bundle => bundle.size >= config.minBundleSize).sort((a, b) => b.size - a.size);
for (let {
} of sortedCandidates) {
let eligibleSourceBundles = new Set();
for (let bundle of sourceBundles) {
// Find all bundle groups connected to the original bundles
let bundleGroups = bundleGraph.getBundleGroupsContainingBundle(bundle); // Check if all bundle groups are within the parallel request limit
if (bundleGroups.every(group => bundleGraph.getBundlesInBundleGroup(group).length < config.maxParallelRequests)) {
} // Do not create a shared bundle unless there are at least 2 source bundles
if (eligibleSourceBundles.size < 2) {
let [firstBundle] = [...eligibleSourceBundles];
let sharedBundle = bundleGraph.createBundle({
uniqueKey: (0, _hash().hashString)([...eligibleSourceBundles].map(b =>':')),
// Allow this bundle to be deduplicated. It shouldn't be further split.
// TODO: Reconsider bundle/asset flags.
isSplittable: true,
env: firstBundle.env,
type: firstBundle.type
}); // Remove all of the root assets from each of the original bundles
// and reference the new shared bundle.
for (let asset of assets) {
bundleGraph.addAssetGraphToBundle(asset, sharedBundle);
for (let bundle of eligibleSourceBundles) {
bundleGraph.createBundleReference(bundle, sharedBundle);
bundleGraph.removeAssetGraphFromBundle(asset, bundle);
} // Remove assets that are duplicated between shared bundles.
exports.default = _default;
function deduplicate(bundleGraph) {
bundleGraph.traverse(node => {
if (node.type === 'asset') {
let asset = node.value; // Search in reverse order, so bundles that are loaded keep the duplicated asset, not later ones.
// This ensures that the earlier bundle is able to execute before the later one.
let bundles = bundleGraph.getBundlesWithAsset(asset).reverse();
for (let bundle of bundles) {
if (bundle.hasAsset(asset) && bundleGraph.isAssetReachableFromBundle(asset, bundle)) {
bundleGraph.removeAssetGraphFromBundle(asset, bundle);
type: 'object',
properties: {
http: {
type: 'number',
enum: Object.keys(HTTP_OPTIONS).map(k => Number(k))
minBundles: {
type: 'number'
minBundleSize: {
type: 'number'
maxParallelRequests: {
type: 'number'
additionalProperties: false
async function loadBundlerConfig(config, options) {
var _conf$contents$http, _conf$contents$minBun, _conf$contents$minBun2, _conf$contents$maxPar;
let conf = await config.getConfig([], {
packageKey: '@parcel/bundler-default'
if (!conf) {
return HTTP_OPTIONS['2'];
(0, _assert().default)((conf === null || conf === void 0 ? void 0 : conf.contents) != null);
_utils().validateSchema.diagnostic(CONFIG_SCHEMA, {
data: conf === null || conf === void 0 ? void 0 : conf.contents,
source: await options.inputFS.readFile(conf.filePath, 'utf8'),
filePath: conf.filePath,
prependKey: `/${(0, _diagnostic().encodeJSONKeyComponent)('@parcel/bundler-default')}`
}, '@parcel/bundler-default', 'Invalid config for @parcel/bundler-default');
let http = (_conf$contents$http = conf.contents.http) !== null && _conf$contents$http !== void 0 ? _conf$contents$http : 2;
let defaults = HTTP_OPTIONS[http];
return {
minBundles: (_conf$contents$minBun = conf.contents.minBundles) !== null && _conf$contents$minBun !== void 0 ? _conf$contents$minBun : defaults.minBundles,
minBundleSize: (_conf$contents$minBun2 = conf.contents.minBundleSize) !== null && _conf$contents$minBun2 !== void 0 ? _conf$contents$minBun2 : defaults.minBundleSize,
maxParallelRequests: (_conf$contents$maxPar = conf.contents.maxParallelRequests) !== null && _conf$contents$maxPar !== void 0 ? _conf$contents$maxPar : defaults.maxParallelRequests
function internalizeReachableAsyncDependencies(bundleGraph) {
// Mark async dependencies on assets that are already available in
// the bundle as internally resolvable. This removes the dependency between
// the bundle and the bundle group providing that asset. If all connections
// to that bundle group are removed, remove that bundle group.
let asyncBundleGroups = new Set();
bundleGraph.traverse((node, _, actions) => {
if (node.type !== 'dependency' || node.value.isEntry || node.value.priority !== 'lazy') {
if (bundleGraph.isDependencySkipped(node.value)) {
let dependency = node.value;
if (dependency.specifierType === 'url') {
// Don't internalize dependencies on URLs, e.g. `new Worker('foo.js')`
let resolution = bundleGraph.getResolvedAsset(dependency);
if (resolution == null) {
let externalResolution = bundleGraph.resolveAsyncDependency(dependency);
if ((externalResolution === null || externalResolution === void 0 ? void 0 : externalResolution.type) === 'bundle_group') {
for (let bundle of bundleGraph.getBundlesWithDependency(dependency)) {
if (bundle.hasAsset(resolution) || bundleGraph.isAssetReachableFromBundle(resolution, bundle)) {
bundleGraph.internalizeAsyncDependency(bundle, dependency);
}); // Remove any bundle groups that no longer have any parent bundles.
for (let bundleGroup of asyncBundleGroups) {
if (bundleGraph.getParentBundlesOfBundleGroup(bundleGroup).length === 0) {