Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

410 lines
15 KiB

#include "node-lmdb.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
control character types:
1 - metadata
2 - symbols
6 - false
7 - true
8- 16 - negative doubles
16-24 positive doubles
27 - String starts with a character 27 or less or is an empty string
0 - multipart separator
> 27 normal string characters
* Convert arbitrary scalar values to buffer bytes with type preservation and type-appropriate ordering
size_t valueToKey(const Local<Value> &jsKey, uint8_t* targetBytes, size_t remainingBytes, bool inArray, bool throwErrors) {
size_t bytesWritten;
if (jsKey->IsString()) {
int utfWritten = 0;
Local<String> string = Local<String>::Cast(jsKey);
bytesWritten = string->WriteUtf8(Isolate::GetCurrent(), (char*) targetBytes, remainingBytes, &utfWritten, v8::String::WriteOptions::NO_NULL_TERMINATION);
bytesWritten = string->WriteUtf8((char*) targetBytes, remainingBytes, &utfWritten, v8::String::WriteOptions::NO_NULL_TERMINATION);
if (utfWritten < string->Length()) {
if (throwErrors)
Nan::ThrowError("String is too long to fit in a key with a maximum of 1978 bytes");
return 0;
if (bytesWritten == 0 || targetBytes[0] < 28) {
// use string/escape indicator starting byte
if (remainingBytes == 0) {
if (throwErrors)
Nan::ThrowError("String is too long to fit in a key with a maximum of 1978 bytes");
return 0;
memmove(targetBytes + 1, targetBytes, bytesWritten++);
targetBytes[0] = 27;
return bytesWritten;
if (jsKey->IsNumber()
|| jsKey->IsBigInt()
) {
double number;
if (jsKey->IsNumber())
number = Local<Number>::Cast(jsKey)->Value();
else {
bool lossless = true;
number = (double) Local<BigInt>::Cast(jsKey)->Int64Value(&lossless);
if (!lossless) {
if (throwErrors)
Nan::ThrowError("BigInt was too large to use as a key.");
return 0;
uint64_t asInt = *((uint64_t*) &number);
if (number < 0) {
asInt = asInt ^ 0x7fffffffffffffff;
targetBytes[0] = (uint8_t) (asInt >> 60);
} else {
targetBytes[0] = (uint8_t) (asInt >> 60) | 0x10;
// TODO: Use byte_swap to do this faster
targetBytes[1] = (uint8_t) (asInt >> 52) & 0xff;
targetBytes[2] = (uint8_t) (asInt >> 44) & 0xff;
targetBytes[3] = (uint8_t) (asInt >> 36) & 0xff;
targetBytes[4] = (uint8_t) (asInt >> 28) & 0xff;
targetBytes[5] = (uint8_t) (asInt >> 20) & 0xff;
targetBytes[6] = (uint8_t) (asInt >> 12) & 0xff;
targetBytes[7] = (uint8_t) (asInt >> 4) & 0xff;
targetBytes[8] = (uint8_t) (asInt << 4) & 0xff;
if (targetBytes[8] == 0 && !inArray) {
if (targetBytes[6] == 0 && targetBytes[7] == 0) {
if (targetBytes[5] == 0 && targetBytes[4] == 0)
return 4;
return 6;
} else
return 8;
} else
return 9;
//fprintf(stdout, "asInt %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x\n", targetBytes[0], targetBytes[1], targetBytes[2], targetBytes[3], targetBytes[4], targetBytes[5], targetBytes[6], targetBytes[7], targetBytes[8]);
} else if (jsKey->IsArray()) {
Local<Array> array = Local<Array>::Cast(jsKey);
int length = array->Length();
Local<Context> context = Nan::GetCurrentContext();
bytesWritten = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
if (remainingBytes <= 10) {
if (throwErrors)
Nan::ThrowError("Array is too large to fit in a key with a maximum of 1978 bytes");
return 0;
*targetBytes = 0;
size_t size = valueToKey(array->Get(context, i).ToLocalChecked(), targetBytes, remainingBytes, true, throwErrors);
if (!size)
return 0;
targetBytes += size;
bytesWritten += size;
remainingBytes -= size;
return bytesWritten;
} else if (jsKey->IsNull()) {
targetBytes[0] = 0;
return 1;
} else if (jsKey->IsBoolean()) {
targetBytes[0] = jsKey->IsTrue() ? 7 : 6;
return 1;
} else if (jsKey->IsArrayBufferView()) {
bytesWritten = Local<ArrayBufferView>::Cast(jsKey)->CopyContents(targetBytes, remainingBytes);
if (bytesWritten > remainingBytes - 10 && // guard the second check with this first check to see if we are close to the end
Local<ArrayBufferView>::Cast(jsKey)->ByteLength() > bytesWritten) {
if (throwErrors)
Nan::ThrowError("Buffer is too long to fit in a key with a maximum of 1978 bytes");
return 0; // not enough space
return bytesWritten;
} else if (jsKey->IsSymbol()) {
int utfWritten;
Local<String> string = Local<String>::Cast(Local<Symbol>::Cast(jsKey)->Description());
Local<String> string = Local<String>::Cast(Local<Symbol>::Cast(jsKey)->Name());
targetBytes[0] = 2;
bytesWritten = string->WriteUtf8(Isolate::GetCurrent(), (char*) targetBytes + 1, remainingBytes - 1, &utfWritten, v8::String::WriteOptions::NO_NULL_TERMINATION) + 1;
bytesWritten = string->WriteUtf8((char*) targetBytes + 1, remainingBytes - 1, &utfWritten, v8::String::WriteOptions::NO_NULL_TERMINATION) + 1;
if (utfWritten < string->Length()) {
Nan::ThrowError("Symbol name is too long to fit in a key with a maximum of 1978 bytes");
return 0;
return bytesWritten;
} else {
if (throwErrors)
Nan::ThrowError("Invalid type for key.");
return 0;
bool valueToMDBKey(const Local<Value>& jsKey, MDB_val& mdbKey, KeySpace& keySpace) {
if (jsKey->IsArrayBufferView()) {
// special case where we can directly use this
mdbKey.mv_data = node::Buffer::Data(jsKey);
mdbKey.mv_size = Local<ArrayBufferView>::Cast(jsKey)->ByteLength();
return true;
uint8_t* targetBytes = keySpace.getTarget();
size_t size = mdbKey.mv_size = valueToKey(jsKey, targetBytes, MDB_MAXKEYSIZE, false, keySpace.fixedSize);
mdbKey.mv_data = targetBytes;
if (!keySpace.fixedSize)
keySpace.position += size;
return size;
Local<Value> MDBKeyToValue(MDB_val &val) {
Local<Value> value;
int consumed = 0;
uint8_t* keyBytes = (uint8_t*) val.mv_data;
int size = val.mv_size;
if (size < 1) {
return Nan::Null();
uint8_t controlByte = keyBytes[0];
if (controlByte < 24) {
if (controlByte < 8) {
consumed = 1;
if (controlByte == 6) {
value = Nan::New<Boolean>(false);
} else if (controlByte == 7) {
value = Nan::New<Boolean>(true);
} else if (controlByte == 0) {
value = Nan::Null();
} else if (controlByte == 2) {
consumed = size;
uint8_t* separatorPosition = (uint8_t*) memchr((char*) keyBytes + 1, 0, size - 1);
if (separatorPosition) {
value = Symbol::For(Isolate::GetCurrent(), Nan::New<v8::String>((char*) keyBytes + 1, separatorPosition - keyBytes - 1).ToLocalChecked());
consumed = separatorPosition - keyBytes;
} else {
value = Symbol::For(Isolate::GetCurrent(), Nan::New<v8::String>((char*) keyBytes + 1, size - 1).ToLocalChecked());
consumed = size;
} else {
return Nan::CopyBuffer(
} else {
uint64_t asInt = ((uint64_t) keyBytes[0] << 60) | ((uint64_t) keyBytes[1] << 52) | ((uint64_t) keyBytes[2] << 44) | ((uint64_t) keyBytes[3] << 36);
if (size > 4) {
asInt |= ((uint64_t) keyBytes[4] << 28) | ((uint64_t) keyBytes[5] << 20);
if (size > 6) {
asInt |= ((uint64_t) keyBytes[6] << 12) | ((uint64_t) keyBytes[7] << 4);
if (size > 8) {
asInt |= (uint64_t) keyBytes[8] >> 4;
if (controlByte < 16)
asInt = asInt ^ 0x7fffffffffffffff;
// fprintf(stdout, "asInt %x %x \n",asInt, asInt >> 32);
value = Nan::New<Number>(*((double*) &asInt));
consumed = 9;
} else {
consumed = val.mv_size;
bool isOneByte = true;
int8_t* position = ((int8_t*) val.mv_data);
int8_t* end = position + consumed;
if (*position == 27) {
position++; // skip string escape byte
val.mv_data = (char*) val.mv_data + 1;
for (; position < end; position++) {
if (*position < 1) { // by using signed chars, non-latin is negative and separators are less than 1
int8_t c = *position;
if (c < 0) {
isOneByte = false;
} else { // 0, separator
consumed = position - ((int8_t*) val.mv_data);
if (isOneByte)
value = v8::String::NewFromOneByte(Isolate::GetCurrent(), (uint8_t*) val.mv_data, v8::NewStringType::kNormal, consumed).ToLocalChecked();
value = Nan::New<v8::String>((char*) val.mv_data, consumed).ToLocalChecked();
if (consumed < size) {
Local<Value> nextValue;
if (keyBytes[consumed] != 0 && keyBytes[consumed] != 30) {
nextValue = Nan::New<v8::String>("Invalid separator byte").ToLocalChecked();
} else {
MDB_val nextPart;
nextPart.mv_size = size - consumed - 1;
nextPart.mv_data = &keyBytes[consumed + 1];
nextValue = MDBKeyToValue(nextPart);
v8::Local<v8::Array> resultsArray;
Local<Context> context = Nan::GetCurrentContext();
if (nextValue->IsArray()) {
v8::Local<v8::Array> nextArray = Local<Array>::Cast(nextValue);
int length = nextArray->Length();
resultsArray = Nan::New<v8::Array>(1 + length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
(void)resultsArray->Set(context, i + 1, nextArray->Get(context, i).ToLocalChecked());
} else {
resultsArray = Nan::New<v8::Array>(2);
(void)resultsArray->Set(context, 1, nextValue);
(void)resultsArray->Set(context, 0, value);
value = resultsArray;
return value;
NAN_METHOD(bufferToKeyValue) {
if (!node::Buffer::HasInstance(info[0])) {
Nan::ThrowError("Invalid key. Should be a Buffer.");
MDB_val key;
key.mv_size = node::Buffer::Length(info[0]);
key.mv_data = node::Buffer::Data(info[0]);
NAN_METHOD(keyValueToBuffer) {
uint8_t* targetBytes = getFixedKeySpace()->getTarget();
size_t size = valueToKey(info[0], targetBytes, MDB_MAXKEYSIZE, false, true);
if (!size) {
Nan::MaybeLocal<v8::Object> buffer = Nan::CopyBuffer(
KeySpaceHolder::KeySpaceHolder() {
previousSpace = nullptr;
KeySpaceHolder::KeySpaceHolder(KeySpaceHolder* existingSpace, uint8_t* existingData) {
previousSpace = existingSpace;
data = existingData;
KeySpaceHolder::~KeySpaceHolder() {
if (previousSpace)
delete previousSpace;
delete[] data;
uint8_t* KeySpace::getTarget() {
if (position + MDB_MAXKEYSIZE > size) {
if (fixedSize) {
Nan::ThrowError("Key is too large");
return nullptr;
} else {
previousSpace = new KeySpaceHolder(previousSpace, data);
size = size << 1; // grow on each expansion
data = new uint8_t[size];
return &data[position];
KeySpace::KeySpace(bool fixed) {
fixedSize = fixed;
position = 0;
size = fixed ? MDB_MAXKEYSIZE + 8 : 8192;
data = new uint8_t[size];
#ifdef _WIN32
#define ntohl _byteswap_ulong
#define htonl _byteswap_ulong
void load32LE(MDB_val &val, uint32_t* target) {
// copy and swap at the same time, and guarantee null termination
uint32_t* source = (uint32_t*) val.mv_data;
unsigned int size = val.mv_size;
uint32_t* end = source + (size >> 2);
for (; source < end; source++) {
*target = ntohl(*source);
*target = ntohl(*source << (32 - ((size & 3) << 3)));
void make32LE(MDB_val &val) {
uint8_t* bytes = (uint8_t*) val.mv_data;
unsigned int size = val.mv_size;
if (val.mv_size & 1) {
if (bytes[size - 1] == 0)
val.mv_size = --size;
size = size >> 1;
if (((uint16_t*)bytes)[size - 1] == 0) {
if (((uint16_t*)bytes)[size - 2] == 0)
val.mv_size -= 4;
val.mv_size -= 2;
uint32_t* buffer = (uint32_t*) val.mv_data;
unsigned int size = val.mv_size;
uint32_t* end = buffer + (size >> 3);
for (; buffer < end; buffer++) {
*buffer = htonl(*buffer);
*buffer = htonl(*buffer << (32 - ((size & 3) << 3)));
// compare items by 32-bit LE comparison
int compare32LE(const MDB_val *a, const MDB_val *b) {
uint32_t* dataA = (uint32_t*) a->mv_data;
uint32_t* dataB = (uint32_t*) b->mv_data;
uint32_t sizeA = a->mv_size;
uint32_t sizeB = b->mv_size;
uint32_t minSize = (sizeA > sizeB ? sizeB : sizeA);
uint32_t wordA;
uint32_t wordB;
for (int i = minSize >> 2; i > 0; i--) {
wordA = *dataA++;
wordB = *dataB++;
if (wordA > wordB)
return 1;
if (wordA < wordB)
return -1;
if (minSize & 0x3) {
sizeA -= minSize;
sizeB -= minSize;
wordA = sizeA < 4 ? *dataA << ((4 - sizeA) << 3) : *dataA;
wordB = sizeB < 4 ? *dataB << ((4 - sizeB) << 3) : *dataB;
if (wordA > wordB)
return 1;
if (wordA < wordB)
return -1;
return sizeA - sizeB;