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/* global describe, it */
import postcss from 'postcss'
import assert from 'assert'
import constants from '../src'
const test = (input, expected) => {
let processor = postcss([constants])
assert.equal(processor.process(input).css, expected)
describe('constants', () => {
it('should pass through an empty string', () => {
test('', '')
it('should export a constant', () => {
test('@value red blue;', ':export {\n red: blue\n}')
it('gives an error when there is no semicolon between lines', () => {
const input = '@value red blue\n@value green yellow'
let processor = postcss([constants])
const result = processor.process(input)
const warnings = result.warnings()
assert.equal(warnings.length, 1)
assert.equal(warnings[0].text, 'Invalid value definition: red blue\n@value green yellow')
it('should export a more complex constant', () => {
test('@value small (max-width: 599px);', ':export {\n small: (max-width: 599px)\n}')
it('should replace constants within the file', () => {
test('@value blue red; .foo { color: blue; }', ':export {\n blue: red;\n}\ { color: red; }')
it('should import and re-export a simple constant', () => {
test('@value red from "./colors.css";', ':import("./colors.css") {\n i__const_red_0: red\n}\n:export {\n red: i__const_red_0\n}')
it('should import a simple constant and replace usages', () => {
test('@value red from "./colors.css"; .foo { color: red; }', ':import("./colors.css") {\n i__const_red_1: red;\n}\n:export {\n red: i__const_red_1;\n}\ { color: i__const_red_1; }')
it('should import and alias a constant and replace usages', () => {
test('@value blue as red from "./colors.css"; .foo { color: red; }', ':import("./colors.css") {\n i__const_red_2: blue;\n}\n:export {\n red: i__const_red_2;\n}\ { color: i__const_red_2; }')
it('should import multiple from a single file', () => {
`@value blue, red from "./colors.css";
.foo { color: red; }
.bar { color: blue }`,
`:import("./colors.css") {
i__const_blue_3: blue;
i__const_red_4: red;
:export {
blue: i__const_blue_3;
red: i__const_red_4;
.foo { color: i__const_red_4; }
.bar { color: i__const_blue_3 }`)
it('should import from a definition', () => {
'@value colors: "./colors.css"; @value red from colors;',
':import("./colors.css") {\n i__const_red_5: red\n}\n' +
':export {\n colors: "./colors.css";\n red: i__const_red_5\n}'
it('should only allow values for paths if defined in the right order', () => {
'@value red from colors; @value colors: "./colors.css";',
':import(colors) {\n i__const_red_6: red\n}\n' +
':export {\n red: i__const_red_6;\n colors: "./colors.css"\n}'
it('should allow transitive values', () => {
'@value aaa: red;\n@value bbb: aaa;\n.a { color: bbb; }',
':export {\n aaa: red;\n bbb: red;\n}\n.a { color: red; }'
it('should allow transitive values within calc', () => {
'@value base: 10px;\n@value large: calc(base * 2);\n.a { margin: large; }',
':export {\n base: 10px;\n large: calc(10px * 2);\n}\n.a { margin: calc(10px * 2); }'
it('should preserve import order', () => {
'@value a from "./a.css"; @value b from "./b.css";',
':import("./a.css") {\n i__const_a_7: a\n}\n' +
':import("./b.css") {\n i__const_b_8: b\n}\n' +
':export {\n a: i__const_a_7;\n b: i__const_b_8\n}'
it('should allow custom-property-style names', () => {
'@value --red from "./colors.css"; .foo { color: --red; }',
':import("./colors.css") {\n i__const___red_9: --red;\n}\n' +
':export {\n --red: i__const___red_9;\n}\n' +
'.foo { color: i__const___red_9; }')
it('should allow all colour types', () => {
'@value named: red; @value 3char #0f0; @value 6char #00ff00; @value rgba rgba(34, 12, 64, 0.3); @value hsla hsla(220, 13.0%, 18.0%, 1);\n' +
'.foo { color: named; background-color: 3char; border-top-color: 6char; border-bottom-color: rgba; outline-color: hsla; }',
':export {\n named: red;\n 3char: #0f0;\n 6char: #00ff00;\n rgba: rgba(34, 12, 64, 0.3);\n hsla: hsla(220, 13.0%, 18.0%, 1);\n}\n' +
'.foo { color: red; background-color: #0f0; border-top-color: #00ff00; border-bottom-color: rgba(34, 12, 64, 0.3); outline-color: hsla(220, 13.0%, 18.0%, 1); }')
it('should import multiple from a single file on multiple lines', () => {
`@value (
) from "./colors.css";
.foo { color: red; }
.bar { color: blue }`,
`:import("./colors.css") {
i__const_blue_10: blue;
i__const_red_11: red;
:export {
blue: i__const_blue_10;
red: i__const_red_11;
.foo { color: i__const_red_11; }
.bar { color: i__const_blue_10 }`)
it('should allow definitions with commas in them', () => {
'@value coolShadow: 0 11px 15px -7px rgba(0,0,0,.2),0 24px 38px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.14) ;\n' +
'.foo { box-shadow: coolShadow; }',
':export {\n coolShadow: 0 11px 15px -7px rgba(0,0,0,.2),0 24px 38px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.14);\n}\n' +
'.foo { box-shadow: 0 11px 15px -7px rgba(0,0,0,.2),0 24px 38px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.14); }')
it('should allow values with nested parantheses', () => {
'@value aaa: color(red lightness(50%));',
':export {\n aaa: color(red lightness(50%))\n}'