Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
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105 lines
2.6 KiB

declare type HTMLContainer = Element | HTMLElement;
export interface FireworksOptions {
hue?: MinMaxOptions;
rocketsPoint?: number;
opacity?: number;
speed?: number;
acceleration?: number;
friction?: number;
gravity?: number;
particles?: number;
trace?: number;
explosion?: number;
autoresize?: boolean;
mouse?: MouseOptions;
boundaries?: BoundariesOptions;
sound?: SoundOptions;
delay?: MinMaxOptions;
brightness?: BrightnessOptions;
export interface BrightnessOptions extends MinMaxOptions {
decay?: MinMaxOptions;
export interface MouseOptions {
click?: boolean;
move?: boolean;
max?: number;
export interface BoundariesOptions {
visible?: boolean;
x?: number;
y?: number;
width?: number;
height?: number;
export interface SoundOptions {
enabled?: boolean;
files?: string[];
volume?: MinMaxOptions;
interface MinMaxOptions {
min: number;
max: number;
interface Sizes {
width?: number;
height?: number;
export declare class Fireworks {
[key: string]: unknown;
private _container;
private _canvas;
private _ctx;
private _width;
private _height;
private hue;
private rocketsPoint;
private opacity;
private speed;
private acceleration;
private friction;
private gravity;
private particles;
private trace;
private explosion;
private autoresize;
private boundaries;
private mouse;
private delay;
private brightness;
private _tick;
private _version;
private _running;
private _randomRocketsPoint;
private _experimentals;
private _m;
private _mx;
private _my;
private _ds;
private _sound;
private _traces;
private _explosions;
constructor(container: HTMLContainer, { autoresize, boundaries, brightness, delay, hue, mouse, sound, trace, speed, explosion, gravity, opacity, particles, friction, rocketsPoint, acceleration }?: FireworksOptions);
get isRunning(): boolean;
get version(): string;
start(): void;
stop(): void;
unmount(): void;
pause(): void;
clear(): void;
setOptions(options: FireworksOptions): void;
setSize({ width, height }?: Partial<Sizes>): void;
setBoundaries(boundaries: Partial<BoundariesOptions>): void;
private useMouse;
private windowResize;
private mouseDown;
private mouseUp;
private mouseMove;
private render;
private drawBoundaries;
private initTrace;
private drawTrace;
private initExplosion;
private drawExplosion;
export {};