Son CV dans un terminal web en Javascript!
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2043 lines
69 KiB

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory(global.msgpackr = {}));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
var decoder;
try {
decoder = new TextDecoder();
} catch(error) {}
var src;
var srcEnd;
var position = 0;
var currentUnpackr = {};
var currentStructures;
var srcString;
var srcStringStart = 0;
var srcStringEnd = 0;
var bundledStrings;
var referenceMap;
var currentExtensions = [];
var dataView;
var defaultOptions = {
useRecords: false,
mapsAsObjects: true
class C1Type {}
const C1 = new C1Type(); = 'MessagePack 0xC1';
var sequentialMode = false;
var inlineObjectReadThreshold = 2;
try {
new Function('');
} catch(error) {
// if eval variants are not supported, do not create inline object readers ever
inlineObjectReadThreshold = Infinity;
class Unpackr {
constructor(options) {
if (options) {
if (options.useRecords === false && options.mapsAsObjects === undefined)
options.mapsAsObjects = true;
if (options.structures)
options.structures.sharedLength = options.structures.length;
else if (options.getStructures) {
(options.structures = []).uninitialized = true; // this is what we use to denote an uninitialized structures
options.structures.sharedLength = 0;
Object.assign(this, options);
unpack(source, end) {
if (src) {
// re-entrant execution, save the state and restore it after we do this unpack
return saveState(() => {
return this ? this.unpack(source, end) :, source, end)
srcEnd = end > -1 ? end : source.length;
position = 0;
srcStringEnd = 0;
srcString = null;
bundledStrings = null;
src = source;
// this provides cached access to the data view for a buffer if it is getting reused, which is a recommend
// technique for getting data from a database where it can be copied into an existing buffer instead of creating
// new ones
try {
dataView = source.dataView || (source.dataView = new DataView(source.buffer, source.byteOffset, source.byteLength));
} catch(error) {
// if it doesn't have a buffer, maybe it is the wrong type of object
src = null;
if (source instanceof Uint8Array)
throw error
throw new Error('Source must be a Uint8Array or Buffer but was a ' + ((source && typeof source == 'object') ? : typeof source))
if (this instanceof Unpackr) {
currentUnpackr = this;
if (this.structures) {
currentStructures = this.structures;
return checkedRead()
} else if (!currentStructures || currentStructures.length > 0) {
currentStructures = [];
} else {
currentUnpackr = defaultOptions;
if (!currentStructures || currentStructures.length > 0)
currentStructures = [];
return checkedRead()
unpackMultiple(source, forEach) {
let values, lastPosition = 0;
try {
sequentialMode = true;
let size = source.length;
let value = this ? this.unpack(source, size) : defaultUnpackr.unpack(source, size);
if (forEach) {
while(position < size) {
lastPosition = position;
if (forEach(checkedRead()) === false) {
else {
values = [ value ];
while(position < size) {
lastPosition = position;
return values
} catch(error) {
error.lastPosition = lastPosition;
error.values = values;
throw error
} finally {
sequentialMode = false;
_mergeStructures(loadedStructures, existingStructures) {
loadedStructures = loadedStructures || [];
for (let i = 0, l = loadedStructures.length; i < l; i++) {
let structure = loadedStructures[i];
if (structure) {
structure.isShared = true;
if (i >= 32)
structure.highByte = (i - 32) >> 5;
loadedStructures.sharedLength = loadedStructures.length;
for (let id in existingStructures || []) {
if (id >= 0) {
let structure = loadedStructures[id];
let existing = existingStructures[id];
if (existing) {
if (structure)
(loadedStructures.restoreStructures || (loadedStructures.restoreStructures = []))[id] = structure;
loadedStructures[id] = existing;
return this.structures = loadedStructures
decode(source, end) {
return this.unpack(source, end)
function checkedRead() {
try {
if (!currentUnpackr.trusted && !sequentialMode) {
let sharedLength = currentStructures.sharedLength || 0;
if (sharedLength < currentStructures.length)
currentStructures.length = sharedLength;
let result = read();
if (bundledStrings) // bundled strings to skip past
position = bundledStrings.postBundlePosition;
if (position == srcEnd) {
// finished reading this source, cleanup references
if (currentStructures.restoreStructures)
currentStructures = null;
src = null;
if (referenceMap)
referenceMap = null;
} else if (position > srcEnd) {
// over read
let error = new Error('Unexpected end of MessagePack data');
error.incomplete = true;
throw error
} else if (!sequentialMode) {
throw new Error('Data read, but end of buffer not reached')
// else more to read, but we are reading sequentially, so don't clear source yet
return result
} catch(error) {
if (currentStructures.restoreStructures)
if (error instanceof RangeError || error.message.startsWith('Unexpected end of buffer')) {
error.incomplete = true;
throw error
function restoreStructures() {
for (let id in currentStructures.restoreStructures) {
currentStructures[id] = currentStructures.restoreStructures[id];
currentStructures.restoreStructures = null;
function read() {
let token = src[position++];
if (token < 0xa0) {
if (token < 0x80) {
if (token < 0x40)
return token
else {
let structure = currentStructures[token & 0x3f] ||
currentUnpackr.getStructures && loadStructures()[token & 0x3f];
if (structure) {
if (! { = createStructureReader(structure, token & 0x3f);
} else
return token
} else if (token < 0x90) {
// map
token -= 0x80;
if (currentUnpackr.mapsAsObjects) {
let object = {};
for (let i = 0; i < token; i++) {
object[readKey()] = read();
return object
} else {
let map = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < token; i++) {
map.set(read(), read());
return map
} else {
token -= 0x90;
let array = new Array(token);
for (let i = 0; i < token; i++) {
array[i] = read();
return array
} else if (token < 0xc0) {
// fixstr
let length = token - 0xa0;
if (srcStringEnd >= position) {
return srcString.slice(position - srcStringStart, (position += length) - srcStringStart)
if (srcStringEnd == 0 && srcEnd < 140) {
// for small blocks, avoiding the overhead of the extract call is helpful
let string = length < 16 ? shortStringInJS(length) : longStringInJS(length);
if (string != null)
return string
return readFixedString(length)
} else {
let value;
switch (token) {
case 0xc0: return null
case 0xc1:
if (bundledStrings) {
value = read(); // followed by the length of the string in characters (not bytes!)
if (value > 0)
return bundledStrings[1].slice(bundledStrings.position1, bundledStrings.position1 += value)
return bundledStrings[0].slice(bundledStrings.position0, bundledStrings.position0 -= value)
return C1; // "never-used", return special object to denote that
case 0xc2: return false
case 0xc3: return true
case 0xc4:
// bin 8
return readBin(src[position++])
case 0xc5:
// bin 16
value = dataView.getUint16(position);
position += 2;
return readBin(value)
case 0xc6:
// bin 32
value = dataView.getUint32(position);
position += 4;
return readBin(value)
case 0xc7:
// ext 8
return readExt(src[position++])
case 0xc8:
// ext 16
value = dataView.getUint16(position);
position += 2;
return readExt(value)
case 0xc9:
// ext 32
value = dataView.getUint32(position);
position += 4;
return readExt(value)
case 0xca:
value = dataView.getFloat32(position);
if (currentUnpackr.useFloat32 > 2) {
// this does rounding of numbers that were encoded in 32-bit float to nearest significant decimal digit that could be preserved
let multiplier = mult10[((src[position] & 0x7f) << 1) | (src[position + 1] >> 7)];
position += 4;
return ((multiplier * value + (value > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)) >> 0) / multiplier
position += 4;
return value
case 0xcb:
value = dataView.getFloat64(position);
position += 8;
return value
// uint handlers
case 0xcc:
return src[position++]
case 0xcd:
value = dataView.getUint16(position);
position += 2;
return value
case 0xce:
value = dataView.getUint32(position);
position += 4;
return value
case 0xcf:
if (currentUnpackr.int64AsNumber) {
value = dataView.getUint32(position) * 0x100000000;
value += dataView.getUint32(position + 4);
} else
value = dataView.getBigUint64(position);
position += 8;
return value
// int handlers
case 0xd0:
return dataView.getInt8(position++)
case 0xd1:
value = dataView.getInt16(position);
position += 2;
return value
case 0xd2:
value = dataView.getInt32(position);
position += 4;
return value
case 0xd3:
if (currentUnpackr.int64AsNumber) {
value = dataView.getInt32(position) * 0x100000000;
value += dataView.getUint32(position + 4);
} else
value = dataView.getBigInt64(position);
position += 8;
return value
case 0xd4:
// fixext 1
value = src[position++];
if (value == 0x72) {
return recordDefinition(src[position++] & 0x3f)
} else {
let extension = currentExtensions[value];
if (extension) {
if ( {
position++; // skip filler byte
} else if (extension.noBuffer) {
position++; // skip filler byte
return extension()
} else
return extension(src.subarray(position, ++position))
} else
throw new Error('Unknown extension ' + value)
case 0xd5:
// fixext 2
value = src[position];
if (value == 0x72) {
return recordDefinition(src[position++] & 0x3f, src[position++])
} else
return readExt(2)
case 0xd6:
// fixext 4
return readExt(4)
case 0xd7:
// fixext 8
return readExt(8)
case 0xd8:
// fixext 16
return readExt(16)
case 0xd9:
// str 8
value = src[position++];
if (srcStringEnd >= position) {
return srcString.slice(position - srcStringStart, (position += value) - srcStringStart)
return readString8(value)
case 0xda:
// str 16
value = dataView.getUint16(position);
position += 2;
if (srcStringEnd >= position) {
return srcString.slice(position - srcStringStart, (position += value) - srcStringStart)
return readString16(value)
case 0xdb:
// str 32
value = dataView.getUint32(position);
position += 4;
if (srcStringEnd >= position) {
return srcString.slice(position - srcStringStart, (position += value) - srcStringStart)
return readString32(value)
case 0xdc:
// array 16
value = dataView.getUint16(position);
position += 2;
return readArray(value)
case 0xdd:
// array 32
value = dataView.getUint32(position);
position += 4;
return readArray(value)
case 0xde:
// map 16
value = dataView.getUint16(position);
position += 2;
return readMap(value)
case 0xdf:
// map 32
value = dataView.getUint32(position);
position += 4;
return readMap(value)
default: // negative int
if (token >= 0xe0)
return token - 0x100
if (token === undefined) {
let error = new Error('Unexpected end of MessagePack data');
error.incomplete = true;
throw error
throw new Error('Unknown MessagePack token ' + token)
const validName = /^[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*$/;
function createStructureReader(structure, firstId) {
function readObject() {
// This initial function is quick to instantiate, but runs slower. After several iterations pay the cost to build the faster function
if (readObject.count++ > inlineObjectReadThreshold) {
let readObject = = (new Function('r', 'return function(){return {' + => validName.test(key) ? key + ':r()' : ('[' + JSON.stringify(key) + ']:r()')).join(',') + '}}'))(read);
if (structure.highByte === 0) = createSecondByteReader(firstId,;
return readObject() // second byte is already read, if there is one so immediately read object
let object = {};
for (let i = 0, l = structure.length; i < l; i++) {
let key = structure[i];
object[key] = read();
return object
readObject.count = 0;
if (structure.highByte === 0) {
return createSecondByteReader(firstId, readObject)
return readObject
const createSecondByteReader = (firstId, read0) => {
return function() {
let highByte = src[position++];
if (highByte === 0)
return read0()
let id = firstId < 32 ? -(firstId + (highByte << 5)) : firstId + (highByte << 5);
let structure = currentStructures[id] || loadStructures()[id];
if (!structure) {
throw new Error('Record id is not defined for ' + id)
if (! = createStructureReader(structure, firstId);
function loadStructures() {
let loadedStructures = saveState(() => {
// save the state in case getStructures modifies our buffer
src = null;
return currentUnpackr.getStructures()
return currentStructures = currentUnpackr._mergeStructures(loadedStructures, currentStructures)
var readFixedString = readStringJS;
var readString8 = readStringJS;
var readString16 = readStringJS;
var readString32 = readStringJS;
let isNativeAccelerationEnabled = false;
function readStringJS(length) {
let result;
if (length < 16) {
if (result = shortStringInJS(length))
return result
if (length > 64 && decoder)
return decoder.decode(src.subarray(position, position += length))
const end = position + length;
const units = [];
result = '';
while (position < end) {
const byte1 = src[position++];
if ((byte1 & 0x80) === 0) {
// 1 byte
} else if ((byte1 & 0xe0) === 0xc0) {
// 2 bytes
const byte2 = src[position++] & 0x3f;
units.push(((byte1 & 0x1f) << 6) | byte2);
} else if ((byte1 & 0xf0) === 0xe0) {
// 3 bytes
const byte2 = src[position++] & 0x3f;
const byte3 = src[position++] & 0x3f;
units.push(((byte1 & 0x1f) << 12) | (byte2 << 6) | byte3);
} else if ((byte1 & 0xf8) === 0xf0) {
// 4 bytes
const byte2 = src[position++] & 0x3f;
const byte3 = src[position++] & 0x3f;
const byte4 = src[position++] & 0x3f;
let unit = ((byte1 & 0x07) << 0x12) | (byte2 << 0x0c) | (byte3 << 0x06) | byte4;
if (unit > 0xffff) {
unit -= 0x10000;
units.push(((unit >>> 10) & 0x3ff) | 0xd800);
unit = 0xdc00 | (unit & 0x3ff);
} else {
if (units.length >= 0x1000) {
result += fromCharCode.apply(String, units);
units.length = 0;
if (units.length > 0) {
result += fromCharCode.apply(String, units);
return result
function readArray(length) {
let array = new Array(length);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
array[i] = read();
return array
function readMap(length) {
if (currentUnpackr.mapsAsObjects) {
let object = {};
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
object[readKey()] = read();
return object
} else {
let map = new Map();
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
map.set(read(), read());
return map
var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;
function longStringInJS(length) {
let start = position;
let bytes = new Array(length);
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const byte = src[position++];
if ((byte & 0x80) > 0) {
position = start;
bytes[i] = byte;
return fromCharCode.apply(String, bytes)
function shortStringInJS(length) {
if (length < 4) {
if (length < 2) {
if (length === 0)
return ''
else {
let a = src[position++];
if ((a & 0x80) > 1) {
position -= 1;
return fromCharCode(a)
} else {
let a = src[position++];
let b = src[position++];
if ((a & 0x80) > 0 || (b & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 2;
if (length < 3)
return fromCharCode(a, b)
let c = src[position++];
if ((c & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 3;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c)
} else {
let a = src[position++];
let b = src[position++];
let c = src[position++];
let d = src[position++];
if ((a & 0x80) > 0 || (b & 0x80) > 0 || (c & 0x80) > 0 || (d & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 4;
if (length < 6) {
if (length === 4)
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d)
else {
let e = src[position++];
if ((e & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 5;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e)
} else if (length < 8) {
let e = src[position++];
let f = src[position++];
if ((e & 0x80) > 0 || (f & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 6;
if (length < 7)
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f)
let g = src[position++];
if ((g & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 7;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
} else {
let e = src[position++];
let f = src[position++];
let g = src[position++];
let h = src[position++];
if ((e & 0x80) > 0 || (f & 0x80) > 0 || (g & 0x80) > 0 || (h & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 8;
if (length < 10) {
if (length === 8)
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
else {
let i = src[position++];
if ((i & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 9;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
} else if (length < 12) {
let i = src[position++];
let j = src[position++];
if ((i & 0x80) > 0 || (j & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 10;
if (length < 11)
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j)
let k = src[position++];
if ((k & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 11;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k)
} else {
let i = src[position++];
let j = src[position++];
let k = src[position++];
let l = src[position++];
if ((i & 0x80) > 0 || (j & 0x80) > 0 || (k & 0x80) > 0 || (l & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 12;
if (length < 14) {
if (length === 12)
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)
else {
let m = src[position++];
if ((m & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 13;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m)
} else {
let m = src[position++];
let n = src[position++];
if ((m & 0x80) > 0 || (n & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 14;
if (length < 15)
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n)
let o = src[position++];
if ((o & 0x80) > 0) {
position -= 15;
return fromCharCode(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o)
function readOnlyJSString() {
let token = src[position++];
let length;
if (token < 0xc0) {
// fixstr
length = token - 0xa0;
} else {
switch(token) {
case 0xd9:
// str 8
length = src[position++];
case 0xda:
// str 16
length = dataView.getUint16(position);
position += 2;
case 0xdb:
// str 32
length = dataView.getUint32(position);
position += 4;
throw new Error('Expected string')
return readStringJS(length)
function readBin(length) {
return currentUnpackr.copyBuffers ?
// specifically use the copying slice (not the node one), position, position += length) :
src.subarray(position, position += length)
function readExt(length) {
let type = src[position++];
if (currentExtensions[type]) {
return currentExtensions[type](src.subarray(position, position += length))
throw new Error('Unknown extension type ' + type)
var keyCache = new Array(4096);
function readKey() {
let length = src[position++];
if (length >= 0xa0 && length < 0xc0) {
// fixstr, potentially use key cache
length = length - 0xa0;
if (srcStringEnd >= position) // if it has been extracted, must use it (and faster anyway)
return srcString.slice(position - srcStringStart, (position += length) - srcStringStart)
else if (!(srcStringEnd == 0 && srcEnd < 180))
return readFixedString(length)
} else { // not cacheable, go back and do a standard read
return read()
let key = ((length << 5) ^ (length > 1 ? dataView.getUint16(position) : length > 0 ? src[position] : 0)) & 0xfff;
let entry = keyCache[key];
let checkPosition = position;
let end = position + length - 3;
let chunk;
let i = 0;
if (entry && entry.bytes == length) {
while (checkPosition < end) {
chunk = dataView.getUint32(checkPosition);
if (chunk != entry[i++]) {
checkPosition = 0x70000000;
checkPosition += 4;
end += 3;
while (checkPosition < end) {
chunk = src[checkPosition++];
if (chunk != entry[i++]) {
checkPosition = 0x70000000;
if (checkPosition === end) {
position = checkPosition;
return entry.string
end -= 3;
checkPosition = position;
entry = [];
keyCache[key] = entry;
entry.bytes = length;
while (checkPosition < end) {
chunk = dataView.getUint32(checkPosition);
checkPosition += 4;
end += 3;
while (checkPosition < end) {
chunk = src[checkPosition++];
// for small blocks, avoiding the overhead of the extract call is helpful
let string = length < 16 ? shortStringInJS(length) : longStringInJS(length);
if (string != null)
return entry.string = string
return entry.string = readFixedString(length)
// the registration of the record definition extension (as "r")
const recordDefinition = (id, highByte) => {
var structure = read();
let firstByte = id;
if (highByte !== undefined) {
id = id < 32 ? -((highByte << 5) + id) : ((highByte << 5) + id);
structure.highByte = highByte;
let existingStructure = currentStructures[id];
if (existingStructure && existingStructure.isShared) {
(currentStructures.restoreStructures || (currentStructures.restoreStructures = []))[id] = existingStructure;
currentStructures[id] = structure; = createStructureReader(structure, firstByte);
var glbl = typeof self == 'object' ? self : global;
currentExtensions[0] = () => {}; // notepack defines extension 0 to mean undefined, so use that as the default here
currentExtensions[0].noBuffer = true;
currentExtensions[0x65] = () => {
let data = read();
return (glbl[data[0]] || Error)(data[1])
currentExtensions[0x69] = (data) => {
// id extension (for structured clones)
let id = dataView.getUint32(position - 4);
if (!referenceMap)
referenceMap = new Map();
let token = src[position];
let target;
// TODO: handle Maps, Sets, and other types that can cycle; this is complicated, because you potentially need to read
// ahead past references to record structure definitions
if (token >= 0x90 && token < 0xa0 || token == 0xdc || token == 0xdd)
target = [];
target = {};
let refEntry = { target }; // a placeholder object
referenceMap.set(id, refEntry);
let targetProperties = read(); // read the next value as the target object to id
if (refEntry.used) // there is a cycle, so we have to assign properties to original target
return Object.assign(target, targetProperties) = targetProperties; // the placeholder wasn't used, replace with the deserialized one
return targetProperties // no cycle, can just use the returned read object
currentExtensions[0x70] = (data) => {
// pointer extension (for structured clones)
let id = dataView.getUint32(position - 4);
let refEntry = referenceMap.get(id);
refEntry.used = true;
currentExtensions[0x73] = () => new Set(read());
const typedArrays = ['Int8','Uint8','Uint8Clamped','Int16','Uint16','Int32','Uint32','Float32','Float64','BigInt64','BigUint64'].map(type => type + 'Array');
currentExtensions[0x74] = (data) => {
let typeCode = data[0];
let typedArrayName = typedArrays[typeCode];
if (!typedArrayName)
throw new Error('Could not find typed array for code ' + typeCode)
// we have to always slice/copy here to get a new ArrayBuffer that is word/byte aligned
return new glbl[typedArrayName](, 1).buffer)
currentExtensions[0x78] = () => {
let data = read();
return new RegExp(data[0], data[1])
const TEMP_BUNDLE = [];
currentExtensions[0x62] = (data) => {
let dataSize = (data[0] << 24) + (data[1] << 16) + (data[2] << 8) + data[3];
let dataPosition = position;
position += dataSize - data.length;
bundledStrings = TEMP_BUNDLE;
bundledStrings = [readOnlyJSString(), readOnlyJSString()];
bundledStrings.position0 = 0;
bundledStrings.position1 = 0;
bundledStrings.postBundlePosition = position;
position = dataPosition;
return read()
currentExtensions[0xff] = (data) => {
// 32-bit date extension
if (data.length == 4)
return new Date((data[0] * 0x1000000 + (data[1] << 16) + (data[2] << 8) + data[3]) * 1000)
else if (data.length == 8)
return new Date(
((data[0] << 22) + (data[1] << 14) + (data[2] << 6) + (data[3] >> 2)) / 1000000 +
((data[3] & 0x3) * 0x100000000 + data[4] * 0x1000000 + (data[5] << 16) + (data[6] << 8) + data[7]) * 1000)
else if (data.length == 12)// TODO: Implement support for negative
return new Date(
((data[0] << 24) + (data[1] << 16) + (data[2] << 8) + data[3]) / 1000000 +
(((data[4] & 0x80) ? -0x1000000000000 : 0) + data[6] * 0x10000000000 + data[7] * 0x100000000 + data[8] * 0x1000000 + (data[9] << 16) + (data[10] << 8) + data[11]) * 1000)
return new Date('invalid')
}; // notepack defines extension 0 to mean undefined, so use that as the default here
// registration of bulk record definition?
// currentExtensions[0x52] = () =>
function saveState(callback) {
let savedSrcEnd = srcEnd;
let savedPosition = position;
let savedSrcStringStart = srcStringStart;
let savedSrcStringEnd = srcStringEnd;
let savedSrcString = srcString;
let savedReferenceMap = referenceMap;
let savedBundledStrings = bundledStrings;
// TODO: We may need to revisit this if we do more external calls to user code (since it could be slow)
let savedSrc = new Uint8Array(src.slice(0, srcEnd)); // we copy the data in case it changes while external data is processed
let savedStructures = currentStructures;
let savedStructuresContents = currentStructures.slice(0, currentStructures.length);
let savedPackr = currentUnpackr;
let savedSequentialMode = sequentialMode;
let value = callback();
srcEnd = savedSrcEnd;
position = savedPosition;
srcStringStart = savedSrcStringStart;
srcStringEnd = savedSrcStringEnd;
srcString = savedSrcString;
referenceMap = savedReferenceMap;
bundledStrings = savedBundledStrings;
src = savedSrc;
sequentialMode = savedSequentialMode;
currentStructures = savedStructures;
currentStructures.splice(0, currentStructures.length, ...savedStructuresContents);
currentUnpackr = savedPackr;
dataView = new DataView(src.buffer, src.byteOffset, src.byteLength);
return value
function clearSource() {
src = null;
referenceMap = null;
currentStructures = null;
function addExtension(extension) {
if (extension.unpack)
currentExtensions[extension.type] = extension.unpack;
currentExtensions[extension.type] = extension;
const mult10 = new Array(147); // this is a table matching binary exponents to the multiplier to determine significant digit rounding
for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
mult10[i] = +('1e' + Math.floor(45.15 - i * 0.30103));
const Decoder = Unpackr;
var defaultUnpackr = new Unpackr({ useRecords: false });
const unpack = defaultUnpackr.unpack;
const unpackMultiple = defaultUnpackr.unpackMultiple;
const decode = defaultUnpackr.unpack;
const FLOAT32_OPTIONS = {
let f32Array = new Float32Array(1);
let u8Array = new Uint8Array(f32Array.buffer, 0, 4);
function roundFloat32(float32Number) {
f32Array[0] = float32Number;
let multiplier = mult10[((u8Array[3] & 0x7f) << 1) | (u8Array[2] >> 7)];
return ((multiplier * float32Number + (float32Number > 0 ? 0.5 : -0.5)) >> 0) / multiplier
let textEncoder;
try {
textEncoder = new TextEncoder();
} catch (error) {}
let extensions, extensionClasses;
const hasNodeBuffer = typeof Buffer !== 'undefined';
const ByteArrayAllocate = hasNodeBuffer ? Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow : Uint8Array;
const ByteArray = hasNodeBuffer ? Buffer : Uint8Array;
const MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = hasNodeBuffer ? 0x100000000 : 0x7fd00000;
let target, keysTarget;
let targetView;
let position$1 = 0;
let safeEnd;
let bundledStrings$1 = null;
const MAX_BUNDLE_SIZE = 0xf000;
const hasNonLatin = /[\u0080-\uFFFF]/;
const RECORD_SYMBOL = Symbol('record-id');
class Packr extends Unpackr {
constructor(options) {
this.offset = 0;
let start;
let hasSharedUpdate;
let structures;
let referenceMap;
let lastSharedStructuresLength = 0;
let encodeUtf8 = ByteArray.prototype.utf8Write ? function(string, position, maxBytes) {
return target.utf8Write(string, position, maxBytes)
} : (textEncoder && textEncoder.encodeInto) ?
function(string, position) {
return textEncoder.encodeInto(string, target.subarray(position)).written
} : false;
let packr = this;
if (!options)
options = {};
let isSequential = options && options.sequential;
let hasSharedStructures = options.structures || options.saveStructures;
let maxSharedStructures = options.maxSharedStructures;
if (maxSharedStructures == null)
maxSharedStructures = hasSharedStructures ? 32 : 0;
if (maxSharedStructures > 8160)
throw new Error('Maximum maxSharedStructure is 8160')
if (options.structuredClone && options.moreTypes == undefined) {
options.moreTypes = true;
let maxOwnStructures = options.maxOwnStructures;
if (maxOwnStructures == null)
maxOwnStructures = hasSharedStructures ? 32 : 64;
if (!this.structures && options.useRecords != false)
this.structures = [];
// two byte record ids for shared structures
let useTwoByteRecords = maxSharedStructures > 32 || (maxOwnStructures + maxSharedStructures > 64);
let sharedLimitId = maxSharedStructures + 0x40;
let maxStructureId = maxSharedStructures + maxOwnStructures + 0x40;
if (maxStructureId > 8256) {
throw new Error('Maximum maxSharedStructure + maxOwnStructure is 8192')
let recordIdsToRemove = [];
let transitionsCount = 0;
let serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild = 0;
this.pack = this.encode = function(value, encodeOptions) {
if (!target) {
target = new ByteArrayAllocate(8192);
targetView = new DataView(target.buffer, 0, 8192);
position$1 = 0;
safeEnd = target.length - 10;
if (safeEnd - position$1 < 0x800) {
// don't start too close to the end,
target = new ByteArrayAllocate(target.length);
targetView = new DataView(target.buffer, 0, target.length);
safeEnd = target.length - 10;
position$1 = 0;
} else
position$1 = (position$1 + 7) & 0x7ffffff8; // Word align to make any future copying of this buffer faster
start = position$1;
referenceMap = packr.structuredClone ? new Map() : null;
if (packr.bundleStrings && typeof value !== 'string') {
bundledStrings$1 = [];
bundledStrings$1.size = Infinity; // force a new bundle start on first string
} else
bundledStrings$1 = null;
structures = packr.structures;
if (structures) {
if (structures.uninitialized)
structures = packr._mergeStructures(packr.getStructures());
let sharedLength = structures.sharedLength || 0;
if (sharedLength > maxSharedStructures) {
//if (maxSharedStructures <= 32 && structures.sharedLength > 32) // TODO: could support this, but would need to update the limit ids
throw new Error('Shared structures is larger than maximum shared structures, try increasing maxSharedStructures to ' + structures.sharedLength)
if (!structures.transitions) {
// rebuild our structure transitions
structures.transitions = Object.create(null);
for (let i = 0; i < sharedLength; i++) {
let keys = structures[i];
if (!keys)
let nextTransition, transition = structures.transitions;
for (let j = 0, l = keys.length; j < l; j++) {
let key = keys[j];
nextTransition = transition[key];
if (!nextTransition) {
nextTransition = transition[key] = Object.create(null);
transition = nextTransition;
transition[RECORD_SYMBOL] = i + 0x40;
lastSharedStructuresLength = sharedLength;
if (!isSequential) {
structures.nextId = sharedLength + 0x40;
if (hasSharedUpdate)
hasSharedUpdate = false;
try {
if (bundledStrings$1) {
writeBundles(start, pack);
packr.offset = position$1; // update the offset so next serialization doesn't write over our buffer, but can continue writing to same buffer sequentially
if (referenceMap && referenceMap.idsToInsert) {
position$1 += referenceMap.idsToInsert.length * 6;
if (position$1 > safeEnd)
packr.offset = position$1;
let serialized = insertIds(target.subarray(start, position$1), referenceMap.idsToInsert);
referenceMap = null;
return serialized
if (encodeOptions & REUSE_BUFFER_MODE) {
target.start = start;
target.end = position$1;
return target
return target.subarray(start, position$1) // position can change if we call pack again in saveStructures, so we get the buffer now
} finally {
if (structures) {
if (serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild < 10)
let sharedLength = structures.sharedLength || maxSharedStructures;
if (structures.length > sharedLength)
structures.length = sharedLength;
if (transitionsCount > 10000) {
// force a rebuild occasionally after a lot of transitions so it can get cleaned up
structures.transitions = null;
serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild = 0;
transitionsCount = 0;
if (recordIdsToRemove.length > 0)
recordIdsToRemove = [];
} else if (recordIdsToRemove.length > 0 && !isSequential) {
for (let i = 0, l = recordIdsToRemove.length; i < l; i++) {
recordIdsToRemove[i][RECORD_SYMBOL] = 0;
recordIdsToRemove = [];
if (hasSharedUpdate && packr.saveStructures) {
// we can't rely on start/end with REUSE_BUFFER_MODE since they will (probably) change when we save
let returnBuffer = target.subarray(start, position$1);
if (packr.saveStructures(structures, lastSharedStructuresLength) === false) {
// get updated structures and try again if the update failed
return packr.pack(value)
lastSharedStructuresLength = sharedLength;
return returnBuffer
if (encodeOptions & RESET_BUFFER_MODE)
position$1 = start;
const pack = (value) => {
if (position$1 > safeEnd)
target = makeRoom(position$1);
var type = typeof value;
var length;
if (type === 'string') {
let strLength = value.length;
if (bundledStrings$1 && strLength >= 4 && strLength < 0x1000) {
if ((bundledStrings$1.size += strLength) > MAX_BUNDLE_SIZE) {
let extStart;
let maxBytes = (bundledStrings$1[0] ? bundledStrings$1[0].length * 3 + bundledStrings$1[1].length : 0) + 10;
if (position$1 + maxBytes > safeEnd)
target = makeRoom(position$1 + maxBytes);
if (bundledStrings$1.position) { // here we use the 0x62 extension to write the last bundle and reserve sapce for the reference pointer to the next/current bundle
target[position$1] = 0xc8; // ext 16
position$1 += 3; // reserve for the writing bundle size
target[position$1++] = 0x62; // 'b'
extStart = position$1 - start;
position$1 += 4; // reserve for writing bundle reference
writeBundles(start, pack); // write the last bundles
targetView.setUint16(extStart + start - 3, position$1 - start - extStart);
} else { // here we use the 0x62 extension just to reserve the space for the reference pointer to the bundle (will be updated once the bundle is written)
target[position$1++] = 0xd6; // fixext 4
target[position$1++] = 0x62; // 'b'
extStart = position$1 - start;
position$1 += 4; // reserve for writing bundle reference
bundledStrings$1 = ['', '']; // create new ones
bundledStrings$1.size = 0;
bundledStrings$1.position = extStart;
let twoByte = hasNonLatin.test(value);
bundledStrings$1[twoByte ? 0 : 1] += value;
target[position$1++] = 0xc1;
pack(twoByte ? -strLength : strLength);
let headerSize;
// first we estimate the header size, so we can write to the correct location
if (strLength < 0x20) {
headerSize = 1;
} else if (strLength < 0x100) {
headerSize = 2;
} else if (strLength < 0x10000) {
headerSize = 3;
} else {
headerSize = 5;
let maxBytes = strLength * 3;
if (position$1 + maxBytes > safeEnd)
target = makeRoom(position$1 + maxBytes);
if (strLength < 0x40 || !encodeUtf8) {
let i, c1, c2, strPosition = position$1 + headerSize;
for (i = 0; i < strLength; i++) {
c1 = value.charCodeAt(i);
if (c1 < 0x80) {
target[strPosition++] = c1;
} else if (c1 < 0x800) {
target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 6 | 0xc0;
target[strPosition++] = c1 & 0x3f | 0x80;
} else if (
(c1 & 0xfc00) === 0xd800 &&
((c2 = value.charCodeAt(i + 1)) & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00
) {
c1 = 0x10000 + ((c1 & 0x03ff) << 10) + (c2 & 0x03ff);
target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 18 | 0xf0;
target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 12 & 0x3f | 0x80;
target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 6 & 0x3f | 0x80;
target[strPosition++] = c1 & 0x3f | 0x80;
} else {
target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 12 | 0xe0;
target[strPosition++] = c1 >> 6 & 0x3f | 0x80;
target[strPosition++] = c1 & 0x3f | 0x80;
length = strPosition - position$1 - headerSize;
} else {
length = encodeUtf8(value, position$1 + headerSize, maxBytes);
if (length < 0x20) {
target[position$1++] = 0xa0 | length;
} else if (length < 0x100) {
if (headerSize < 2) {
target.copyWithin(position$1 + 2, position$1 + 1, position$1 + 1 + length);
target[position$1++] = 0xd9;
target[position$1++] = length;
} else if (length < 0x10000) {
if (headerSize < 3) {
target.copyWithin(position$1 + 3, position$1 + 2, position$1 + 2 + length);
target[position$1++] = 0xda;
target[position$1++] = length >> 8;
target[position$1++] = length & 0xff;
} else {
if (headerSize < 5) {
target.copyWithin(position$1 + 5, position$1 + 3, position$1 + 3 + length);
target[position$1++] = 0xdb;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, length);
position$1 += 4;
position$1 += length;
} else if (type === 'number') {
if (value >>> 0 === value) {// positive integer, 32-bit or less
// positive uint
if (value < 0x40) {
target[position$1++] = value;
} else if (value < 0x100) {
target[position$1++] = 0xcc;
target[position$1++] = value;
} else if (value < 0x10000) {
target[position$1++] = 0xcd;
target[position$1++] = value >> 8;
target[position$1++] = value & 0xff;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0xce;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, value);
position$1 += 4;
} else if (value >> 0 === value) { // negative integer
if (value >= -0x20) {
target[position$1++] = 0x100 + value;
} else if (value >= -0x80) {
target[position$1++] = 0xd0;
target[position$1++] = value + 0x100;
} else if (value >= -0x8000) {
target[position$1++] = 0xd1;
targetView.setInt16(position$1, value);
position$1 += 2;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0xd2;
targetView.setInt32(position$1, value);
position$1 += 4;
} else {
let useFloat32;
if ((useFloat32 = this.useFloat32) > 0 && value < 0x100000000 && value >= -0x80000000) {
target[position$1++] = 0xca;
targetView.setFloat32(position$1, value);
let xShifted;
if (useFloat32 < 4 ||
// this checks for rounding of numbers that were encoded in 32-bit float to nearest significant decimal digit that could be preserved
((xShifted = value * mult10[((target[position$1] & 0x7f) << 1) | (target[position$1 + 1] >> 7)]) >> 0) === xShifted) {
position$1 += 4;
} else
position$1--; // move back into position for writing a double
target[position$1++] = 0xcb;
targetView.setFloat64(position$1, value);
position$1 += 8;
} else if (type === 'object') {
if (!value)
target[position$1++] = 0xc0;
else {
if (referenceMap) {
let referee = referenceMap.get(value);
if (referee) {
if (! {
let idsToInsert = referenceMap.idsToInsert || (referenceMap.idsToInsert = []); = idsToInsert.push(referee);
target[position$1++] = 0xd6; // fixext 4
target[position$1++] = 0x70; // "p" for pointer
position$1 += 4;
} else
referenceMap.set(value, { offset: position$1 - start });
let constructor = value.constructor;
if (constructor === Object) {
writeObject(value, true);
} else if (constructor === Array) {
length = value.length;
if (length < 0x10) {
target[position$1++] = 0x90 | length;
} else if (length < 0x10000) {
target[position$1++] = 0xdc;
target[position$1++] = length >> 8;
target[position$1++] = length & 0xff;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0xdd;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, length);
position$1 += 4;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
} else if (constructor === Map) {
length = value.size;
if (length < 0x10) {
target[position$1++] = 0x80 | length;
} else if (length < 0x10000) {
target[position$1++] = 0xde;
target[position$1++] = length >> 8;
target[position$1++] = length & 0xff;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0xdf;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, length);
position$1 += 4;
for (let [ key, entryValue ] of value) {
} else {
for (let i = 0, l = extensions.length; i < l; i++) {
let extensionClass = extensionClasses[i];
if (value instanceof extensionClass) {
let extension = extensions[i];
if (extension.write) {
if (extension.type) {
target[position$1++] = 0xd4; // one byte "tag" extension
target[position$1++] = extension.type;
target[position$1++] = 0;
pack(, value));
let currentTarget = target;
let currentTargetView = targetView;
let currentPosition = position$1;
target = null;
let result;
try {
result =, value, (size) => {
// restore target and use it
target = currentTarget;
currentTarget = null;
position$1 += size;
if (position$1 > safeEnd)
return {
target, targetView, position: position$1 - size
}, pack);
} finally {
// restore current target information (unless already restored)
if (currentTarget) {
target = currentTarget;
targetView = currentTargetView;
position$1 = currentPosition;
safeEnd = target.length - 10;
if (result) {
if (result.length + position$1 > safeEnd)
makeRoom(result.length + position$1);
position$1 = writeExtensionData(result, target, position$1, extension.type);
// no extension found, write as object
writeObject(value, !value.hasOwnProperty); // if it doesn't have hasOwnProperty, don't do hasOwnProperty checks
} else if (type === 'boolean') {
target[position$1++] = value ? 0xc3 : 0xc2;
} else if (type === 'bigint') {
if (value < (BigInt(1)<<BigInt(63)) && value >= -(BigInt(1)<<BigInt(63))) {
// use a signed int as long as it fits
target[position$1++] = 0xd3;
targetView.setBigInt64(position$1, value);
} else if (value < (BigInt(1)<<BigInt(64)) && value > 0) {
// if we can fit an unsigned int, use that
target[position$1++] = 0xcf;
targetView.setBigUint64(position$1, value);
} else {
// overflow
if (this.largeBigIntToFloat) {
target[position$1++] = 0xcb;
targetView.setFloat64(position$1, Number(value));
} else {
throw new RangeError(value + ' was too large to fit in MessagePack 64-bit integer format, set largeBigIntToFloat to convert to float-64')
position$1 += 8;
} else if (type === 'undefined') {
if (this.encodeUndefinedAsNil)
target[position$1++] = 0xc0;
else {
target[position$1++] = 0xd4; // a number of implementations use fixext1 with type 0, data 0 to denote undefined, so we follow suite
target[position$1++] = 0;
target[position$1++] = 0;
} else if (type === 'function') {
pack(this.writeFunction && this.writeFunction()); // if there is a writeFunction, use it, otherwise just encode as undefined
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown type: ' + type)
const writeObject = this.useRecords === false ? this.variableMapSize ? (object) => {
// this method is slightly slower, but generates "preferred serialization" (optimally small for smaller objects)
let keys = Object.keys(object);
let length = keys.length;
if (length < 0x10) {
target[position$1++] = 0x80 | length;
} else if (length < 0x10000) {
target[position$1++] = 0xde;
target[position$1++] = length >> 8;
target[position$1++] = length & 0xff;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0xdf;
targetView.setUint32(position$1, length);
position$1 += 4;
let key;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
pack(key = keys[i]);
} :
(object, safePrototype) => {
target[position$1++] = 0xde; // always using map 16, so we can preallocate and set the length afterwards
let objectOffset = position$1 - start;
position$1 += 2;
let size = 0;
for (let key in object) {
if (safePrototype || object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
target[objectOffset++ + start] = size >> 8;
target[objectOffset + start] = size & 0xff;
} :
(options.progressiveRecords && !useTwoByteRecords) ? // this is about 2% faster for highly stable structures, since it only requires one for-in loop (but much more expensive when new structure needs to be written)
(object, safePrototype) => {
let nextTransition, transition = structures.transitions || (structures.transitions = Object.create(null));
let objectOffset = position$1++ - start;
let wroteKeys;
for (let key in object) {
if (safePrototype || object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
nextTransition = transition[key];
if (nextTransition)
transition = nextTransition;
else {
// record doesn't exist, create full new record and insert it
let keys = Object.keys(object);
let lastTransition = transition;
transition = structures.transitions;
let newTransitions = 0;
for (let i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
let key = keys[i];
nextTransition = transition[key];
if (!nextTransition) {
nextTransition = transition[key] = Object.create(null);
transition = nextTransition;
if (objectOffset + start + 1 == position$1) {
// first key, so we don't need to insert, we can just write record directly
newRecord(transition, keys, newTransitions);
} else // otherwise we need to insert the record, moving existing data after the record
insertNewRecord(transition, keys, objectOffset, newTransitions);
wroteKeys = true;
transition = lastTransition[key];
if (!wroteKeys) {
let recordId = transition[RECORD_SYMBOL];
if (recordId)
target[objectOffset + start] = recordId;
insertNewRecord(transition, Object.keys(object), objectOffset, 0);
} :
(object, safePrototype) => {
let nextTransition, transition = structures.transitions || (structures.transitions = Object.create(null));
let newTransitions = 0;
for (let key in object) if (safePrototype || object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
nextTransition = transition[key];
if (!nextTransition) {
nextTransition = transition[key] = Object.create(null);
transition = nextTransition;
let recordId = transition[RECORD_SYMBOL];
if (recordId) {
if (recordId >= 0x60 && useTwoByteRecords) {
target[position$1++] = ((recordId -= 0x60) & 0x1f) + 0x60;
target[position$1++] = recordId >> 5;
} else
target[position$1++] = recordId;
} else {
newRecord(transition, transition.__keys__ || Object.keys(object), newTransitions);
// now write the values
for (let key in object)
if (safePrototype || object.hasOwnProperty(key))
const makeRoom = (end) => {
let newSize;
if (end > 0x1000000) {
// special handling for really large buffers
if ((end - start) > MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
throw new Error('Packed buffer would be larger than maximum buffer size')
newSize = Math.min(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE,
Math.round(Math.max((end - start) * (end > 0x4000000 ? 1.25 : 2), 0x400000) / 0x1000) * 0x1000);
} else // faster handling for smaller buffers
newSize = ((Math.max((end - start) << 2, target.length - 1) >> 12) + 1) << 12;
let newBuffer = new ByteArrayAllocate(newSize);
targetView = new DataView(newBuffer.buffer, 0, newSize);
if (target.copy)
target.copy(newBuffer, 0, start, end);
newBuffer.set(target.slice(start, end));
position$1 -= start;
start = 0;
safeEnd = newBuffer.length - 10;
return target = newBuffer
const newRecord = (transition, keys, newTransitions) => {
let recordId = structures.nextId;
if (!recordId)
recordId = 0x40;
if (recordId < sharedLimitId && this.shouldShareStructure && !this.shouldShareStructure(keys)) {
recordId = structures.nextOwnId;
if (!(recordId < maxStructureId))
recordId = sharedLimitId;
structures.nextOwnId = recordId + 1;
} else {
if (recordId >= maxStructureId)// cycle back around
recordId = sharedLimitId;
structures.nextId = recordId + 1;
let highByte = keys.highByte = recordId >= 0x60 && useTwoByteRecords ? (recordId - 0x60) >> 5 : -1;
transition[RECORD_SYMBOL] = recordId;
transition.__keys__ = keys;
structures[recordId - 0x40] = keys;
if (recordId < sharedLimitId) {
keys.isShared = true;
structures.sharedLength = recordId - 0x3f;
hasSharedUpdate = true;
if (highByte >= 0) {
target[position$1++] = (recordId & 0x1f) + 0x60;
target[position$1++] = highByte;
} else {
target[position$1++] = recordId;
} else {
if (highByte >= 0) {
target[position$1++] = 0xd5; // fixext 2
target[position$1++] = 0x72; // "r" record defintion extension type
target[position$1++] = (recordId & 0x1f) + 0x60;
target[position$1++] = highByte;
} else {
target[position$1++] = 0xd4; // fixext 1
target[position$1++] = 0x72; // "r" record defintion extension type
target[position$1++] = recordId;
if (newTransitions)
transitionsCount += serializationsSinceTransitionRebuild * newTransitions;
// record the removal of the id, we can maintain our shared structure
if (recordIdsToRemove.length >= maxOwnStructures)
recordIdsToRemove.shift()[RECORD_SYMBOL] = 0; // we are cycling back through, and have to remove old ones
const insertNewRecord = (transition, keys, insertionOffset, newTransitions) => {
let mainTarget = target;
let mainPosition = position$1;
let mainSafeEnd = safeEnd;
let mainStart = start;
target = keysTarget;
position$1 = 0;
start = 0;
if (!target)
keysTarget = target = new ByteArrayAllocate(8192);
safeEnd = target.length - 10;
newRecord(transition, keys, newTransitions);
keysTarget = target;
let keysPosition = position$1;
target = mainTarget;
position$1 = mainPosition;
safeEnd = mainSafeEnd;
start = mainStart;
if (keysPosition > 1) {
let newEnd = position$1 + keysPosition - 1;
if (newEnd > safeEnd)
let insertionPosition = insertionOffset + start;
target.copyWithin(insertionPosition + keysPosition, insertionPosition + 1, position$1);
target.set(keysTarget.slice(0, keysPosition), insertionPosition);
position$1 = newEnd;
} else {
target[insertionOffset + start] = keysTarget[0];
useBuffer(buffer) {
// this means we are finished using our own buffer and we can write over it safely
target = buffer;
targetView = new DataView(target.buffer, target.byteOffset, target.byteLength);
position$1 = 0;
clearSharedData() {
if (this.structures)
this.structures = [];
extensionClasses = [ Date, Set, Error, RegExp, ArrayBuffer, Object.getPrototypeOf(Uint8Array.prototype).constructor /*TypedArray*/, C1Type ];
extensions = [{
pack(date, allocateForWrite, pack) {
let seconds = date.getTime() / 1000;
if ((this.useTimestamp32 || date.getMilliseconds() === 0) && seconds >= 0 && seconds < 0x100000000) {
// Timestamp 32
let { target, targetView, position} = allocateForWrite(6);
target[position++] = 0xd6;
target[position++] = 0xff;
targetView.setUint32(position, seconds);
} else if (seconds > 0 && seconds < 0x400000000) {
// Timestamp 64
let { target, targetView, position} = allocateForWrite(10);
target[position++] = 0xd7;
target[position++] = 0xff;
targetView.setUint32(position, date.getMilliseconds() * 4000000 + ((seconds / 1000 / 0x100000000) >> 0));
targetView.setUint32(position + 4, seconds);
} else if (isNaN(seconds)) {
if (this.onInvalidDate) {
return pack(this.onInvalidDate())
// Intentionally invalid timestamp
let { target, targetView, position} = allocateForWrite(3);
target[position++] = 0xd4;
target[position++] = 0xff;
target[position++] = 0xff;
} else {
// Timestamp 96
let { target, targetView, position} = allocateForWrite(15);
target[position++] = 0xc7;
target[position++] = 12;
target[position++] = 0xff;
targetView.setUint32(position, date.getMilliseconds() * 1000000);
targetView.setBigInt64(position + 4, BigInt(Math.floor(seconds)));
}, {
pack(set, allocateForWrite, pack) {
let array = Array.from(set);
let { target, position} = allocateForWrite(this.moreTypes ? 3 : 0);
if (this.moreTypes) {
target[position++] = 0xd4;
target[position++] = 0x73; // 's' for Set
target[position++] = 0;
}, {
pack(error, allocateForWrite, pack) {
let { target, position} = allocateForWrite(this.moreTypes ? 3 : 0);
if (this.moreTypes) {
target[position++] = 0xd4;
target[position++] = 0x65; // 'e' for error
target[position++] = 0;
pack([, error.message ]);
}, {
pack(regex, allocateForWrite, pack) {
let { target, position} = allocateForWrite(this.moreTypes ? 3 : 0);
if (this.moreTypes) {
target[position++] = 0xd4;
target[position++] = 0x78; // 'x' for regeXp
target[position++] = 0;
pack([ regex.source, regex.flags ]);
}, {
pack(arrayBuffer, allocateForWrite) {
if (this.moreTypes)
writeExtBuffer(arrayBuffer, 0x10, allocateForWrite);
writeBuffer(hasNodeBuffer ? Buffer.from(arrayBuffer) : new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer), allocateForWrite);
}, {
pack(typedArray, allocateForWrite) {
let constructor = typedArray.constructor;
if (constructor !== ByteArray && this.moreTypes)
writeExtBuffer(typedArray, typedArrays.indexOf(, allocateForWrite);
writeBuffer(typedArray, allocateForWrite);
}, {
pack(c1, allocateForWrite) { // specific 0xC1 object
let { target, position} = allocateForWrite(1);
target[position] = 0xc1;
function writeExtBuffer(typedArray, type, allocateForWrite, encode) {
let length = typedArray.byteLength;
if (length + 1 < 0x100) {
var { target, position } = allocateForWrite(4 + length);
target[position++] = 0xc7;
target[position++] = length + 1;
} else if (length + 1 < 0x10000) {
var { target, position } = allocateForWrite(5 + length);
target[position++] = 0xc8;
target[position++] = (length + 1) >> 8;
target[position++] = (length + 1) & 0xff;
} else {
var { target, position, targetView } = allocateForWrite(7 + length);
target[position++] = 0xc9;
targetView.setUint32(position, length + 1); // plus one for the type byte
position += 4;
target[position++] = 0x74; // "t" for typed array
target[position++] = type;
target.set(new Uint8Array(typedArray.buffer, typedArray.byteOffset, typedArray.byteLength), position);
function writeBuffer(buffer, allocateForWrite) {
let length = buffer.byteLength;
var target, position;
if (length < 0x100) {
var { target, position } = allocateForWrite(length + 2);
target[position++] = 0xc4;
target[position++] = length;
} else if (length < 0x10000) {
var { target, position } = allocateForWrite(length + 3);
target[position++] = 0xc5;
target[position++] = length >> 8;
target[position++] = length & 0xff;
} else {
var { target, position, targetView } = allocateForWrite(length + 5);
target[position++] = 0xc6;
targetView.setUint32(position, length);
position += 4;
target.set(buffer, position);
function writeExtensionData(result, target, position, type) {
let length = result.length;
switch (length) {
case 1:
target[position++] = 0xd4;
case 2:
target[position++] = 0xd5;
case 4:
target[position++] = 0xd6;
case 8:
target[position++] = 0xd7;
case 16:
target[position++] = 0xd8;
if (length < 0x100) {
target[position++] = 0xc7;
target[position++] = length;
} else if (length < 0x10000) {
target[position++] = 0xc8;
target[position++] = length >> 8;
target[position++] = length & 0xff;
} else {
target[position++] = 0xc9;
target[position++] = length >> 24;
target[position++] = (length >> 16) & 0xff;
target[position++] = (length >> 8) & 0xff;
target[position++] = length & 0xff;
target[position++] = type;
target.set(result, position);
position += length;
return position
function insertIds(serialized, idsToInsert) {
// insert the ids that need to be referenced for structured clones
let nextId;
let distanceToMove = idsToInsert.length * 6;
let lastEnd = serialized.length - distanceToMove;
idsToInsert.sort((a, b) => a.offset > b.offset ? 1 : -1);
while (nextId = idsToInsert.pop()) {
let offset = nextId.offset;
let id =;
serialized.copyWithin(offset + distanceToMove, offset, lastEnd);
distanceToMove -= 6;
let position = offset + distanceToMove;
serialized[position++] = 0xd6;
serialized[position++] = 0x69; // 'i'
serialized[position++] = id >> 24;
serialized[position++] = (id >> 16) & 0xff;
serialized[position++] = (id >> 8) & 0xff;
serialized[position++] = id & 0xff;
lastEnd = offset;
return serialized
function writeBundles(start, pack) {
targetView.setUint32(bundledStrings$1.position + start, position$1 - bundledStrings$1.position - start);
let writeStrings = bundledStrings$1;
bundledStrings$1 = null;
function addExtension$1(extension) {
if (extension.Class) {
if (!extension.pack && !extension.write)
throw new Error('Extension has no pack or write function')
if (extension.pack && !extension.type)
throw new Error('Extension has no type (numeric code to identify the extension)')
let defaultPackr = new Packr({ useRecords: false });
const pack = defaultPackr.pack;
const encode = defaultPackr.pack;
const Encoder = Packr;
const REUSE_BUFFER_MODE = 512;
const RESET_BUFFER_MODE = 1024;
* Given an Iterable first argument, returns an Iterable where each value is packed as a Buffer
* If the argument is only Async Iterable, the return value will be an Async Iterable.
* @param {Iterable|Iterator|AsyncIterable|AsyncIterator} objectIterator - iterable source, like a Readable object stream, an array, Set, or custom object
* @param {options} [options] - msgpackr pack options
* @returns {IterableIterator|Promise.<AsyncIterableIterator>}
function packIter (objectIterator, options = {}) {
if (!objectIterator || typeof objectIterator !== 'object') {
throw new Error('first argument must be an Iterable, Async Iterable, or a Promise for an Async Iterable')
} else if (typeof objectIterator[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') {
return packIterSync(objectIterator, options)
} else if (typeof objectIterator.then === 'function' || typeof objectIterator[Symbol.asyncIterator] === 'function') {
return packIterAsync(objectIterator, options)
} else {
throw new Error('first argument must be an Iterable, Async Iterable, Iterator, Async Iterator, or a Promise')
function * packIterSync (objectIterator, options) {
const packr = new Packr(options);
for (const value of objectIterator) {
yield packr.pack(value);
async function * packIterAsync (objectIterator, options) {
const packr = new Packr(options);
for await (const value of objectIterator) {
yield packr.pack(value);
* Given an Iterable/Iterator input which yields buffers, returns an IterableIterator which yields sync decoded objects
* Or, given an Async Iterable/Iterator which yields promises resolving in buffers, returns an AsyncIterableIterator.
* @param {Iterable|Iterator|AsyncIterable|AsyncIterableIterator} bufferIterator
* @param {object} [options] - unpackr options
* @returns {IterableIterator|Promise.<AsyncIterableIterator}
function unpackIter (bufferIterator, options = {}) {
if (!bufferIterator || typeof bufferIterator !== 'object') {
throw new Error('first argument must be an Iterable, Async Iterable, Iterator, Async Iterator, or a promise')
const unpackr = new Unpackr(options);
let incomplete;
const parser = (chunk) => {
let yields;
// if there's incomplete data from previous chunk, concatinate and try again
if (incomplete) {
chunk = Buffer.concat([incomplete, chunk]);
incomplete = undefined;
try {
yields = unpackr.unpackMultiple(chunk);
} catch (err) {
if (err.incomplete) {
incomplete = chunk.slice(err.lastPosition);
yields = err.values;
} else {
throw err
return yields
if (typeof bufferIterator[Symbol.iterator] === 'function') {
return (function * iter () {
for (const value of bufferIterator) {
yield * parser(value);
} else if (typeof bufferIterator[Symbol.asyncIterator] === 'function') {
return (async function * iter () {
for await (const value of bufferIterator) {
yield * parser(value);
const decodeIter = unpackIter;
const encodeIter = packIter;
const useRecords = false;
const mapsAsObjects = true;
exports.ALWAYS = ALWAYS;
exports.C1 = C1;
exports.Decoder = Decoder;
exports.Encoder = Encoder;
exports.NEVER = NEVER;
exports.Packr = Packr;
exports.Unpackr = Unpackr;
exports.addExtension = addExtension$1;
exports.clearSource = clearSource;
exports.decode = decode;
exports.decodeIter = decodeIter;
exports.encode = encode;
exports.encodeIter = encodeIter;
exports.isNativeAccelerationEnabled = isNativeAccelerationEnabled;
exports.mapsAsObjects = mapsAsObjects;
exports.pack = pack;
exports.roundFloat32 = roundFloat32;
exports.unpack = unpack;
exports.unpackMultiple = unpackMultiple;
exports.useRecords = useRecords;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });